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Human resource management

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Human resource management

The department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related

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Organizational culture

All of a company's beliefs, values and attitudes, and how these influence the behavior of its employees

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Three common types of traditional organizational structures

Functional Divisional Hybrid/Matrix

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Hybrid organizational structures

Combines functional and divisional structures together

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functional organizational structures

Split up into departments based which have their own specific function (marketing, finance, production, human resources, etc)

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Divisional organizational structure

Employees are often grouped together based on similar process, product, or perhaps serve similar groups of customers

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Five forces

Industry competition, New entrants,Substitutes, Bargaining power-suppliers,Bargaining power-consumers

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Industry competition

competition that already exists

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New entrants

new competitors entering the market

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substitute products or services in the marketplace

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Bargaining power-supplier

ability of suppliers to influence price

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Bargaining power-consumers

ability of consumers to influence price

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SWOT analysis definition

a planning tool used to analyze an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

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SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

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Goal of progressive discipline

to correct and improve employee performance before it gets worse, Dealing with employee problems, issues and shortcomings

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What should a good mission statement include?

Brief statement outlining the mission of an organization More of a day to day statement unlike the vision statement

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Ensure things get accomplished, plans get followed, strategic direction continues, and organization objectives get met

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The four steps in the control process

Establish standards and methods for measuring performance

Measure the performance

Determine whether performance matches the standard and take corrective action

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market control

the influence of the market competition on the behavior of organizations and their members (stores using renewable energy to align with competitors)

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Example of clan control

influences behavior through norms and expectations set by the organizational culture (students calling their male teachers sir, female teachers miss)

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bureaucratic control

influences behavior through authority, policies, procedures, job description, budgets and day to day supervision (dress code policy)

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External control

Structure a situation and make sure things happen as planned (Bureaucratic, clan, market control)

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Internal control

Manage and expect people to behave. Controlling a workplace that emphasizes participation and involvement will rely heavily on self-control

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What does a feedforward control system focus on?

Take place before an activity or process takes place Considered preventative measures

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What does a feedback control system focus on?

Happens after the process or work is completed Also known as post-action controls

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What do concurrent controls focus on?

Focus on what happens during a task Deal with problems accordingly as they arise Also known as steering controls

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Definition of planning

Function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives/goals

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Definition of strategy (ask if this is definition for strategic plans or strategy)

guides how organizations make use of their resources in order to reach their goals and objectives Includes money and capital resources

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Strategic plan

Strategy guides how organizations make use of their resources Including money and capital resources, in order to achieve their goals and objectives

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levels of strategy that exist in organizations

Corporate, business, functional

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Corporate level

Set broad and overriding goals for the organization. Implemented by top level managers. It is deciding what the organization does and will continue doing

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business level

Focus here is more on individual business units, and for the organization is going to compete within that one unit product line

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Functional level

Take a business strategy and focus it even more by planning how to use and allocate resources in order to implement the business strategies. Usually set and planned for by front-line managers and supervisors

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Short term pans last

under a year

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Long term plans last

more then a year

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Planning process stages in proper order

Define your objectives

Determine where you are in relation to your objectives

Anticipate future events

Consider alternatives and make the plan

implement your plan and evaluate the results

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objectives in planning process

identifying where you want to go and what you want to achieve in clear and logical ways The objectives need to be clearly defined and specific as well as measurable

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The process of initiating, guiding and maintaining goal-oriented behaviors It is what gets people to perform could include rewards like a raise, promotion, etc

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intristic rewrds

Valued outcomes from within the individual (ex; self satisfaction as a reward)

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Valued outcomes that are provided to someone by another person (money from someone as a reward)

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merit pay

You get paid based on your performance, not based on your race, gender, etc

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The process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information

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selective perception

When individuals perceive what they want to hear in a message while ignoring opposing viewpoints

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Non verbal communication

Infographic is a visual way to present and organize information, Designed with a combination of visuals and text to tell a story, present information, persuade, or communicate something

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Potential distortions to the intended meaning of a message in the communication process Obstacles to effective communication

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when is communication considered to be effective?

is effective when the sender's Communication is fully understood by the receiver

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Blake- moutons leadership

Places a leader on a vertical and horizontal grid style graph based on their concern for tasks and concern for people.

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Team Manager

both high concern for people and task

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Country club manager

high concern for people low concern for tasks

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Middle-of-road manager

medium concern for people and tasks

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Impoverished Manager

low concern for tasks and people

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Authority - Obedience Manager

low concern for people high concern for tasks

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The ability of a leader to influence others to get them to do something

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Position Power:

Based on leaders' position in an organization, and their ability to influence. Rewards and punishment based.

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personal power

Personal Power: Based on how a leader is viewed by others, and their ability to influence action through their positive relationships with others. Relational based.

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What is morally right or wrong In business it is regarding the moral code that guides the behavior of employees with respect to what is right and wrong in regard to conduct and decision making

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Henri Fayol's principles

  • Division of work

  • Authority of responsibility

  • Discipline

  • Unity of command

  • Unity of direction

  • Remuneration

  • The degree of centralization

  • Scalar chain

  • Order

  • Equity

  • Initiative

  • Esprit de corps

  • Stability of tenure of personnel

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Scientific Management

The success of an organization comes down to whether workers truly know the fundamentals of their jobs or not

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Fredrick Taylor

He believed that most workplace issues regarding employees not performing well, were the direct result of workers not knowing clear and set responsibilities

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Three branches of classical approach to management

Frederick Fayol Max Weber

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A strong dislike or negative feelings towards another person or group It is not based on one's actual experience but instead is based on feelings or attitudes surrounding race, gender, sexuality

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Workforce diversity

All employees have an equal opportunity for advancement and to reach their full potential regardless of sex, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

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continuous learning

The process of ongoing expansion of knowledge and skill sets Continuously learning new approaches and skills Example could be a committee

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Four Steps in the Control Process

  1. establish standards 2. measure performance 3. compare performance to standards 4.take correct acton

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bureautic control

influences behavior through authority, policies, procedures, job description, budgets and day to day supervision

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clan control

influences behavior through norms and expectations set by the organizational culture

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Calling male teachers "sir" and female teachers "miss" because it is considered the norm

Clan control

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market control

the influence of the market competition on the behavior of organizations and their members

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autocratic leader

Makes all decisions for the team

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Style displays a "do the best you can and don't bother me" attitude.

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democratic leader

Emphasizes both tasks and people.

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