Time and Place Anthology

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To Autumn Synopsis John Keats

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To Autumn Synopsis John Keats

Lots of nature Opium and autumn 2 verse personified autumn

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John Keats To Autumn quotes

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells,

Soft dying day

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To Autumn Context

John Keats- Romantic poet- Conscious of death and change- Died of TB and so did his family

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TJohn Keats o Autumn Themes

Death- Change- Nature and its abundance- Seasons

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John Keats To Autumn links to

Home thoughts (Nature)- In Romney Marsh (Imagery)

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Composed upon Westminster Bridge Synopsis William Wordsworth

London in morning and natures effect on it

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William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge quotes

This city now doth, like a garment- Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie,- The river glideth at his own sweet will.

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William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge Context

Romantic- Pantheistic = god is everywhere- Radical poet, Sonnet,

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William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge themes


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William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge links

London- opposites

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London Synopsis William Blake

Walking through london describing what he can see

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London quotes

I wandered through each charted street…- Marks of weakness marks of woe- How the youthful harlots curse blasts the new born tears and blights with plagues the marriage hearse.

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London Context

interested in the plight of children, dissenter- thought government had too much power- implications of corruption in the poem- Monarch had less power- Industrial revolution

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London themes

Power- Corruption- Misuse of power- Urban life.

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London links

Nothings changed (government hate)- Composed…

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I started early synopsis Emily Dickinson

All of this could be imagined

Walking, chased by tide/ man runs, man/tide stops at city and bows,

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I started early quotes

But no Man moved Me till the tide- Presuming Me to be a Mouse- And bowing- with a Mighty look-

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I started early context

Reclusive- Capitalises important words- american- most of her work published posthumously- desperate to be seen- about the sea but claims she’s never seen it, poem about something else?- amherst boston, potentially had breakdown.

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I started early links to

Adlestrop Cesuras- Nothings changed Short sentences- Presents from my aunts Disjointedness.

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Where the picnic was synopsis Thomas Hardy

man visits place he went before he lost his wife and friends- remembers how good it was and how bad it is now-

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Thomas Hardy Where the picnic was quotes

through winter mire bogged down by grief- As burnt circle metaphor for relationship with wife- Into urban roar- where we made the fire in the summertime Warm and happy and colourful-

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Thomas Hardy Where the picnic was Context

Wife dead he felt guilty he didnt know how sick she was- before she dead they went for picnic with poets Yeats and Newbolt- Wrote collection about wife- Epigraph = had traces of an old fire

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Thomas Hardy Where the picnic was themes

loss- grief- pathetic fallacy- death

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Thomas Hardy Where the picnic was links

absense- london hated urbanisation- to autum lots of death

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Adlestrop synopsis Edward Thomas

describing train station, then nature

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Edward Thomas Adlestrop quotations

And willows, willow-herb and grass- (syndetic rhyming) And meadowsweet and haycocks dry- The steam hissed-(zoomorphism + industrial sounds) And for that minute a blackbird sang (enjambement)- Yes I remember Adlestrop

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Thomas Hardy Adlestop Context

1878-1917 Killed by a shell, didn’t want to fight- Pre WW1- Lots of international tension- Suffered depression and used poetry to cope- nature poet.

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Edward THomas Adlestop Key Themes

Nature vs Industrial- Experience- Memories

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Edward Thomas Adlestrop Links to

To autumn, abundance of nature- Home thoughts from abroad, memories

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Home thoughts from abroad synopsis Robert Browning

missing england in italy

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Robert Browning Home thoughts from abroad Quotes

And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows, Thats the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over.

Far brighter than this gaudy melon flower.

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Robert Browning Home thoughts from abroad context

Lived in italy, Victorian Poet, Influenced by Romantics, Eloped with Elizabeth Barret Browning moved to italy. Elizabeth died in 1861

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Robert Browning Home thoughts from abroad Key themes

Nature, Longing

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Robert Browning
Home thoughts from abroad Links

To autumn, Presents from my aunts (longing to be somewhere else)

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First Flight Synopsis UA Fanthorpe

Speaker 1- going on 1st trip nervous

Speaker 2- Experienced / Daedalus

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UA Fanthorpe
First Flight Quotes

A sudden swiftness- I crane for last of dear- Tell us when we get to water- Know what I mean- We have come to high for history- Mackerel wigs dispense the justice of air.

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UA Fanthorpe First Flight Context

Icarus/ Daedalus, Focused on poetic voice, relationship between poet+ reader, what it means to be a brit, At end mature views on humanity, people in italics had icarus superiority, humans will have the fate of icarus.

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UA Fanthorpe First Flight Key themes

Existentialism, profound views on humanity, journey

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UA Fanthorpe First Flight Links

Italics Postcard from a travel snob- confidence,

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Stewart Island Fleur Adcock synopsis

goes to Stewart island hates it then leaves

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Fleur Adcock Stewart Island Quotes

white sand and bush down to the seas edge, Maori fishermen wit Scottish names (she ran off with one that autumn) - was bitten by sandflies- jetted down to jab-

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Fleur Adcock Stewart Island Context

Born in Auckland- Spent childhood in England and other places- Outsider view on NZ- Writes about relationships and dull events. Likes nature of NZ but found it claustrophobic.

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Fleur Adcock Stewart Island Themes

Nature, Contrasting views

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Fleur Adcock Stewart Island Links

Nothings changed- Contrast between view and reality.

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Presents from my aunts in pakistan Synopsis Moniza Alvi

aunts sent presents, she tries them on, feels disconnected from culture

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Presents from my aunts in pakistan Quotes

glistening like an orange split open.- i tried each satin silken top was alien in the sitting room- i longed for denim and corduroy- staring through the fretwork at the Shalimar Gardens- But often i admired the mirrorwork

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Presents from my aunts in pakistan Context

1970s England- Lack of representation- Didn’t return to pakistan until after her first book- moved to england at a few months old- Pakistani father, English mother- Lived in Lahore

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Presents from my aunts in pakistan themes

Cultural Identity- belonging- urban enviroments- journeys/ immigration

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Presents from my aunts in pakistan Links

Hurricane hits england- In Romney marsh-lots of imagery

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Hurricane hits england Grace Nichols synopsis

Arrival of hurricane in england reminds her of her guyanese culture

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Grace Nichols Hurricane hits england Quotes

The howling ship of the wind- dark ancestral spectre- Tell me why you visit and english coast- of old tongues- the blinding illumination- o why is my heart unchained- come to break the frozen lake in me- That the earth is the earth is the earth—

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Grace Nichols Hurricane hits england Grace Nichols Context

Writes musical poetry- Poems are influenced by guyanese history + experiences as a woman- Left for England at 27- Traveled to remote places in Guyana and this influenced her writing-

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Grace Nichols Hurricane hits england Key themes

Power of nature, cultural identity- Homesickness- disconnection

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Grace Nichols Hurricane hits england Grace Nichols Links to

Presents from my aunts in pakistan- Absence (power of nature)- Nothings changed (sure of identity)

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Nothings Changed Tatamkhulu Afrika Synopsis

Afrika returns to district 6 gets angry, memories wants to destroy things,

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Nothings Changed Tatamkhulu Afrika Quotes

Small Round stones click (nature resists presence)- no board says it is but my feet know and my hands- and the hot white inward turning anger of my eyes- haute cuisine (fancy white people only restaurant) - linen falls- bunny chows… plastic table top…spit a little on the floor- hands burn for a stone a bomb- Nothings changed(last line impactful)

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Nothings Changed Tatamkhulu Afrika Context

Written after apartheid ended about how it doesn’t change anything- Born in Egypt grew up in white household- charged with terrorism for opposing apartheid- Division was still there after despite it being illegal. District 6 = multicultural society, destroyed by white people- 60,000 black people displaced

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Nothings Changed Tatamkhulu Afrika Themes

Racial Identity- Anger- segregation- injustice-

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Nothings Changed Tatamkhulu Afrika Links to

London (Injustice)- Hurricane hits england-

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Postcard From a Travel Snob Sophie Hannah Synopsis

Mockery of travel snobs by being pretentious

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Postcard From a Travel Snob Sophie Hannah Quotes

I do not wish that anyone where here- apart from me- when your as multicultural as me- I am an anthropologist in trunks

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Postcard From a Travel Snob Sophie Hannah Context

Poet and Crime Writer- Born in England, Manchester-

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Postcard From a Travel Snob Sophie Hannah Key themes

Mockery of rich people, superiority-

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Postcard From a Travel Snob Sophie Hannah Links

First Flight (arrogance)- Stewart Island (holidays)-

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In Romney Marsh John Davidson Synopsis

Walking along Romney Marsh uses lots of auditory/ imagery

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In Romney Marsh John Davidson Quotes

yellow sunlight fall- ringing shrilly- of purple vapor- saffron beach (opposite of london)- flicker and hade from out west- flakes of silver fire- as i went down to Dymchurch wall

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In Romney Marsh John Davidson Context

was depressed- had cancer in later life- Born in scotland in 1857- 1908 moved to penzance- 1909 drowned himself- Ballad, Iambic- Romney marsh in kent associated with smugglers- When Dymchurch bell rung smugglers were ok to bring stuff ashore. Published after death

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In Romney Marsh John Davidson Key Themes

Nature, Visual

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In Romney Marsh John Davidson Links To

London, Presents from my aunts, To Autumn

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Absense Elizabeth Jennings Synopsis

Jennings returned to place after someone left/died nature was shook by her greif/loss

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Absense Elizabeth Jennings quotes

10 Syllables per line I visited the place where we last met- Nothing was changed- there was no sign that anything had ended- Thoughtless birds- Singing ‘an ecstasy- a savage force- An earthquake tremor:fountains, birds and grass were shaken by my thinking of your name- The fountains sprayed their usual steady jet.

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Absense Elizabeth Jennings Context

Lyric Poet- Explores relationships- Prioritise thoughts feelings and emotions- Part of a group called “The Movement” thought poetry should not be complex but direct and clear-

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Absense Elizabeth Jennings Key Themes

Grief and its power, Relationships

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Absense Elizabeth Jennings Links

London-Controlled garden- Where the picnic was

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