seventeenth century
Prior to the ________, there was little or no moral or religious stigma linked to slave ownership or trafficking.
________ had existed in many regions of Europe since prehistoric times.
________ could not be produced in Europe since it demands subtropical temperatures and copious rainfall.
English colonists
During the seventeenth century, ________ in North America went more slowly to slavery, with the greatest number settling in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia and Maryland, and then later in the low country.
________ brought it to the New World in 1493, and within a decade, sugar was being grown (by slaves) in Santo Domingo.
European discovery
Before the ________, sugar was a luxury item that only the rich could purchase.
capture of Constantinople
Following the ________ in 1453, the Ottoman Empire prohibited the exporting of white slaves from its territories.
Slave labor
________, however, became a key social and economic force beginning in the sixteenth century, first in the West Indies and the Spanish and Portuguese territories in South America, and subsequently in the British colonies on North America's South Atlantic shore.
arrival of African slaves
Although the ________ on a Dutch ship at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, is considered the commencement of slavery in the United States, almost a century of slave trafficking in the West Indies and South America preceded that occurrence.