Aberration (n)
A deviation, an abnormality
Abstinence (n)
The giving up of pleasures, sobriety
Abstract (adj)
Conceptual, theoretical, not concrete
Acquiesce (v)
To accept, to give in
Admonish (v)
To warn, to scold, to reprimand
Advocate (v)
To encourage, to endorse, to support
Aesthetic (adj)
Artistic, appreciative of art and beauty
Affinity (n)
A natural connection, an attraction
Alienate (v)
To estrange, to turn someone off
Aloof (adj)
Detached, withdrawn, uninvolved
Altruistic (adj)
Charitable, concerned for others
Ambiguous (adj)
Unclear, confusing, having several interpretations
Ambivalent (adj)
Unsure, undecided, uncertain
Ameliorate (v)
To improve, to make better
Analogous (adj)
Similar to, comparable to
Animosity (n)
Hostility, ill will, dislike
Anonymity (n)
Being nameless, being unknown
Antithesis (n)
The complete opposite
Arduous (adj)
Physically taxing, strenuous
Articulate (adj)
Able to speak well, eloquent
Assuage (v)
To relieve, to calm, to soothe
Atrophy (v)
To degenerate, to waste away
Austere (adj)
Bleak, stern, strict, grim
Authoritarian (adj)
Domineering, dictatorial
Autonomy (n)