Tortious acts
A voluntary act that resulted in harm or injury in other people
អំពើអធ្យានុកូលគឺជាអំពើដែលបំពានខុសច្បាប់លើសិទ្ធិ or ផលប្រយោជ៏អ្នកដទៃដោយចេតនា អចេតនា
Article 6 civil code
Principle of equality or legal capacity
Article 7
Foreigners are subject to certain restrictions according to national law treatie and conventions.
Article 8
Natural person shall acquire legal capacity by birth and shall lost it by death
Article 44 Of constitution
Only natural person or legal entity by Khmer nationality’s shall have the right to own land.
Article 46
Other than natural person cooperation are also subject to rights and obligations too.
Civil code announcement of use
21 12 2011