George Washington
The first president of the U.S. from 1789 to 1797
set crucial precedents for future presidents
strongly committed to national unity and Constitution
federal government, two-term
President George Washington was critical in establishing a functional ? and set a tradition of ? limits for presidents
neutrality, Europe, parties
President George Washington advocated for ? in foreign affairs, especially when it came to ?
he warned of the dangers of political ?
Judiciary Act of 1789
An act that established the federal judiciary of the U.S. creating a Supreme Court with 6 Justices
Congress was allowed to set the number of justices
legal system, consistent, district, circuit
The Judiciary Act of 1789 was pivotal as it laid the foundation for the American ? and ensured a ? process throughout the U.S.
established lower federal courts such as ? and ? courts
Alexander Hamilton
A Founding Father of the U.S. and the First Secretary of the Treasury serving from 1789-1795 in Washington’s cabinet
promoted a strong central government and financial stability
often conflicted with Thomas Jefferson and his Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican glazers
American capitalism, state debts, national bank, tariffs
Alexander Hamilton was important in laying the groundwork for ?, shaping the nation’s financial system
His plan included
assuming ?
creating a ?
establishing ? to protect American industries
Bank of the United States
A national bank established in 1791 as part of Hamilton’s grand financial plan
served as the federal government’s fiscal agent
Held tax revenues and regulated currency
represented centralization of financial power
strongly opposed by the Jeffersonian Democrat glazers
economic growth, debates, authority
The Bank of the U.S. was critical in facilitating ? and set a precedent for future ? between federal vs state ?
Whiskey Rebellion
A violent tax protest in Pennsylvania against Hamilton’s excise tax on whiskey led in 1794 by farmers
farmers saw the tax as unfair
ultimately ended with small amounts of bloodshed
federal power, civil liberties, military force
The Whiskey Rebellion highlighted the need for ? and raised questions about ? (you can’t just start a violent riot just because you’re angry)
it forced the government to use ?
A political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s emerging as direct opposition to Hamilton’s Federalistic policies
appealed to agrarian interests
wanted strict interpretation of Constitution
central government, freedoms, autonomy, democratic
The Democratic-Republican (Jefferson glazers) believed that a strong ? would threaten personal ? and local ?
they were key to shaping the nation’s ? ideals
Neutrality Proclamation
A proclamation issued by Washington in 1793 declaring the U.S. neutral in any conflict between France and Great Britain
Washington had strong worries over any American foreign involvement
Supported by Federalists
Strongly criticized by Democratic-Republican Glazers
non-interventionism, grow
Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation was pivotal in establishing American ? and gave room for the young country to ?
Treaty of Greenville
A treaty signed in 1795 following the Northwest Indian War, establishing peace between the U.S. and Native American tribes
tribes received annual payments and recognition of their remaining land
represented the federal government’s negotiation strategy
westward, negotiation, Ohio, Indiana
The Treaty of Greenville was important in promoting ? expansion and showed the power of ? when it came to land and sovereignty
? and ? would be part of the cession
Jay’s Treaty
A treaty negotiated in 1794 by Chief Justice John Jay to resolve issues from the Revolutionary War between the U.S. and Great Britain
DEEPLY UNPOPULAR with the Jeffersonian glazers
military posts, Northwest, compensation, shipowners
Jay’s Treaty addressed
British ? in the ? Territory
? for American ?
stabilizing relations, diplomacy
Jay’s Treaty was important in ? with Britain and establishing future ?
of course, those Jeffersonian glazers had to hate on it
Pinckney’s Treaty
A treaty signed in 1795 creating an agreement between the U.S. and Spain that resolved territorial disputes and brought upon friendly relations
overall, a diplomatic victory
for once, the Jeffersonian glazers didn’t yap about something the federal government did
Mississippi River, New Orleans, Florida
Pinckney’s Treaty granted Americans the right to navigate the ? and store goods in ? without paying duties
it also defined a border between the U.S. and Spanish ?
diplomacy, waterways, trade, transportation
Pinckney’s Treaty was critical in strengthening U.S. ? and gave Americans access to important ? for ? and ?
Farewell Address
President George Washington’s address to the U.S. before he leaves office, offering guidance for the future of the nation
delivered in 1796
political parties, foreign alliances, identity
Washington’s Farewell Address warned against 3 main things
the conflicting nature of ?
dangers of ?
the importance of a collective American ?
foreign policy, internal politics
Washington’s Farewell Address would shape the United States’ approach to ? and ? for ages even after Washington’s death
XYZ Affair
A diplomatic incident between the U.S. and France and led to the undeclared Quasi-War occurring from 1797-1798
Mr. X, Y, and Z demanded bribes from American diplomats before actual negotiations
Pissed off the Americans back home immensely
neutrality, relations, France, Alien, Sedition
The XYZ Affair showcased the challenges with ? and strongly impacted America’s ? with ?
this would eventually lead to the ? and ? Acts
Convention of 1800
A diplomatic meeting between the U.S. and France to resolve conflicts from the XYZ Affair
ended the Quasi-War
restored peace between the nations
hostilities, pragmatism
The Convention of 1800 was critical in reducing ? in U.S. foreign relations and demonstrated the importance of ? (experience > established principles)
Alien Laws
A series of laws created to limit the rights of immigrants and curb dissent towards the Federalistic Government
enacted in 1798
Dystopia ah moment 😭
President, deport, 5, 14, violation, civil liberties
The Alien Acts allowed the ? to ? any immigrant he saw dangerous and increased the residency requirement for citizenship from ? to ? years
the Jeffersonians saw this as a direct ? of ?
Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, national security, natural rights
The Alien Acts highlighted the growing divide between ? and ?
raised questions about ? and ?
Sedition Act
An Act that made it a crime to publish false of malicious statements against the U.S. government in 1798
an attempt to curb dissent against the government
time of high political tension
targeted Democratic-Republicans
Dystopia ah moment 😭
violated, First amendment, speech, press, government authority
The Sedition Act was criticized as it ? the ? that being the right to free ? and ?
it rightfully gained heavy backlash
raised an important question about ?
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Political statements advocating for states’ rights and directly opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts
drafted in 1798-1799 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
nullify, unconstitutional, resist
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions argued that states could ? federal laws if they were ?
the states had the right to ? the federal government if they severely mess up
federal government, states’ rights
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions mobilized opposition against the ? and foreshadowed future conflicts over ?