Chapter 32 - The Politics of Boom and Bust

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Interstate Commerce Commission

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Interstate Commerce Commission

Was run by men who were sympathetic to those who managed the railroads

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Kellogg-Briand Pact

Was ratified in 62 nations, with it attempting to outlaw war with the exception of defensive wars being permissible

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McNary-Haugen Bill

Was created to keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the government to buy the crop surpluses and then sell them abroad

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Created a plan in which the government would help railroads, banks, and rural credit corporations with the hopes that unemployment rates would lessen if financial health was restored

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Capper-Volstead Act

Kept farmers marketing cooperatives from having to face anti- trust prosecution

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Harry M Daugherty

Fall was an anti- conservationist who was the secretary of the interior and ________ was the attorney general, with both of them being corrupt.

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Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Lent money to insurance companies, banks, agricultural organizations, railroads, and local and state governments

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________ created the Veterans Bureau to operate hospitals and provide vocational rehabilitation for the disabled in 1921.

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Dawes Plan of 1924

Addressed the issue of debt repayment

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Great Depression

The ________ worsened the economic state in Europe which hadnt yet recovered from World War I.

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He (Herbert Hoover) supported ________, individualism, free enterprise, and small government.

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flow of money

The ________ was disrupted by a downturn in the global economy.

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overexpansion of credit

The ________ also played a role in leading to the Great Depression.

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Teapot Dome Scandal of 1921

Consisted of a scandal having to do with secretary of the interior, Albert B. Fall

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Was the secretary of state, Mellon was the secretary of treasury, and Hoover was the secretary of commerce

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Merchant Marine Act of 1920

Authorized the government to sell its wartime fleet of 1, 500 vessels at low prices

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Four-Power Treaty

Between Japan, Britain, Frame, and the U.S. replaced the Anglo-Japanese Treaty

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Japanese imperialists

Invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria

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Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law of 1922

Raised tariffs from 27% to 35%

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________ believed that industry and self- reliance had made America great in the beginning of the depression.

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Great Depression

Overproduction by farms and factories was one of the main causes of the ________.

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________ convinced Congress to allocate $ 2.25 billion for useful public works such as the Hoover Dam.

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