Born in 1911 in Massachusetts
Father died when she was a baby -> mother bad a mental breakdown and was institutionalized (never reunited)
Maternal grandparents took care of her in Nova Scotia
Bishop was very happy in Nova Scotia - she became a keen fisherwoman
In 1917 her fathers family claimed custody and she moved back to Massachusetts
She was very unhappy here
Developed chronic asthma - received little formal schooling until her teenage years
At 14 she attended boarding school - Went on to study eng lit in the exclusive Vassar college, NY
Father left her a sum of money - lasted many years and allowed her to travel and focus on her writing
1951, Bishop met Lota de Macedo Soares, a Brazilian architect
lived together in Rio de Janeiro until Lota’s death in 1967
Moved back to the US and taught at Harvard
She received numerous awards for her published works
Her poetry does not focus on her personal life
Didn't openly write about her sexuality, depression, or alcoholism
Wanted to be remembered for her work, not details of her life