Iuppiter huc
Jupiter [came] here
specie mortali
in mortal guise
cumque parente venit Atlantiades
and with [his] parent came the grandson of Atlas,
positis caducifer alis.
the staff-bearer, having put down his wings.
mille domos adiere
A thousand homes they approached
locum requiemque petentes,
seeking room and rest,
mille domos clausere serae.
a thousand homes shut [their] bolts.
tamen una recepit,
However, one received [them],
parva quidem
a small [one] indeed,
stipulis et canna tecta palustri,
covered with straw and marshy reed,
sed pia Baucis anus
but dutiful Baucis, an old woman,
parilique aetate Philemon
and Philemon, of equal age,
illa sunt annis iuncti iuvenalibus,
were married in it in [their] youthful years;
illa consenuere casa
in that cottage they grew old together,
paupertatemque fatendo effecere levem
and made [their] poverty light by admitting [it]
nec iniqua mente ferendo;
and not bearing [it] with discontented mind;
nec refert,
and it did not matter,
dominos illic famulosne requiras:
[whether] you asked for masters or slaves there:
tota domus duo sunt,
the two were the whole household,
idem parentque iubentque.
the same [people] both obeyed and ordered.
ergo ubi caelicolae parvos tetigere penates
Therefore, when the heaven-dwellers arrived at the little house,
summissoque humiles intrarunt vertice postes,
and entered the low doorposts with bowed head,
membra senex posito iussit relevare sedili;
the old man bid [them] relax [their] limbs on a positioned couch;
cui superiniecit textum rude sedula Baucis
over which busy Baucis threw a rough covering.
inde foco tepidum cinerem dimovit
Then she raked through the warm ashes on the hearth
et ignes suscitat hesternos
and rekindled yesterday's fire
foliisque et cortice sicco nutrit
and fed [it] with leaves and dry bark
et ad flammas anima producit anili
and coaxed it towards flames with an old woman's breath.
multifidasque faces ramaliaque arida tecto detulit
And down from the roof she brought finely-split sticks and dry twigs
et minuit parvoque admovit aeno,
and she chopped [them up] and placed [them under] a little pot,
quodque suus coniunx riguo collegerat horto, truncat holus foliis;
and the greens, which her husband had gathered in the well-watered garden, she stripped off [their] leaves;
furca levat ille bicorni sordida terga suis
he, with a two-pronged fork, lifted down the smoked back of pig,
nigro pendentia tigno
hanging from a blackened beam,
servatoque diu resecat de tergore partem exiguam
and he cut off from the long-saved back a very small part
sectamque domat ferventibus undis.
and he tenderised the cut in the boiling water.
interea medias fallunt sermonibus horas
Meanwhile they whiled away the intervening hours with conversations
sentirique moram prohibent.
and prevented a delay being noticed.
erat alveus illic fagineus
There was a bowl there made of beechwood,
dura clavo suspensus ab ansa;
hung on a nail by [its] hard handle;
is tepidis impletur aquis
it was filled with warm water
artusque fovendos accipit.
and received [their] limbs for refreshing.
in medio torus est de mollibus ulvis
In the middle [of the room] was a mattress of soft sedge
impositus lecto
placed on a couch
sponda pedibusque salignis;
with willow frame and feet;
vestibus hunc velant,
this they covered with coverlets,
quas non nisi tempore festo sternere consuerant,
which they were not accustomed to spread out except at festive times,
sed et haec vilisque vetusque vestis erat,
but even this coverlet was cheap and old,
lecto non indignanda saligno.
not unworthy of a willow couch.
accubuere dei.
The gods reclined.
interea totiens haustum cratera
Meanwhile, as often as the mixing bowl [was] emptied,
repleri sponte sua per seque vident succrescere vina:
they saw [that it] was refilled of its own accord and the wine supplied spontaneously.
attoniti novitate pavent
Astonised at the strangeness they were fearful,
manibusque supinis
and with hands facing upward
concipiunt Baucisque preces timidusque Philemon
Baucis and fearful Philemon uttered prayers
et veniam dapibus nullisque paratibus orant.
and begged a pardon for the banquet and [its] non-existent preparations.
unicus anser erat,
There was only one goose,
minimae custodia villae,
guardian of the tiny house,
quem dis hospitibus domini mactare parabant;
which [its] masters were preparing to sacrifice for the gods, [their] guests;
ille celer penna tardos aetate fatigat
quick-winged, it wore [them] out, slow with age
eluditque diu
and eluded [them] for a long time
tandemque est visus ad ipsos confugisse deos.
and at last seemed to flee for refuge towards the gods themselves.
superi vetuere necari
The gods forbade that it be killed
"di" que "sumus," ... dixerunt,
and said, "we are the gods,"
"meritasque luet vicinia poenas inpia"
"and the wicked neighbourhood will pay just punishment"
"vobis immunibus huius esse mali dabitur"
"you will be allowed to escape this disaster"
"modo vestra relinquite tecta"
"just leave your home"
"ac nostros comitate gradus"
"and accompany our steps,"
"et in ardua montis ite simul!"
"and go to the heights of the mountain together!"
parent ambo
They both obeyed
baculisque levati
and, supported by sticks,
nituntur longo vestigia ponere clivo.
they struggled to place [their] steps on the the long hillside.
tantum aberant summo,
They were as far away from the top
quantum semel ire sagitta missa potest;
as an arrow, fired in one shot, can go;
flexere oculos
they turned [their] eyes
et mersa palude cetera prospiciunt,
and saw in the distance the rest submerged in marsh,
tantum sua tecta manere.
only their own home remained.
dumque ea mirantur,
And while they gazed in wonder at this,
dum deflent fata suorum,
while they wept at the fates of their own,
illa vetus dominis etiam casa parva duobus
that old cottage, small even for two occupants,
vertitur in templum;
was turned into a temple;
furcas subiere columnae,
columns took the place of the forked supports,
stramina flavescunt
the straw turned yellow
aurataque tecta videntur
and the roof appeared to be gilded
caelataeque fores
and the doors carved
adopertaque marmore tellus.
and the ground covered in marble.
talia tum placido Saturnius edidit ore:
Then the son of Saturn spoke such things with a calm mouth:
"dicite, iuste senex"
"Say, just old man,"
"et femina coniuge iusto digna,"
"and woman worthy of a just husband,"
"quid optetis."
"what you wish for."
cum Baucide pauca locutus
Having spoken a few [words] with Baucis
iudicium superis aperit commune Philemon:
Philemon revealed [their] joint decision to the gods:
"esse sacerdotes ... poscimus,"
"We ask to be priests,"
"delubraque vestra tueri"
"and to watch over your shrine,"
"et quoniam concordes egimus annos,"
"and since we have spent years together,"
"auferat hora duos eadem,"
"may the same hour carry off the two [of us],"
"nec coniugis umquam busta meae videam,"
"and may I never see the tomb of my wife"
"neu sim tumulandus ab illa."
"and may I not have to be buried by her."
vota fides sequitur:
Fulfilment followed [their] prayers:
templi tutela fuere,
they became guardians of the temple
donec vita data est;
while life was given.