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Proud: IPoH. iSiBHUitRP, A
I’m proud of her. It shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway.’
Room 101: IGaWaTC…YcTtWLoTaCtTiFoME, aISBaWi. BNR101!
I’ve got a wife and three children…You can take the whole lot of them and cut their throats in front of my eyes, and I’ll stand by and watch it. But not Room 101!’
Sex Instinct
Katharine: SWLtWSE, NRNCbS
She [Katharine] would lie there with shut eyes, neither resisting nor co-operating but SUBMITTING
Debuachery: DDNMVM, SLaiwFaJaOItWoaSaDC
debauchery did not matter very much, so long as it was furtive and joyless and only involved the women of a submerged and despised class.
Sexless: HHHBSwYaPaS
he hated her because she was young and pretty and sexless
Puritanism: SPotP
sexual puritanism of the party
Political Act: EhbaB, tCaV. iwaBSAtP. iwaPA
embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the party. It was a political act.
Remembered: HRtH-DoaBK, aaWCM
He remembered the half-darkness of a basement kitchen, and a woman’s cavernous mouth
Below: Bi, tCiF
Below it the Commander is fucking.
Alone: IDWtbAWH, NoaB. IRHStt.
I don't want to be alone with him, not on a bed. I'd rather have Serena there too.
Ankle: FEtA, B, LaB, WtTi, aBHcR, aCB. iMO
fingers encircling the ankle, briefly, like a bracelet, where the tattoo is, a Braille he can read, a cattle brand. It means ownership.
Change: ITYMEifaC. HKtiE. IGiwaSoE. tiEE.
"I thought you might enjoy it for a change." He knows that isn't enough. "I guess it was a sort of experiment." That isn't enough either.
Dead: ILtLaDB
I lie there like a dead bird.
Thunder: tWaT, T, IAti. tCUtS, WIaAoM
There wasn't any thunder though, I added that in. To cover up the sounds, which I am ashamed of making.
Dignity: DoC
dignity of coercion.
Weaponry / Violence
Cattle: ECPSoTftLB
electric cattle prods slung on thongs from their leather belts
Guns: EtCNbTWG
even they could not be trusted with guns
Needles: MHBN, P, SLt. ICHLtMTWH
must have been needles, pills, something like that. I couldn’t have lost that much time without help.
Proper: PTwtKYBtgY
proper thing was to kill yourself before they got you
You could tell yourself you were saving up your strength
Bomb: ABFoaPoWGWwUaaP, aSDCwBtP
Another bomb fell on a piece of waste ground which was used as a playground and several dozen children were blown to pieces.
Steel Cables: tFtD, faFO. tUSC, FatE. AttH
the feet they'd do, for a first offence. They used steel cables, frayed at the ends. After that the hands.
2 Aims: TAotPatCtWSotE, atEOaFAtPoIT
two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought
Pain: itFoPtaNH
In the face of pain there are no heroes
Spine: YaA, SO, WHF, tiAMSiGtB. YEFitiWbYB. YHaVMPotVSAatSFDOot.
’You are afraid,’ said O’Brien, watching his face, ’that in another moment something is going to break. Your especial fear is that it will be your backbone. You have a vivid mental picture of the vertebrae snapping apart and the spinal fluid dripping out of them.
Boot: IaBSoaHF - F
imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.’
Interpose: HMIAHB, tBoAHB, BHatR
He must interpose another human being, the body of another human being, between himself and the rats.
Fallen: HHFTtF, ttW, otB, ttE, ttO
he had fallen through the floor, through the walls of the building, through the earth, through the oceans
Aim: AotwStHHaDHPoAaR
aim of this was simply to humiliate him and destroy his power of arguing and reasoning
Hole: aLOHiN, Q, aFTtS, TtPWAtPW, SttWhbOtOF, oDoP
I pray that at least one hole is neatly, quickly, and finally through the skull, through the place where all the pictures were, so that there would have been only the one flash, of darkness or pain
Blood: ITAtBCooH, HaS, S
I think about the blood coming out of him, hot as soup, sexual
Natural World
Nothingness: WMiSatEotLW, aPiMiN?
What made it sit at the edge of the lonely wood and pour its music into nothingness?
Creature: CoI, WtSDoLitPoHS
creature of indoors, wit the sooty dust of London in the pores of his skin
Hiding: AHPKtJ, tBoaRCiaADSoCWaABhF
Another hiding place known to Julia, the belfry of a ruinous church in an almost deserted stretch of country where an atomic bomb had fallen
Germless: IWtbTC, G, WB, LtSotM
I wish to be totally clean, germless, without bacteria, like the surface of the moon
Famine: EMtiaM, G, R, H, aO. iT, P, CoaPOoS, aISDCTMLF
Every month there is a moon, gigantic, round, heavy, an omen. It transits, pauses, continues on and passes out of sight, and I see despair coming towards me like famine.
Cold: VC. tWWttTaFtO, D-LC
vilely cold. The wind whistled through the twigs and fretted the occasional, dirty-looking crocuses.
Wishing: N, aWM, aSoAR, aG, aW
newly, a wishing moon, a sliver of ancient rock, a goddess, a wink.
Blitzkreig: SB, SK, COtSGotF? tFB
some blitzkrieg, some kamikaze, committed on the swelling genitalia of the flowers? The fruiting body
Opinion: IHMVS. ITtEMM. ITAtS, aN, WtNM. IhNO, IS.
I hold myself very still. I try to empty my mind. I think about the sky, at night, when there’s no moon. I have no opinion, I say.
Tell: ITTbtM. L, NS.
I tell time by the moon. Lunar, not solar
Time: fHIcStC. iNTiP…AL, tiNT.
From here I can see the clock. It's no time in particular….At last there is no time