cloud computing
a way of using information technology that has these five equally important traits
Infrastructure as a service, raw compute, pay for what they allocate
platform as a service, pay for what they use
software as a service, bundle and install service on a machine
no infrastructure management needed, motherboard of laptop with memory, networking, and storage
geographic locations
location → region → zones (2 or more)
fundamental characteristics
Customers get computing resources that are on-demand and self-service
Customers get access to those resources over the internet, from anywhere
The provider of those resources allocates them to users out of that pool
The resources are elastic - which means they can increase or decrease as needed
Customers pay only for what they use, or reserve as they go
All of cloud computing is available via web requests
google cloud resources must belong to a …
application programming interfaces
Cloud APIs
provide you with detailed information on your project’s usage of that API, including traffic levels, error rates, and even latencies, which helps you quickly triage problems with applications that use Google services.