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What is a Cloning vector?
A stable replicating DNA molecule. Often bacterial DNA
Restriction enzymes
Recognize specific sequences of dsDNA
Sticky and blunt ends
Occur naturally in bacteria. Will cut a DNA molecule wherever the recognition sequence occurs.
Engineered nucleases consist of DNA the binds to a chosen target sequence linked to a restriction enzyme → cut at a predetermined DNA sequence
Sticky ends
Enzymes that cut to leave a short ssDNA end
Will spontaneously form dsDNA → DNA fragments can be glued together
Blunt ends
Enzymes that cut the DNA with no ssDNA end
Visualizing DNA
“Tag” DNA with chemical markers to make it visible
UV-radiating reagents - general
Radioactive probes - specific
Flourescent markers - specific
Dideoxy sequencing
Similar to PCR, but some differences:
Only 1 primer
More template
Small amounts of ddNTPs included (which label by colour)
When making the new complementary chain ddNTPs will be randomly selected among other nukleotides, ending that chain.
Run high resolution electrophoresis to separate by length.
Determine sequence from order of different colours (marking different ddNTPs)
Like a regular nukleotide but nothing can bind after it, so it at the end of its chain.
Next Generation Sequencing
Sätt visualisera DNA
Cut genome with restriction enzyme and add unique adaptor sequende
Each base has a different colour
The adaptor sequence identifies the source of the DNA
Cheeper and faster than dideoxy sequencing
Thrid Generation Sequencing
Analyzing DNA molecules in real time
CRISPR-Cas editing
Effector comlex associates with PAM (short & frequent). If seed sequence matches genome sequence clode to PAM → dsDNA/RNA → cutting by CAS9
Repair the cut:
NHEJ → insertions or deletions (knock out gene)
Homologous recombination with donor DNA (introduction of new DNA)
Transgenic organism
Organism with foreign DNA introduced into genome
Genetically Modified Organism
Organism with artificially modified DNA
Effector complex
Used in CRISPR-Cas
Single guide RNA + CAS9 protein
The guide controls where it will cut
Amplify DNA
Often you don’t have a lot of DNA to work with and have to amplify it
e.g. if DNA from crime scene or ancient DNA
Different techniques:
Bacterial cloning
quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
Same process as PCR but the amplified DNA is flourescently labled
qPCR is also in real time so you can monitor the amplification as it’s happening
The amount of flourecence released during amplification is directly proportional to the amount of amplified DNA
Mäter genuttryck
Varför jämför man ofta non-coding regions mellan människor?
Den del som mest troligt varierar mellan personer
Varierar i antal repetitioner
Hela genomen är alldeles för stor för att kunna undersökas
99% av genomen är samma mellan olika individer
Vi jämför den procent som skiljer
Ex no-coding regions
Makes the DNA inaccessible but can be done flexibly
Ex. supercoiling and chromatin
The coil of the DNA coiling around itself
Occurs when the molecule relieves the helical stress by twisting around itself
Regulates access to genetic code
Both eucaryotic and procaryotic
For procaryotes DNA is globally ______, but for eucaryotes it is done locally and correlated with transcription active regions
Positive and Negative Supercoil
In the direction of DNA helix (right), makes it tighter
Less common
In the opposite direction of DNA helix (left), makes it looser
More common
Enzyme that introduces or removes negative supercoils
Wrapping DNA around histones which group to make chromatids
Histones are positively charged while DNA is negative
If loosely packed some genes are accessible
DNA methylization: inhibits gene expression
Chromosome puff
Regions of relaxed chromatin
Highly condensed, gene-poor and transcriptionally silent
Less condensed, gene-rich and more accessible to transcription
Small specialized chromosomal regions
Without them cells cannot divide properly
Very conserved but no specific sequence
Histones are possibly involved
Ends of chromosomes
Made of repetitive non.coding DNA
Shorten with time, when lost the cell dies
Predicts life span
“End replication problem”
Length is linked to early life adversity
The process of replication is __________, there is one original DNA molecule and one new copy
Theta model
Procaryotic replication
The new copy is made in the middle and DNA synthesis happens at both sides of the fork
Enzyme that synthesizes short RNA sequences called primers
A segment of DNA wound around eight histones
End replication problem
Telomere length progressively shortens because of the inability of DNA polymerase to fully replicate the 3ʹ end of the DNA strand.
DNA molecules exchange pieces of genetic material
Happens during meiosis
Increases genetic variation
Essential for some types of repair
Give info about linkage of genes
The synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template
RNA is transcribed from a single DNA strand/gener transkriberas alltid från antingen ena eller andra strängen
Controls gene-expression
Tre faser:
Syntetiseras av RNA-polymeras
No primer is needed
Transcription unit
RNA coding region,
& terminator
RNA polymerase i bakterier vs EU-celler
Bacterial cells possess only one type of RNA polymerase
catalyzes the synthesis of mRNA, rRNA and tRNA
Eukaryotic cells possess several types of RNA polymerase
Transkriberar olika sorters RNA
Fler saker att kontrollera i eukaryot cell
Sigma factor
Procaryotic transcription initiator
Initiation (transkription)
RNA polymerase binds to a promoter region
Requires sigma factor in procaryotes
Both a core and regulatory promoter in eucaryotes
Sigma factor + RNA polymerase → RNA polymerase _____________
Binds and unwinds promoter NDA, forming the transcription bubble
Non-coding regions of DNA
Coding regions of DNA
Pre-mRNA processing
Only in eucaryotic cells
Addition of a cap to the 5’ end
Stops it from being degraded
Addition of poly(A) tail at 3’ end
Skyddar från degradation
Consensus sequence
The places at the beginning and end of an intron where it is cut
Tells spliceosome where to cut
Alternative splicing
Kan utöver att ta bort introner även ta bort exoner → nya kombinationer av den kodande informationen i genen → olika mRNA från samma del i DNA’t
Multiple 3’ cleavage sites
Jämförbart med alternative splicing
Kan ta bort exoner i mRNA
Bacterial CRISPR-Cas
Adaptive and inheritable immune system
Defense against invasive genetic elements (such as viral DNA )
Gene silencing in the lab using CRISPR:
Able to knock in genes, knock out genes or mutate sequences
Jämför med RNA interference som tillfälligt tystar gener by knocking down their mRNA transcripts
Coding RNA
mRNA that encodes protein
(to act as various components including enzymes, cell structures, and signal transductors)
Noncoding RNA
RNA that acts as cellular regulators
Without encoding protein
Gene expression
The process by which the information encoded in a gene is used to direct the assembly of a protein molecule
RNA polymerase holoenzyme
I prokaryotiska celler
RNA polymerase och sigma factor (σ factor)
RNA polymerase I
Eukaryota celler
Transkriberar rRNA
I nukleolen
Där ribosomer bildas
RNA polymeras II
Syntetiserar pre-mRNA
pre-mRNA = all mRNA innan den är helt mature and ready to be translated
I cellkärnan
RNA polymeras III
Eukaryota celler
Transkriberar ex pre-tRNA och snRNA
Small nuclear RNA
have a variety of functions, including:
“splicing” pre-mRNAs
regulating transcription factors.
Prokaryotisk cell vs eukaryotisk - DNA
DNA is smaller and more simple
DNA is also circulat
DNA is linear
Base pairs are the same but the replication process differs
How does the DNA of mithochondria and chloroplasts differ from that found in the nucleus?
High copy number
A mitochondrion or chloroplast has multiple copies of its DNA,
Random segregation
Mitochondria and chloroplasts (and the genes they carry) are randomly distributed to daughter cells during mitosis and meiosis.
Single-parent inheritance
Non-nuclear DNA is often inherited uniparentally, meaning that offspring get DNA only from the male or the female parent
Which replication ways were first proposed? Which is true? (Kopplat till hur nytt och gammalt DNA fördelas)
Both old DNA strands go to one cell, both new ones to the other
True, what really happens
A new strand is added to each of old strands
Parts of old and new strands are mixed in both daugther cells
Which are the modes of replication?
Ways DNA can replicate
Theta model
Rolling-circle model
Linear eucaryotic replication
Rolling-circle model
Mode of replication
Replication along one sigle strand
DNA synthesis begins at 3’ end of the broken nucleotide strand
The 5’ end is continuously displaced as the DNA cell unwinds
Replication bubble
The chromosomes in eucaryotic cells contain several origins of replication
Replication happens at the origins at the same time
Replication bubbles are created when the DNA is unwound at each origin of replication
Differences eucaryotic DNA and bacterial DNA when it comes to replication
DNA in EU-cells is much longer→ replication is initiated at multiple origins
EU -cells have linear chromosomes, bacteria circular
Nucleosome assembly must immediately follow DNA replication in EU-cells
Wrapping around histones
Gene conversion
Specific type of homologous recombination
Involves the unidirectional transfer of genetic material from a 'donor' sequence to a highly homologous 'acceptor'
Promoter region
Sequence of DNA that starts RNA transcription
Secondary structure in RNA
Created by RNA folding
Only one side of DNA is the template
The RNA transcript carries the same info as the non-template (coding) strand of DNA, but has U insted of T
What is NTPs?
A, C, G, U, building blocks of RNA
Terminator site
Section of DNA that marks the end of a gene during transcription
Causes transcript to be released
Series of UUUU… slows transcription which causes hairpin loop of complementary RNA
Template for protein synthesis
Carries info from gene to ribosome
Removes the introns in DNA, done by splicing
Removal of introns
Takes place in the spliceosome
Requires consensus sequences
2 units, one big and one small
Keeps mRNA stable and makes it clear where tRNA goes