Kinesiology 361 Exam 1

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Different types of bones (Examples of each)

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Different types of bones (Examples of each)

  1. Long → Femur

  2. Short → Carpals

  3. Irregular Vertebrae

  4. Sesamoid → Patella

  5. Flat → Sternum

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Spongy vs Cortical

Spongy bone → Have trabeculae, spaces filled with red marrow, very porous (Like a sponge)

Cortical → Smooth and dense, outer walls of the diaphysis,

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Porosity vs Density

porosity → amount of empty space or pores in a material per unit of volume

Density → amount of mass in a material per unit of volume

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What makes an Osteon?

  1. Lacunae

  2. Lamellae

    1. Concentric

    2. Interstitial

  3. Canaliculi

  4. Volkmann’s Canal

  5. Central Canal (Haversian)

  6. Blood vessels

  7. Nerves

  8. Osteon

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Female Athlete Triad

  1. Disordered eating

  2. Menstrual disturbances

  3. Osteoporosis

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Calcium and Collagen deficiencies

Vitamin D (Calcium) → insufficient leads to Rickets

Vitamin C (Collagen) → insufficient leads to Scurvy

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Mild bone loss (Lower bone density)

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Severe loss of bone density
- more increased chances of fractures
-more increased in post-menopausal women
-3x more likely for women to break a hip than men
-Older adults have increased full-risk

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Undifferentiated, produce daughter cells that can become osteoblasts

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Bone builders produce new bone and matrix
Stimulated by Thyroxine and sex hormones

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Matured osteoblasts, housed in lacunae and maintain bone

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Breakdown/resorb bone, release an acid and enzymes that breakdown bone
Stimulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Inhibited by Calcitonin

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Joint Stability vs Joint Mobility

Stability → remain in a fixed position and resist unwanted movement, resist to dislocations

Mobility → Move freely through its range of motion

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Synarthrosis → No movement (Fibrous skull)

Amphiarthrosis → Limited movement (Cartilaginous, fibrocartilage)

Diarthrosis → Freely Moveable (Synovial)

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Synovial Contains:

  1. Synovial Cavity

  2. Fibrous Capsule

  3. Synovial Membrane

  4. Synovial Fluid

  5. Articular Cartilage

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Types of Synovial Joints (6)

  1. Ball and Socket

    1. All 3 planes,

  2. Saddle

    1. 2 plans, flex. Exten. + ab/adduction

  3. Hinge

    1. 1 Plane Flex.Exten

  4. Gliding/Planar

    1. 1 Plane

  5. Condyloid

    1. 2 planes, flex. Exten. + Ab/adduction

  6. Pivot

    1. 1 Plane, rotation

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Variables to increase joint stability.

  1. Boney Structure

  2. Ligaments

  3. Muscles

  4. Fascia/ Skin

  5. Atmosphere pressure

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Anatomical Planes along with the axis

  1. Frontal Plane → Anterior-Posterior

  2. Sagittal → Longitudinal

  3. Transverse → Mediolateral

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The structure of muscles

Epimysium → Bundles of Fascicles → Surrounded by Perimysium →Myofiber/Muscle fiber → Endomysium

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The Structure of a Sarcomere

  1. Sarcolemma

  2. Mitochondrion

  3. Sarcoplasm

  4. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

  5. Nucleus

  6. T-Tubules

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Sarcomere during contractions

A Band → Same for Concentric, Eccentric, and Isometric

I Band → Smaller during concentric, More in eccentric, and the same in isometric

H zone → Smaller during concentric, more in eccentric, and the same in isometric

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Type I Fibers

  • Slow Oxidative

  • Aerobic

  • Fatigue resistance

  • need oxygen to produce energy

  • More mitochondria

  • More capillaries

  • Aerobic enzymes

  • Take a little to get muscles going

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Type II Fibers

  • Fast glycolytic

  • Anerobic → no oxygen

  • less resistance to fatigue

  • Produce more force

  • Available enzymes

  • Glycogen storage

  • Larger motor unit size

  • Two Types: Type II A and Type II B

    • Type A → More fatigue resistance

    • Type B → More fatigable

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Steps for muscle contraction

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Potential mechanisms of the stretch shortening cycle

  1. More time is available for force to develop

  2. Elastic energy storage and realization

  3. Potentiation of contractile machinery

  4. Interaction of series elastic components and contractile component

  5. Contribution of reflexes

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Length and Tension Relationship

Optimal length for max force

  • Passively stretched

  • Total Tension

  • Develop tension

Optimum length is the length at which a muscle can exert maximum tension.

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Force Velocity relationship

  • Dynamic contractions

  • As the speed of contraction increases, the force it can exert decreases

  • At max. Velocity of contraction, the load is zero

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Types of Contractions

  1. Concentric → Muscle shortens and pulls on another structure

  2. Eccentric → Muscle continues to contract while lengthening

  3. Isotonic → constant tension as the muscle changes length

  4. Isometric → Tension in muscles increases but with little to no movement.

  5. Isokinetic → Contracts performed at a consistent speed

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Different Fiber arrangements

  1. Longitudinal

  2. Quadrate

  3. Triangular

  4. Spindles/Fusiform

  5. Pennate

  6. Bipennate

  7. Multipennate

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Scalars Vs Vectors

Scalars → Both Magnitude and Direction

Vectors → Just magnitude. no specific direction

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Frame Rate and Perspective errors

  1. Different measurements away from camera can lead to different results

  2. Different angles can impact the camera footage of the motion being taken and can lead to different results

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Pitcher Stages

  1. Wind-Up → Knee up

  2. Stride → Foot contact + Max ER

  3. Arm Cocking → Max ER

  4. Arm acceleration → Max ER + Release

  5. Arm Deceleration → Release

  6. Follow through → Max IR

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Relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration

Displacement → change in position

Velocity → rate of change of displacement (How fast the displacement of an object is over time)

Acceleration → Rate of change of Velocity (How quickly an object’s velocity changes)

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