an identifiable land area // ex. great britian
population with a single culture, same as culture group // ex. england
single culture under single gov. // ex. Japan, North Korea, China
population under a single government, sovereign territory // ex. United Kingdom
sovereignty disputes
when two or more states claim and area which often result in diplomatic tensions // ex. South China Sea & other countries like Philippines fighting over ocean territory
state scale
political division of the Earth’s surface among diff. countries // ex. countries
further division of a state into smaller entities // provinces in china
antecedent boundary
boundary already existed then people settled, created cultural landscape without regard of the boundaries // ex. Canada & America 49th Parallel Boundary
subsequent boundary
boundary established after a settlement settles there; attempts to accommodate cultural differences. It’s adjusted as cultural landscape changes // ex. Europe boundaries and how they sort of reflect diff. nations
a state that completely surrounds another state. // ex. Italy surrounding Vatican
multinational state
state that has more than one nation within its borders // ex. Canada
multistate nation
nation that is spread across multiple sovereign states // ex. Kurdish population, Basques
autonomous regions
certain parts of certain nations (same culture, no sovereignty) have freedom from central authority. // ex. basque region has governs themselves, Native Ameican reservations
contemporary form of colonialism, based on economic control // ex. China being an investor of Africa for power along with China investing in Greenland’s airports for resources
strategic narrow route providing passage through or to another region
unitary state
power is located in the central or national govt. // ex. china
federal state
power is shared BETWEEN national govt. and regional govt. // ex. USA
a movement by a nation to unite other parts of its nation that are located in another state // russia where groups are seeking independence or annexation by neighboring sovereign state that’s cuturally similar
absolute monarchy
head of state and head of government. meaning has full power. // ex. saudi arabia, brunei, morocco
political authority of a state to govern itself. // ex. America & Britian
to gain statehood, it needs to have (4)
have a defined territory with permanent population and functional govt.
declare and effectively gain independence
gain recognition from established states as sovereign state
join the UN General Assembly
process of boundaries (3)
defined - boundary agreed upon and set
delimited - drawn on map
demarcated - wall, sign, etc.
united nations conference on the law of seas (unclos)
proposed standard oceanic boundaires for UN states
territorial sea
area of sea from shore out to 12-nautircal miles all laws of the country applies
exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
exclusive economic rights from shore out to 200 nautical miles a sate controls all aspects of natural resource exploration and extraction. only applies to natural resources, not all laws of country
high seas
international seas. outside 12 mile limit. admiralty law is applied.
admiralty law
part of international law that dictates legal procedures on high seas.
beyond the 200 mile nautical mile limit, international fishing fleets…
….are not regulated
international whaling commission
whale hunts banned
UN (united nations) goal
allows member states to discuss and fix world problems
World Trade Organization
org of UN. trying to eliminate trade barriers worldwide + trade disputes; but not really effective
World Bank
org. of UN. provides loans to developing nations for capital improvements
UN Peacekeeprs
org. of UN. responsible for dividing opposing forces and providing peace and stability until a peace treaty can be made
OPEC (org of petroleum exporting coutries)
coordination of oil production to ensure the stability of the market. countries included are Iran, iraq, Qatar, Libia, etc.
NATO (north atlantic treaty org)
military org. originally meant to counter threat of Soviet union and Warsaw Pact. Now a counter threat to Russia and China
EU (european union) purpose
diplomacy and efficiency in europe
IMF (world bank and international monetary fund)
government loans org