quaenam te mala mens, miselle Ravide,
agit praecipitem in meos iambos?
What madness, poor little Ravidus,
Drives you headlong into my iambics?
Quis deus tibi non bene advocatus
Vercordem parat excitare rixam?
Which god, having been called upon improperly by you,
Is preparing to stir up a senseless quarrel?
an ut perennas in ora vulgi?
quid vis? qualubet esse notus optas?
Or (is it) so that you might reach the mouths of the people?
What do you want? Do you wish to become famous at all costs?
iris, quandoquidem mets amores
cum longa amare poena.
You will be (famous), since you have desired to love my beloved,
With a lengthy punishment.