First 33 US presidents' #, name, & key events for APUSH potus quiz. Check out the APUSH(ER) by Roman Messali
1: Name
George Washington (No party)
1: Decade in Office
1780s (Washington)
1: Key Event(s)
Farewell Address
2: Name
John Adams (Federalist)
2: Decade in Office
1790s (J. Adams)
2: Key Event(s)
First American Party System [FAPS],
Alien Act,
XYZ Affair
(J. Adams)
3: Name
Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
3: Decade in Office
1800s (T. Jefferson)
3: Key Event(s)
Louisiana Purchase,
Embargo Act,
'Lewis and Clark Expedition
(T. Jefferson)
4: Name
James Madison (Democratic-Republican)
4: Decade in Office
1800s (J. Madison)
4: Key Events
War of 1812
(J. Madison)
5: Name
James Monroe (Democratic-Republican)
5: Decade in Office
1810s (J. Monroe)
5: Key Events
Missouri Compromise [1820],
Monroe Doctrine [1823],
Era of Good Feelings
(J. Monroe)
6: Name
John Quincy Adams (Democratic-Republican)
6: Decade in Office
1820s (J. Quincy Adams)
6: Key Events
Universal White Male Suffrage [UWMS: White men allowed to vote regardless of income],
Tariffs of Abominations [US Industry 😀, North 😀, South 😭]
(J. Quincy Adams)
7: Name
Andrew Jackson (Democrat)
7: Decade in Office
1830s (Andrew Jackson)
7: Key Events
White Supremacist
Indian Removal Act [IRA]
Pet Banks [BUS $ → Pet banks]
(Andrew Jackson, he hated natives!)
8: Name
Martin Van Buren (Democrat)
8: Decade in Office
1830s (M. Van Buren)
8: Key Events
Panic of 1837
(M. Van Buren)
9: Name
William Henry Harrison (Whig)
9: Decade in Office
1840s [1 month term] (W. H. Harrison)
9: Key Events
Whig party setback
Served for 1 month [He died 🪦 ]
(W.H. Harrison)
10: Name
John Tyler (Democrat, Succeeded Harrison and elected as a Whig)
10: Decade in Office
1840s (J. Tyler)
10: Key Events
Vetoed Henry Clay’s American System [CAS, basically vetoed some pro-industry bills]
(J. Tyler)
11: Name
James Polk (Democrat)
11: Decade in Office
1840s (J. Polk)
11: Key Events
Mexican-American War [“Polked” the bear, “American blood on American soil"]
Mexican Cession [US gains S.W. and W. land]
(J. Polk)
12: Name
Zachary Taylor (Whig)
12: Decade in Office
1850s (Z. Taylor)
12: Key Events
Compromise of 1850 [Caused → Fugitive Slave Act {FSA} & Popular Sovereignty]
(Z. Taylor)
13: Name
Millard Fillmore (Whig)
13: Decade in Office
1850s (M. Fillmore)
13: Key Events
Fugitive Slave Act [FSA]
(M. Fillmore)
14: Name
Franklin Pierce (Democrat)
14: Decade in Office
1850s (F. Pierce)
14: Key Events
Kansas-Nebraska Act [More Pop Sovereignty, repealed MO Compromise] → Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas
(F. Pierce)
15: Name
James Buchanan (Democrat)
15: Decade in Office
1850s (J. Buchanan)
15: Key Events
Dred Scott Decision [Slaves = Property, take anywhere]
(J. Buchanan)
16: Name
Abe Lincoln (Republican)
16: Decade in Office
1860s (A. Lincoln)
16: Key Events
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation [Only freed slaves in states opposing the Union]
Gettysburg Address
(A. Lincoln)
17: Name
Andrew Johnson (Democrat, but assumed presidency as a Unionist)
17: Decade in Office
(A. Johnson)
17: Key Events
Succeeded Lincoln
White supremacist
Only VP under Lincoln because republicans needed more Southern support
Claimed to oppose Black Codes, but Southern states passed them anyways in 1865
Vetoed Civil Rights Act of 1866, but congress overrode this veto
(A. Johnson)
18: Name
Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)
18: Decade in Office
(U.S. Grant)
18: Key Events
Oversaw the 15th Amendment granting all races the right to vote
Enforcement Acts → Temporarily helped to protect minority groups right to vote, including the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
Panic of 1873 → Inflation Bill signed: inflated $ during this period
Coinage Act of 1873 → Put US on gold and not silver standard → Farmers get mad. Stops Bimetallism
Grantism = Term used to mock the “political incompetence & corruption” of Grant’s Presidency
(U.S. Grant)
19: Name
Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican)
19: Decade in Office
1870s (R.B. Hayes)
19: Key Events
Compromise of 1877 → Withdrew troops from South and promised Dems. a cabinet pick which:
→ Brought post-Civil War Reconstruction to an end
Democratic control of South went up as black voters were censored by the KKK and Redeemers
Sherman Silver Purchase Act - Puts silver back into circulation for a bit, reinstated Bimetallism for a while
(R.B. Hayes)
20: Name
James Garfield (Republican)
20: Decade in Office
1880s [Assassinated 7 months into his presidency 🪦] (J. Garfield)
20: Key Events
Fr**king assassinated 🪦 by Charles Guiteau (A stalwart), because he really wanted a job through the Spoils System which Garfield did not support.
Stalwarts: A sub-group of Republicans whom strongly supported the Spoils System
Half-Breeds: Opposed the Spoils System and supported civil reform
Mugwumps: Moderate between these other factions, many later switched to Dems under G. Cleveland
Supported civil rights for African Americans and pushed for educational policies to benefit them
(J. Garfield)
Great video about his assassination:
21: Name
Chester A. Arthur (Republican)
21: Decade in Office
1880s [Finished Garfield’s term then stepped down] (C.A. Arthur)
21: Key Events
Vetoed but then revised the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882
Naval technological advancements: Steel warships
Geneva Convention Ratified ***
(C.A. Arthur)
22: Name
Grover Cleveland (Democrat)
22: Decade in Office
1880s [First Term, served 2 non-consecutive terms (Only pres. besides Trump to do so]
(G. Cleveland)
22: Key Events About His 1st Term
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 → Created the Interstate Commerce Commission which regulated railroad monopolies.
(G. Cleveland)
23: Name
Benjamin Harrison (Republican)
23: Decade in Office
1890s (B. Harrison)
23: Key Events
Sherman Antitrust Act - Targeted monopolies and attempted to support competition, initially failed due to vague terminology.
McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 → $ instability, $ of foreign goods rose. Yes this was during Harrison not McKinley.
Homestead Strike: Violent labor strike at Carnegie Steel, was shutdown by US militia
(B. Harrison)
24: Name
Grover Cleveland (Democrat)
24: Decade in Office
1890s [Second Term] (G. Cleveland)
24: Key Events About His 2nd Term
Panic of 1893 - Stock market crashes! 😥
Repeals the Sherman Silver Purchase Act which originally supported silver miners → End of Bimetallism
Gov. borrows tons of $ from J.P. Morgan basically ending the Panic of 1893
(G. Cleveland)
25: Name
William McKinley (Republican)
25: Decade in Office
1890s (W. McKinley)
25: Key Events
Spanish-American War (1898): Explosion of the USS Maine → War [≈ Polk: “American blood on American soil”]
Annexation of Hawaii (1898) for geographic and economic $ interests.
(W. McKinley)
26: Name
Theodore [Teddy] Roosevelt (Republican)
26: Decade in Office
1900s (Teddy Roosevelt)
26: Key Events
Trust-Busting: Enforced anti-trust laws and broke up some monopolistic $ trusts, including Standard Oil.
Conserved the environment establishing 5 national parks + other nature reserves
Mediated the Russo-Japanese War
The last progressive republican
(Teddy Roosevelt)
27: Name
William H. Taft (Republican)
27: Decade in Office
1910s Only served 1 term (W.H. Taft)
27: Key Events
More conservative than Teddy Roosevelt
But continued some T. Roosevelt’s progressive goals:
Heavily pursued anti-trust laws, targeting all trusts even ones Teddy viewed acceptable
Made some decisions that misaligned with progressive Republican values such as:
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act → aimed to lower tariffs but maintained high import costs $.
Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy: Pinchot accused Richard Ballinger, Taft’s Secretary of the Interior, of corruptly using publicly held lands (National parks etc.
Result → Republicans split into the Bull Moose Party (Progressive & dissolved away) and Republicans (Conservative)
(W.H. Taft)
28: Name
Woodrow Wilson [Elected because the Reps. split into Bull Moose and Repubs.) (Democrat)
28: Decade in Office
1910s (W. Wilson)
28: Key Events
First Progressive Democrat
His “New Freedom” platform focused on:
Tariff Reform: Lower tariff costs $ and promote competition
Banking Reform: Established the Federal Reserve for economic stability
Anti-Trust Laws: Promote competition and protect consumers. Ex: Clayton Antitrust Act
Labor Reform: Federal Farm Loan Act [Cheaper farmer loans + Child Labor Act [Banned child labor]
Child Labor Act was controversial, some families needed kids to work for $.
World War 1
Treaty of Versailles: Wilson wanted to join League of Nations, the senate opposed this and US did not join.
(W. Wilson)
29: Name
Warren G. Harding [Elected due to post-war $$$ recession] (Republican)
29: Decade in Office
1920s [Only served 2 years]
(W.G. Harding)
29: Key Events
Conservative Lasseiz Faire, elected because post-war $$$ collapsed under Dem. Woodrow Wilson. He promised a return to normalcy.
Emergency Quota Act (May 1921): # of immigrants < 3% of that nationality’s US population. Anti-Immigration
Teapot Dome Scandal: Harding’s Secretary of the Interior accepted $ bribes from oil companies to lease them government reserves to drill oil.
Died of heart attack after 2 years
(W.G. Harding)
30: Name
Calvin Coolidge (Republican)
30: Decade in Office
1920s [Succeeded Harding, then served 1 elected term] (C. Coolidge)
30: Key Events
Kellogg-Briand Pact,
Laissez-Faire Policies
(C. Coolidge)
31: Name
Herbert Hoover (Republican)
31: Decade in Office
1930s (H. Hoover)
31: Key Events
Great Depression
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
(H. Hoover)
32: Name
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat)
32: Decade in Office
1930s + 40s [Served 3 terms]
(F.D. Roosevelt)
32: Key Events
Served 3 terms → Resulted in 2 term limit
Harlem Renaissance: Cultural African-American BOOM
New Deal
World War II [Before atom bombs]
Fireside Chats
(F.D. Roosevelt)
33: Name
Harry S. Truman (Democrat)
33: Decade in Office
1940s (H.S. Truman)
33: Key Events
Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Marshall Plan
Truman Doctrine
(H.S. Truman)