volition (noun)
a conscious choice or decision
hedonistic (adjective)
pleasure-seeking; indulgent
xenophobic (noun)
one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin
solicitous (adjective)
concerned and attentive; eager
miasma (noun)
a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease released from the atmosphere
conflagration (noun)
a large destructive fire
automaton (noun)
a person who behaves in a mechanical, routine manner; a robot
paroxysm (noun)
a sudden outburst
atavistic (adjective)
characteristic of a former era, ancient
prostrate (adjective)
lying face down
succor (noun)
assistance and support in times of hardship and distress
suppurated (verb)
to form or discharge pus
succinct (adjective)
briefly and clearly expressed
macabre (adjective)
capricious (adjective)
impulsive and unpredictable
fortnight (noun)
a period of two weeks
destitute (adjective)
lacking basic necessities