decentralized power
A form of government in which individual state or local governments have most decision-making authority, rather than one powerful leader/gov't
centralized power
power in the hands of one, single ruler who controls a powerful bureaucracy to control people under its control.
Henry VIII
King of England who broke with the Church to establish Church of England. Fought wars of power with other New Monarchs. Example of New Monarch
Mary Tudor
daughter of Henry and Catherine of Aragon; as queen, she tried to restore Catholicism in England
Act of Supremacy
1534 Declared the king to be head of the English church rather than the Pope (created by Henry VIII)
Elizabeth I
English Queen and politique who united Protestants and Catholics through compromise and led England into its "Golden Age" Example of New Monarch
New Monarchies
Monarchies that emerged that differed from their medieval predecessors in having greater centralization of power, more regional boundaries, and stronger representative institutions
modern state
A political unit within which citizens identify with the state (country) rather than personal loyalty to a noble and see the state as legitimate. This state has a monopoly over the use of force and is able to provide citizens with key services.
King Ferdinand
King of Aragon who married and allied with Queen Isabella of Castile, using religion and exploration as a tool to unify the Iberian Peninsula. Example of New Monarch
Isabella I
Queen of Castile who married and allied with Ferdinand of Aragon, using religion and exploration as a tool to unify the Iberian Peninsula. Example of New Monarch
Concordat of Bologna
Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the Pope's right to take all tithes (donations to the Church) in France in exchange for the right of the French Monarch to nominate all French bishops and abbots (1516)
Edict of Nantes
Issued by Henry IV of France, it legalized Protestantism in France (it says you caaaaannnnt hurt the protestaaaaannnnts in Fraaaaance)
French Protestants
wealthy landowners who did not have titles of nobility
Star Chamber
English law court created by Henry VII to punish enemies & control more powerful nobles who might challenge the Crown.
Diet of Augsburg
Called by Charles V. This meeting of Protestant and Catholic reps assembled to impose a settlement of the religious divisions. Charles V wanted all Lutherans to revert to Catholicism. As a result, the Lutherans formed the Schmalkaldic League.
Schmalkaldic League
Protestant alliance formed by Lutherans against the Holy Roman Empire.
Peace of Augsburg
1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler
A medieval organization of crafts workers or trades people that controlled local trade, prices, standards.
nobles of the robe
FRENCH aristocracy whose nobility came from serving in the BUREAUCRACY or BUYING their title, rather than traditional military support for the monarchy.
behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others. used by many New Monarchs.
Jean Bodin
Writer who believed that only absolutism could provide order and force people to obey the government.
absolute sovereignty
A belief that a government has the right to do whatever it wants in its own territory
Hugo Grotius
Laid the foundation for international law and diplomacy and the treatment of civilians during war.
natural law
The belief that humans are born with innate rights and rulers have a duty to respect those rights and govern using rational laws based in reason.
A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials chosen by the person/people in power.
Maritime Power
A country that has strong naval forces and draws its economic and military power from its access to the ocean
an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority
A person in power who takes action based on what is practical for them to keep power, rather than on ideals or religious fanaticism
Cuius regio, eius religio
Whose realm, his religion (the leader decides what religion their country will be)