People that could be pulled out of the ass Chapter 29 APUSH

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George Schenck

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George Schenck

Took a stand against the supreme court in the court case Schenck v. United States

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Benard Baruch

Head of the War Industries Board

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General John J. Pershing

commanded the American Expedition Forces(AEF) and led troops in the muse-argon offensive

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William Borah

Along with Hiram Johnson he was a military isolationist who opposed the Wilsonian Dream

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Alice Paul

American woman suffrage leader who introduced the first equal rights amendment campaign in the United States, created the National Women's Party Worked to get women the right to vote

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Herbert C. Hoover

31st President who was a Quaker humanitarian, head of the Food Administration, and who helped forge a war economy by "voluntary conservation" with patriotism

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Henry Cabot Lodge

a Republican who disagreed with the Versailles Treaty, and who was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; he mostly disagreed with the section that called for the League to protect a member who was being threatened

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William D. ("Big Bill") Haywood

a leader of the Industrial workers of the World, the Western Federation of Miners, and the Socialist Party of America; he was one of the most feared of American labor radicals and during WWI, he became a special target of anti-leftist legislation

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Warren G. Harding

an Ohio Republican, was the 29th President of the United States (1921-1923). Though his term in office was fraught with scandal, including Teapot Dome, Harding embraced technology and was sensitive to the plights of minorities and women.

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Henry Cabot Lodge

a Republican who disagreed with the Versailles Treaty, and who was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; he mostly disagreed with the section that called for the League to protect a member who was being threatened

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Eugene V. Debs

he was the president and the organizer of the American Railway Union; he organized the Pullman Strike and helped organize the Social Democratic party

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George Creel

a journalist who was the head of the Committee of Public Information; he helped the anti-German movement as well as inspired patriotism in America during the war

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Arthur Zimmermann

German minister whose famous telegram was largely responsible for drawing the US into WWI

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Francisco ("Pancho") Villa

was a combination of a bandit and a Robin Hood; he was a rival of President Carranza of Mexico and was considered a Mexican revolutionary who killed many Americans in Mexico; the United States sent John J. Pershing to capture him but never did

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Louis D. Brandeis

a lawyer and later justice of the Supreme Court who spoke and wrote widely (especially in Other People's Money [1913]) about the "curse of bigness." He insisted that government must regulate competition in such a way as to ensure that large combinations did not emerge

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