APUSH - Chapter 4

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List the three empires at war.

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List the three empires at war.

Great Britain, France, and Spain

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What did the winners stand to gain?

Supremacy of the West Indies, global supremacy, dominate trade

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Who was victorious?


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Why was the fourth war between the empires different than the first three wars? What was this war called? What two major countries fought against each other?

The war started in the colonies and later spread to Europe. It was the 7 Years War. Britain and France were fighting.

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What was the British point of view?

Most were convinced that the colonies were unable and unwilling to defend new frontiers of the expanding empire.

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What is George Washington's role in the war?

The governor of Virginia sent him with a small militia where they surrendered after a small victory to French men

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What happened to British General Edward Braddock and his men?

More than 2,000 of his troops were routed by a smaller force of French and American Indians

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What are the main points of the Albany Plan of Union? Who was instrumental in developing this plan?

7 colonies adopted a plan in the capital of New York to create intercolonial groups. Ben Franklin was instrumental. It was not passed but set a precedent for the next time people get together.

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What is "salutary neglect" as it applies to the British control of the colonies?

British had policy to neglect the colonies

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What did the British do to solve this neglect?

  1. Maintain large military force to guard colonies

  2. Taxed colonies

  3. Uphold Navigation Acts

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Sugar Act (1764)

taxed sugar, made stricter Navigation Acts, stopped smuggling

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Quartering Act (1765)

made colonists provide food and living quarters for soldiers, not requiring them to stay inside yet

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Stamp Act (1765)

revenue stamps placed on most papers, drives biggest wedge for the colony uprising

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Declarative Acts (1766)

tax and make laws for colonies in all cases whatsoever

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Explain the Townshend Acts and list three things that would impact the colonists

Parliament enacted new duties to be collected on colonial imports on tea, glass, and paper. The search for private homes for smuggled goods and painting colors. This paid crowned officials.

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With change over time, how did the colonists first react to these measures and then change their minds?

they accepted them at first because they were indirect, then became angry when they were actually separately taxed

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John Dickinson

Had the idea of no taxation without representation

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James Otis and Sam Adams

spread the Massachusetts Circular letter, sent copies to legislature and to people, gave to many colonies

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Who would repeal the Townshend Acts and what was his reasons?

Lord North, it damaged trade, hurt revenue, and created bad relations

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Describe the Boston Massacre. What did the colonists use this event for?

Soldiers were being taunted with snowballs, 5 died including African Americans. Used for propaganda.

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What is the Committees of Correspondence? Who was responsible for initiating them?

They exchanged letters with colonists about suspicious British soldiers. Sam Adams is responsible.

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What is the Gaspee incident?

it was a customs ship that was supposed to catch smugglers. The colonists dressed up as Native Americans and set fire to the ship.

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What was the Boston Tea Party?

The colonists set fire to a ship and broke crates containing tea.They dumped them into the harbor to protest the British taxes recognizing parliaments point to tax.

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What was the official name of the Intolerable Acts? Why did the colonists call them Intolerable?

The Coercive Acts (1774). The colonists were outraged.

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Port Act

Closed the Harbor of Boston, stopped trade in and out until all tea was paid for

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Massachusetts Governor Act

reduced power of legislature and increased royal governor power

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Administration of Justice Act

allowed royal officials accused of crimes to be tried in Britain and not the colonies

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Expanded Quartering Act

enabled British troops to be quartered in private homes and in all colonies

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What did the Quebec Act outline? How did some view this Act even though it affected the French Canada?

It established Roman Catholicism for a national religion. They did not like this because they were seeking religious persecution

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Name 4 future leaders of the American Revolution that were coming to maturity in the end of the Era of Enlightenment?

Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams

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