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outsider claimsmakers
people who lack easy access to publicity and to people in positions of power
groups and individuals who have easy access to policymakers
insider claimsmakers
claimsmakers who have easy access to publicity and people in positions of power
social movement
social movement organization (SMOs)
a particular organization that belongs to a social movement
a reluctance to alter existing social arrangements
a movement that opposes a social movement by promoting counterclaims that challenge the opponent’s claims
the way in which claimsmakers construct claims about a troubling condition
diagnostic frame
a social movement’s depiction of the nature of a problem
motivational frame
a social movement’s justification for taking action
prognostic frame
a social movement’s description of what needs to be done about a particular troubling condition
frame alignment
ways in which activists try to promote a social movement’s frame to prospective members
frame bridging
ways in which activists appeal to prospective members thought to be already sympathetic to a social movement’s frame
frame amplification
ways in which activists appeal to prospective members by arguing that a social movement’s frame is consistent with popular beliefs
frame extension
ways in which activists appeal to prospective members by extending a social movement’s frame to encompass the concerns of those prospective supporters
frame transformation
ways in which activists appeal to prospective members by inviting them to reject familiar views of the world and adopt the activists’ very different perspective
frame dispute
a disagreement between groups of activists about how to frame a particular troubling condition
resource mobilization
collecting and assembling, members, money, and other resources needed by a social movement
conscience constituents
cultural opportunity
master frame
political opportunity