C injured by vibrations caused by neighbour. No interest in land as licensee (to live there) and wife of tenant. C must have an interest in the land (own or rent) to sue in private nuisance.
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Khorasandijan v Bush
C recieved harrassing phonecalls from D
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Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan
Occupier knew of and ignored pipes until they burst. An occupier may be liable for the acts of a trespasser if they adopt or continue the nuisance.
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Halsey v Esso Petroleum
Trucks driving past became unlawful as factory in residential area and began to interfere with residents sleep. Industrial activities are more likely to be a nuisance in a residential area. Locality of interference.
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Tetley v Chitty
Noisy go kart club - Council could be liable as they were causing the nuisance
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Wheeler v JJ Saunders
Planning permission does not authorise a nuisance. smell of farm. loss of amenity
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Kennaway v Thompson
Entitled to a limited injunction restraining the club from carrying on those activities which caused the nuisance. (loss of amenity)
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Sturges v Bridgman
Doctor started a practice next to a confectionary
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st hellens smelting v tipping
copper smelting company damaged claimants crops
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murdock v glacier metal
excess noise from factory
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Bridlington Relay v Yorkshire Electricity Board
electrical interference with TV signals caused by the activities of the defendant Electricity Board. did not constitute a legal nuisance
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McKinnon v Walker
Fumes from the defendant's factory damaged the claimant's abnormally sensitive orchids. HELD: The claim was successful as there was also general damage to items that were not abnormally senstive. sensititivity
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Dennis v MOD
Planes causing noise disturbance. held that planes were necessary for protection of country. social utility.
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Hollywood Silver Fox Farm v Emmett
D's lawful act of firing his shotgun became an unlawful act as he was aware the neighbour's fox would miscarry. Malice
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Christie v Davey
noise disturbance in retaliation to piano lessons. malice
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Allen v Gulf Oil
The claimant brought an action in nuisance for the smell
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Miller v Jackson
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Leakley v National Trust
liable for landslide as did not take precaution for foreseeable harm.