GCSE Macbeth - Kingship Quotes

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Give 3 quotes that relate Duncan to kingship (at start of play)

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Give 3 quotes that relate Duncan to kingship (at start of play)

  • 'Valiant cousin' + 'Worthy gentleman' + 'Hold thee to my heart

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Explain how the quote 'Valiant cousin' + 'Worthy gentlemen' reflects Duncan's Kingship

In Act 1 Scene 7 we see Duncan receiving a battle update and hear how he praises and admires Macbeths courage, which then foreshadows Macbeths betrayal. Duncan uses epithets to describe his admiration towards Macbeth and how deeply he respects him. As well as this, we see how passionate Duncan is with his respect as he reacts with 'O...' It also shows how trusting Duncan is as he trusts those around him whereas Macbeth is paranoid and kills those he is threatened by

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Explain how the quote 'hold thee to my heart' relates to Duncan's Kingship

In Act 1 Scene 4 we see Duncan congratulating Macbeth and Banquo graciously. This shows his appreciation and admiration for his Thames as well as reflecting his naivety. Duncan says 'hold thee to my heart' as an implicit stage direction of him hugging the two men. It shows how kind yet also fatherly he is towards Macbeth and Banquo which reflects his Kingship as well as the graveness of his murderi

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Explain the quote 'Hath borne his faculties so meek' or 'Plead like angels, trumpet tounged'

This quote has a biblical nature showing how Duncan is such a good person it is a sin to kill him, this the relates to the damnation of Macbeths soul. It also stresses the severity of this regicide - not only is it sinful to murder, but it is even more sinful to murder such a gracious king as Duncan. As well as this, Duncan is generous as he is has 'borne his faculties' to Macbeth, highlighting his gracious kingship.

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Conclusion: How does Duncan correlate kingship?

Duncan is presented as a gracious and generous King who is highly respected and adored by his people. We are shown his naivety in trusting Macbeth which makes Macbeths regicide even more sinful. Overall Duncan is seen as a good person who is highly praised, this contrasts to Macbeths reign of tyranny

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Give 3 quotes that relate Macbeth to Kingship.

  • 'Those he commands, move only in commands, nothing in love' + 'Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren sceptre in my grip' + 'Thou liest, abhorred tyrant'

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Explain how the quote 'Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren sceptre in my grip' relates to Macbeth and Kingship

In Act 3 Scene 1 we see Macbeth being overcome with the paranoia of the prophecy and the effect that it is having on him. .In this metaphor, Macbeth notes that the witches handed him a scepter by prophesying that he would become king. But the scepter is barren, or infertile, because they also predicted that he will not have male heirs, and thus the scepter and the kingship will pass to an unrelated person. This links to the divine right of kings which Macbeths reign did not follow as he was not in line for the throne.

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Explain how the quote 'Those he commands, move only in commands, nothing in love' relates to Macbeth and Kingship

This quote shows the isolated and tyrannical way that Macbeth is ruling. Macbeth is no longer a king because he is respected and loved by his people. Those who work for him are afraid of him and do what they do because they must. Suddenly the very large robe of a king no longer fits him; he is nothing more than a dwarf of what a real kind should be. ACT 5 SCENE 2

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Explain how the quote "Thou liest, abhorred tyrant" relates to macbeth and kingship

This quote from Act 5 Scene 7 is said by Young Siward, a young boy who loses his life whilst trying to take Macbeths. Already we see Young Siwards courage and naivety as he takes on Macbeth. However we also see Macbeths ruthlessness as I mercilessly kills the boy. The fact that Young Siward calls him a tyrant shows how litte respect Macbeth has from his people

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Describe what happens in Act 4 Scene 3

Macduff meets up with Malcolm in England and the two male plans for joe to overthrow Macbeth and take back their kingdom

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Give 2-3 quotes from Malcolm and Macduff convo

"What I am is truly thing, and my poor country's to command" + "It cannot be called our mother, but our grave" + “Now does he feel his title hang loose about him like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief"

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Explain the quote, "What I am is truly thing, and my poor country's to command"

Malcolm is trying to establish himself as different from Macbeth as he see Macbeth as a tyrant and an unsuitable king. He is saying he want to help/serve his country as someone who is the opposite of Macbeth. This creates a dramatic foil of Macbeths version of Kingship to Malcolms as Malcolm values graciousness and other positive qualities whereas Macbeth is simply a tyrant

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Explain the quote, "It cannot be called our mother, but our grave"

In this extract, Ross is talking about the decay of Scotland under Macbeths rule. He cannot long think of Scotland as his mother country, but only as his grave. He is describing Scotland as hellish and something of death to show the extent of the fall of Scotland under Macbeth

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Explain the quote, "What I am truly is thine and my poor country's to command"

In this quote, Malcolm establishes him as different to Macbeth, he is not another tyrant, in fact he is quite the opposite. Unlike Macbeth who is hungry for power and control, Malcolm wishes to serve and help his country. He can only be as happy as his country, which brings a sense of unity to Scotland

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Explain the quote, "Now does he feel his title hang loose about him like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief"

This quote refers to Macbeth as 'dwarfish' showing that he is too small for this role of King. As well as this it hints to some sort of monstrous physicality to Macbeth which displays to us how the people of Scotland view him. This also references to the quote 'why do you dress me in borrowed robes' this hints to the idea that Macbeth is not fit for the role of a King, his title doesn't fit him at all as he is so tyrannical

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At the beginning of the play Macbeth has the ideal qualities of a noble king. Give 3 quotes to show this.

"Braves Macbeth" " Valour's minion" "Bellona's bridegroom"

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