Entreat v.
To beg, implore, ask earnestly or urgently.
Portentous adj.
Sign or warning of a future momentous or ominous situation. Bad omen.
Harbinger n.
Person or thing that signals/announces the approach of another.
Privy adj.
Participating in the knowledge of something private or secret.
Invulnerable adj.
Impossible to harm or damage.
Err v.
To make a mistake, to be wrong.
Hallowed adj.
Made holy, greatly honored.
Impart v.
Make information known, communicate.
Auspicious adj.
Conducive to success; favorable.
Dirge n.
Lament for the dead, mournful song/piece of music.
Impotent adj.
Unable to take action, helpless/powerless.
Dispatch v. and n.
V: Send off to a destination, N: An official report on state or military affairs.
Beseech v.
To beg, plead, implore. Asking urgently and fervently.
Denote v.
To draw attention to something, indicate.
Visage n.
The appearance of someone's face, facial expression, or surface.
Filial adj.
Of or relating to a son or daughter.
Obsequious adj.
Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree, ass
Obstinate adj.
Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
Accord v.
To grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned.
Truncheon n.
A short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer.
Countenance n.
A person's face or facial expression.
Sable n.
The color black, dark gloomy.
Tenable adj.
Capable of being held or defended.
Besmirch v.
Damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others.
Calumnious adj.
Falsely and maliciously accusing; defamatory; slanderous.
Bode v.
Omen of a particular outcome.