anthro food

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what determines food choices

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what determines food choices

Environment (seasonal/regional availability)
Personal preference

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personal meanings of food

Comfort food
Celebration food
Food memory
Food aversions

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lactase persistence

lactase (enzyme) is needed to break down lactose
a mutation prevalent in populations with history of dairying animal domestication
allows lactase production beyond early childhood

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cultivation of crops via simple tools

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reliance on domesticated herd animals; meaning seasonal movement (following them as they move)

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substinance strategies

hunting/gathering, horticulture, pastoralism, agriculture

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natufian culture

15,000-11,500 YA
Evidence of status differences via differently painted masks given as grave goods

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Not an inevitable step in human societal development
Many societies did not develop agriculture
Did not start just in once place

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early agriculture evidence

Pottery and food storage
More permanent sites
Increased social complexity

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impact of agriculture

controlling domestic resources
diet change
more technology (plough, irrigation)
specialisation of labour
sedentary society
other outputs are given more time (architecture, material culture)
increase in population & social stratification

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Process of adapting plants and animals for human use
Selectively curating plants or raising animals based on desired qualities

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animal domestication criteria

Already relatively docile
Easy to catch, feed, and keep alive
Must have quick, reliable breeding, and ample offspring
Must have family structure

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agriculture drawbacks

decline in nutrition and health
increased opportunity for zoonoses
sedentary life = waste accumulation
higher populations favour herd diseases

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food preferences

personal likes/dislikes
not cultural

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food restrictions

periodic denial of certain foods
can be religious, for health, or because of a disorder
comes and goes

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food taboo

deliberate avoidance for reasons other than simple dislike

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pork taboo

1. Symbolic/interpretive perspective
Clean vs. unclean foods
For ancient Hebrews, pigs were classified as unclean
2. Cultural ambiguity
Adaptive/materialist perspectives
Environment of middle east made raising pigs maladaptive

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cow taboo

hindu people do not eat beef because the cow is a sacred animal to them

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why dont we eat dogs

In many cultures, dogs are useful
Service > meat
Dogs eaten in cultures where their services are not needed or when other food is scarce

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food fetish

adamant devotion or aversion to particular food

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