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What are the important nematodes in the subfamily Cyathostomes for equine?
Small strongyles
What is the most common and main parasitic pathogen of horses?
Small strongyles
Where are adult small strongyles located in the horse?
In the colon and cecum
What is the prevalence of small strongyles?
Assumed to be 100%
What is the PPP of small strongyles?
6-18 weeks
What is the life cycle of small strongyles?
Egg to L3 in environment.
L3 is ingested and penetrates mucosa and can arrest here.
L3 molts to L4 within cysts
L4 emerge to lumen where they mature to adults and mate
What is the role of seasonality in small strongyle epidemiology?
In cool climates they can undergo hypobiosis in winter and lead to a "spring rise".
In warm climates there is transmission in all seasons except summer. Minimal arrested development.
What part of the small strongyle life cycle is responsible for most of it's pathology?
The larvae, once they emerge from cysts it can causes eosinophilic/lymphocytic infiltrates. Can cause ulcers where they emerged.
What is the pathology of adult small strongyles?
Minimal, superficial mucosal feeders, no observable feeders
What are the clinical signs of small strongyles?
Usually subclinical (even with high intensity infections)
Non-specific: poor growth, poor performance, weight loss, rough hair coat +/- diarrhea
There are _______ levels of acquired immunity for small strongyles in adult horses... what does this mean for FEC?
Variable levels
High immunity: low FEC
Poor immunity: High egg shedders
How to DX small strongyles?
NO specific test
Can do mcmaster FEC
What is larval cyathostominosis?
Disease caused by the massive, synchronous emergence of small strongyle larvae.
What does larval cyathostominosis cause?
Mucosal damage, mucosal edema, protein losing enteropathy
What are the clinical signs of larval cyathostominosis?
Chronic diarrhea, weight loss, ventral edema, rough hair coat, +/- colic/pyrexia.... death o-o
How to dx larval cyathostominosis?
No DX tests
Observation of large numbers of larval worms on palpation sleeve/feces + CS
FEC would be very LOW
What are strongylus spp common name?
Large strongyles
What is the prevelance of large strongyles?
uncommon in managed horses
What is the species name of "bloodworm"?
Strongylus vulgaris
What is the site of migration for strongylus vulgaris?
Cranial mesenteric artery
What does a strongylus vulgaris infection cause?
Thickening/fibrosis of arterial wall
Alterations of intestinal motility
Why are large strongyles not common or important anymore?
They did not develop resistance to the drugs that small strongyles did
What is the horse ascarid?
Parascaris equorum
What is the most important parasite of foals and thus the primary target of parasite control programs?
Parascaris equorum
What is the largest nematode found in the horse's small intestine?
Parascaris equorum
What type of life cycle does Parascaris equorum have?
What is the life cycle of Parascaris equorum?
Ingest infective eggs (L2), larvae migrate liver, lungs, small intestine (same as Ascaris suum)
What is the PPP of Parascaris equorum?
10 weeks
What allows for parascaris equorum to be resistant to environmental degradation?
Sticky outer coat and proliferous repro
How is parascaris equorum dx?
Clinical signs
Detection of eggs in feces
Describe the pathogenesis of the larval migration to the liver of parascaris equorum?
Causes a scarred and hemorrhagic tract. "Milk spot" lesions on the liver. No CS/importance
Describe the pathogenesis of the larval migration to the lungs of parascaris equorum
CS with heavy infections
"Verminous pneumonitis"
Nasal D/C in foals
What life stage is of primary concern for parascaris equorum?
What are the CS of an adult parascaris equorum infection?
Rough hair coat
Impaired growth
Pot belly
LARGE # in SMALL INTESTINE -> gut motility impairment
What is the horse pinworm?
Oxyuris equi
Where do the adult oxyuris equi live?
In the distal large intestines of horses?
Where do female oxyuris equi lay eggs?
They extrude from the anus and lay eggs on the perineal skin
What type of life cycle does oxyuris equi have?
How are equines infected with oxyuris equi?
Ingestion of infective eggs (L3)
(Require time in environment to develop)
What are the CS of oxyuris equi?
All age groups affected
No GI signs
Intense perianal pruritus
How to DX of oxyuris equi
Eggs NOT seen on fecals usually
Sticky eggs on peri-anal area.... scotch tape test/scraping
How to TX/Control oxyuris equi?
Drug resistance is common
In order of economic importance, what are the swine GI and muscle nematodes we need to know?
Ascaris suum
Oesophagostomum spp
Trichuris suis
Trichinella spiralis
What is the pig ascarid?
Ascaris suum
What is the most common and most important helminth in swine?
Ascaris suum
The eggs of ascaris suum are very resistant in the environment, how long can they persist for?
>5 years
What type of life cycle does ascaris suum have?
What is the life cycle of ascaris suum?
Ingestion of larvated eggs (L3) (paratenic can occur)
Hepatotracheal migration (cough and swallow)
What are the CS of ascaris suum larval migration to the liver?
Scarring/milk spot lesions
Can lead to liver discard ($ loss)
What are the CS of ascaris suum larval migration to the lungs?
Verminous pneumonia
Resp dstress
Soft and moist cough
What is the pathology of adult ascaris suum?
Interfere with digestion and absorption (poor feed conversion)
Obstruction/rupture of intestines/bile ducts
How to DX ascaris suum
CS: Pneumonia, pot belly, ill thrift, diarrhea
What is the PPP of ascaris suum?
2 months
What is the control methods for ascaris suum?
Anthelmintic tx and improved sanitation
What is the nodular worm?
Oesophagostomum denatum
Where is the host specific nodular worm located in the host?
Oesophagostomum denatum is located in the large intestine
What is the pathology caused by oesophagostomum denatum?
Nodules in the large intestine mucosa caused by the larva.
What are the CS of oesophagostomum denatum infection?
Poor productivity, reduced growth, weight loss, poor litter
Where is trichuris suis located in the host?
Large intestine (cecum, colon)
What type of life cycle does trichuris suis have?
What is the infective stage of trichuris suis?
Eggs containing L1
What is the PPP of trichuris suis?
2-3 months
What are the clinical signs of trichuris suis infection?
Most are asymptomatic
High intensity can cause:
Mucosal hemorrhage
How to DX trichuris suis
Fecal float
What is the major zoonotic parasite in pigs?
Trichinella spiralis
What is trichinella spiralis associated with?
Consumption of raw/undercooked pork/wild boar
How to DX trichinella spiralis
Detection of larvae in the muscle
What is REQUIRED for trichinella spiralis infection?
Carnivorism, no environment stage
What are the methods of control/prevention of trichinella spiralis?
Cook your meat
Freeze your meat