test Mon 11/4
author’s full name?
Dante Alighieri
what type of poem is the Commedia?
when is the Medieval Time Period / Middle Ages?
from 400AD to 1400AD
when is Dante born?
1265 (Late Middle Ages)
what is the dominant religion in Europe during Dante’s time?
Catholicism (except for Muslim Spain)
where is Dante from?
Italian city-state of Florence
what is the papacy?
having to do with the Pope
describe Pope’s power
everyone’s religious leader since everyone is Catholic
huge political figure with his own army and kingdom (Papal States)
when does the Holy Roman Empire begin?
800 AD — Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope
when does the Holy Roman Empire end?
1806 (long after Dante’s death)
the Middle Ages in Europe are defined by…
constant conflict / power struggle between Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope
(only 2 figures who can claim to have power over so many people)
(Popes and HREs were strong/weak during different periods)
Plato’s philosophy
“deskness” — Adam’s desk is one step removed from reality because it’s only one manifestation/image of the concept of “deskness” and not the true concept itself
therefore, Plato doesn’t like representational art, because it’s two steps removed from reality (image of an image)
also therefore, Plato loves math because it’s the most conceptual academic discipline (think “concept of one” etc.)
Aristotle’s philosophy
doesn’t care about concept of “deskness,” cares about weight, height, chemical composition of Adam’s desk
wants to quantify, experiment, measure, and find empirical evidence
St Augustine
expert on Plato
North African convert to Christianity
infuses Plato into Christian philosophy around 400AD —> Aristotle is lost
St Thomas Aquinas
after Muslims in Spain translate Aristotle from Greek to Arabic to Latin, Aristotle is rediscovered by Europe
St Thomas Aquinas becomes expert on Aristotle and infuses him into Christian philosophy around 1200
Florence in Middle Ages — name the 2 original warring groups
Guelfs (pro-Pope)
Ghibellines (pro-Emperor)
Battle of Montaperti
Ghibellines win and almost burn Florence
Battle of Benevento
Guelfs win and eliminate the Ghibellines from Florence
complete the timeline:
1248 - ??
1251 - ??
1258 - ??
1260 - ??
1266 - ??
1248 - Ghibellines expel Guelfs
1251 - Guelfs expel Ghibellines
1258 - Guelfs win against Ghibellines again
1260 - Battle of Montaperti, Ghibellines win
1266 - Battle of Benevento, Guelfs win and expel Ghibellines once and for all
Florence in Middle Ages — name the new warring groups
Guelfs split into two:
Blacks (pro-Pope)
Whites (pro-Emperor)
Dante was born in ______ and died in ________.
Dante was born in Florence in 1265 and died in Ravenna in 1321.
who is Beatrice?
Bice Portinari
Dante’s ‘courtly love’ story — admiring from afar, sees he as ideal female, wants to worship/love her but not necessarily to marry her or have sex
they never actually speak, and Dante never writes about his actual wife with whom he has several children
Dante’s life — complete the timeline:
1300 - ??
1301 - ??
1302 - ??
1307 - ??
1314 - ??
1321 - ??
1300 - Dante becomes Florence city official
1301 - Dante leaves Florence on a business trip. While he’s gone, Black Guelfs take over the city, and he can never return (Dante is a White).
1302 - a Black Guelf court sentences Dante to exile with penalty of death if he returns to Florence. Next 20 years of his life are marked by frustration and a longing for Florence.
1307 - Dante begins the Commedia.
1314 - Dante finishes Inferno, part 1 of the Commedia.
1321 - Dante finishes the whole Commedia, then dies and is buried in Ravenna.
Dante is a ____________ (political affiliation).
White Guelf
what is the structure / division of the Commedia?
1 intro canto (included in Part 1 but really introduces whole Commedia)
33 cantos in Inferno
33 cantos in Purgatorio
33 cantos in Paradiso
what is purgatory?
unique to Catholicism
if you sinned but feel bad, you can spend some time repenting in purgatory and then go to heaven
who can go to heaven?
ONLY CATHOLICS who have REPENTED for their sins or did not commit any
describe Dante’s style
visual poetry
wrote in vernacular
how do medieval Italian comedies go?
not funny
must begin unhappily but end happily
don’t have to use an elevated style, can be a little vulgar
what is vernacular? what does Dante do with it?
vernacular: spoken language of the common people
Dante writes in Italian vernacular, specifically the Tuscan dialect, which will then become standard Italian. This is CRAZY, everyone else was writing in Latin.
Dante’s structuring of the Commedia
Terza Rima
tercets (3 line stanzas)
each stanza is connected by rhyme both internally and to the subsequent stanza
(our translation does not rhyme)
what is numerology?
numerology — study of numbers and their symbolism
(very seriously regarded in Middle Ages)
1 = ??
3 = ??
Holy Trinity
(God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit)
squaring a number = ??
magical significance
Dante is a t______al author.
Dante is a topical author.
(writes in relation to current events — we will meet many contemporary figures and concentrate on a few)
what shape is hell?
a funnel
who is at the bottom of hell?
name and define the 3 divisions of Hell
division #1: incontinence (wanting too much)
division #2: violence
division #3: fraud
why is fraud the lowest division of hell?
the lower you go, the worse the sins
fraud is the worst sin because it is an abuse of God-given intellect unique to humans
label each circle of hell according to its division
1 - incontinence
2- incontinence
3 - incontinence
4 - incontinence
5 - incontinence
6 - transitional
7 - violence
8 - fraud
9 - fraud
what is symbolic retribution?
punishments in hell are tailored to the sin
ex. murders boil in the blood they spilled
what are the 3 questions you should ask in every canto?
what is the sin?
what is the punishment?
what is the contrapasso? (connection, symbolism)
Dante’s theory for church and state
Theory of 2 Suns — Pope and Emperor were like 2 suns (equally powerful) that should stick to their own spheres (religion and politics) for all to be well.
(Pope should stop meddling in politics)
alternate theory for church and state (not Dante’s)
Theory of Moon and Sun — Pope as the sun and the Holy Roman Emperor was the moon, less powerful
name Dante’s 4 biggest influences on Commedia
St Thomas Aquinas
classical mythology
Roman poet Virgil (Dante’s guide)
map the time frame of the Commedia
Thursday April 17 1300 — poem begins with Dante wandering in crisis from Holy Thursday to Good Friday
Friday to Saturday — Virgil guides Dante through hell