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Well capitalism
Companies allowed workers to buy stock, participate in profit sharing, and receive benefits such as medical care and pensions
In 1928 the _____ assembled a coast-to-coast network of stations to rival NBC
In this way, Ford made the automobile available to millions of American _____
Model T
Ford’s assembly-line product was the _____, affectionately known as “Tin Lizzie” or “Flivver”
Progressive Party
Defectors from both parties joined farm, labor, and religious activists to form the new _____, nominating Wisconsin senator Robert M. La Follete as their candidate
Teapot Dome Scandal
Eventually the Senate investigated what the newspapers named the _____, and Secretary Fall became the first cabinet officer in history to go to prison
Ohio Gang
Harding felt more comfortable among his old poker-playing friends, known as the _____, than he did around such sober and serious people as Herbert Hoover
Mass production
At the same time, the rise of _____, or large-scale product manufacturing usually done by machinery, created more supply and reduced consumer costs.
Cooperative individualism
Herbert Hoover tried to promote economic stability in various industries by balancing government regulation with his own philosophy of _____.
Charles Evans Hughes
In his address to the delegates Secretary of State ____ proposed a 10-year moratorium, or pause, on the construction of major new warships
Charles G. Dawes
in 1924, _____, an American banker and diplomat, negotiated an agreement with France, Britain, and Germany by which American banks would make loans to the Germans that would enable them to meet their reparations payments
Open shop
Employers promoted the _____, a workplace where employees were not reqired to join a union
in 1926 the _____ established a permanent network of stations to distribute daily programs
Charles Lindbergh
It was the extraordinary transatlantic solo flight of former airmail pilot _____ in 1927, however, that demonstrated the possibilities of aviation and won popular support for commercial flight
Assembly line
First adopted by carmaker Henry Ford, the _____ divided operations into simple tasks that unskilled workers could do and cut unnecessary motion to a minimum
Robert La Follette
Wisconsin senator that was nominated to be the Progressive Party's candidate
Albert Fall
Harding’s secretary of the interior, _____, secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming, and Elk Hills, California
He also refused to testify under oath, claiming _____, or freedom from prosecution, on the grounds that he had had confidential dealings with the president.
He ran on the campaign slogan to return to _____, or a return to “normal” life after the war
Supply side economics
As the economy grew, Americans would earn more money, and the government would actually collect more taxes at a lower rate than it would if it kept tax rates high.
The majority of Aericans, tired of being entangled in the baffling, mutually hostile, and dangerous politics of Europe, favored _____
Kellogg-Briand Pact
On August 27, 1928, the U.S. and 14 other nations signed the _____. Eventually 62 nations ratified it
By the early 1920s, many industries had begun to create modern organizational _____