peremptory (adj)
cannot be denied, decisive
not open to appeal or discussion; final
squalor (noun)
misery, filth, wretched
concede (verb)
to admit as true or correct (after first resisting to it)
omnipotence (noun)
having all the power or strength
credibility (noun)
the quality of believable, trustworthy
tantamount (adj)
as good as, equivalent to
cordial (adj)
courteous, friendly, sincere
reticent (adj)
reluctant, to say little, quiet
not revealing one's thoughts or feelings easily
converged (verb)
come together, meet in a point
panacea (noun)
remedy, cure, solution (for difficulties or diseases)
criterion (noun)
standard of judgement, rule
criteria is the plural of the word
aesthetic (adj)
referring to emotions, good taste
indifference (noun)
lack of interest, concern, or sympathy
decorum (noun)
proper action, conformity
cursory (adj)
hasty, skim over, superficial, not detailed
depravity (noun)
wickedness, moral corruption
coercion (noun)
attempt to persuade by using force or constraint
discrepancy (noun)
inconsistency, variance between two or more things
modest (adj)
humble, not boastful
cynical (adj)
doubt sincerity, distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
pensive (adj)
deeply reflective, thoughtfully sad
sedentary (adj)
moving little, keep sitting (literally)
cryptic (adj)
hidden meaning, secret
peripheral (adj or noun)
outer boundary, less important
bequeath (verb)
to hand down, pass on
eloquently (adverb)
fluent, expressive speech
curtail (verb)
reduce, cut short, diminish (smth)
delineated (verb)
describe with detail and precision
deterrent (noun)
restrain, hold back, hinder
a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something
benevolent (adj)
desire to help others, generous
debilitating (adj)
to make weak or feeble
venerate (verb)
respect highly, honor
tenuous (adj)
not substantial, little importance, weak link, not strong
pithy (adj)
brief, concise, profound
trepidation (noun)
fear, anxiety, dread, shaking
callous (adj)
unfeeling, insensitive, showing cruel disregard for others
elucidate (verb)
make clear, explain, clarify
anarchy (noun)
chaos, disorder, rebellion
eclectic (adj)
from various sources, styles
deriving ideas, styles, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources
dissipate (verb)
scatter, spread out, disperse
cause to disappear (with reference to a feeling or other intangible thing)
facetious (adj)
amusing, not serious
treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour
disparity (noun)
inequality, difference
enmity (noun)
feelings of hostility, hatred
contempt (noun)
strong feelings of disapproval
the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.
doctrines (noun)
teachings, principles
elusive (adj)
hard to express or define
scrutiny (noun)
analysis, close examination
divulge (verb)
to make known, reveal
serenity (noun) ; serene (adj)
the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled