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Unit 3 - Population

3.1 Generalist & Specialist Species

  • some species (generalist feeders) adapt to environmental changes better than other species (specialist feeders)

  • generalist species: thrive in dynamic environments; can adapt well (broad niche)

    • can live in a variety of environments

    • broad range of ecological tolerance (no specific diet or habitat)

    • usually known for being invasive species

      • ex. raccoons, mule deers, rats, bald eagles

  • specialist species: thrive in stable environments; easily struggle or succumb to changes in habitat (narrow niche)

    • only live in specific conditions

    • narrow range of ecological tolerance (limited diet, conditions, and habitat)

      • ex. giant pandas, mountains gorillas, osprey

3.2 K-Selected & r-Selected Species

  • K-selected species: large, quality > quantity in offspring, long life spans, late maturation can reproduce multiple times, specialists, large body types, strong competition in their particular environments

    • high levels of competition for resources in the habitat

    • more prone to the colonization of invasive species

    • can maintain the population at carrying capacity (adjusting population to utilize resources efficiently)

      • ex. giant pandas, elephants

  • r-selected species: small, quantity > quality in offspring, early maturation, reproduce only once, generalists

    • low competition for resources in the habitat

    • prone to overpopulation by exceeding the carrying capacity

    • can experience population dieback due to overpopulation

      • ex. mosquitos, invasive species

  • biotic potential: max ideal reproductive rate of a population (measurement of growth capacity in populations)

    • ex. 1-2 cubs for giant pandas

  • many species have characteristics of both K-selected and r-selected species

    • ex. osprey, frogs, sea turtles

3.3 Survivorship Curves

  • survivorship curve: displays the relative survival rates of a group of same-age individuals in a population

    • x-axis: max lifespan of organisms from birth to death

    • y-axis: percent of surviving organisms in a population (logarithmically)

Types of Survivorship Curves

  • Type I: late loss

    • a large number of the population survives throughout their lifespan, reaching old age

    • dies at the end of their lifespan

    • adequate care → increasing chances of survival to maturation

    • represents many K-selected species

      • ex. mountain gorillas

  • Type II: constant loss

    • death rate constant from birth to death

    • organisms die throughout their lifespan

      • ex. birds, squirrels

  • Type III: early loss

    • surviving rate drops immediately after birth; few organisms survive to adulthood

    • little to no care → high infant mortality

    • represents many r-selected species

      • ex. monarch butterflies

3.4 Carrying Capacity

  • >= carrying capacity → resource depletion → famine, disease, and conflict

  • carrying capacity: max number of organisms the environment can support without resource degradation

    • represented as a horizontal dotted line at the top of the graph labeled K

  • population dieback: decrease in population as a result of resource degradation caused by overpopulation in species

    • exceeding carrying capacity → population dieback → within carrying capacity

      • ex. reindeer of st. matthew island

3.5 Population Growth and Resource Availability

  • environmental resistance: factors that limit population growth

    • emerges after the population goes over carrying capacity

  • exponential growth = unlimited resources

    • occurs in all populations below carrying capacity (competition does not greatly affect population growth)

  • logistic growth = limited resources

    • occurs in populations at or above carrying capacity when competition is a dependent variable

  • fecundity: ability to produce offspring

    • including factors such as maturation age, reproductive rate, biotic potential, and reproductive strategy

Types of Environmental Resistance Factors

  • density-dependent resistance factors: biotic, affects organisms when population density is high

    • ex. competition, predation, parasitism

  • density-independent resistance factors: abiotic, affects all populations regardless of size or density

    • ex. natural disasters or droughts

3.6 Age Structure Diagrams

  • another name for population pyramid

    • shows the distribution of ages in a population divided by males and females

    • shapes represent trends within the population

  • x-axis: # of individuals (left side male right side female)

  • y-axis: center of the diagram showing age groups

    • reproductive: 0-14 years

    • reproductive: 15-45 years

    • post-reproductive: 46-100+ years

  • higher proportion of young people = rapid population growth (bottom heavy)

    • wide base, pyramid shape

    • indicates developing nation

      • ex. india, brazil, nigeria, mexico

  • higher proportion of middle-aged people: stable population growth (middle heavy)

    • rectangular shape

    • similar percentages throughout all age groups

    • indicates more developed nations

      • ex. united states, sweden, canada, austrailia

  • higher proportion of elder people: declining population growth (top heavy)

    • inverted pyramid shape

    • many people in the post-reproductive stage

    • more economic and social development, higher education common

    • long-term impact on social services

      • ex. japan, germany, italy, russia

3.7 Total Fertility Rate

  • TFR: avg # of children a woman has during her childbearing years (15-49)

    • been lowering in recent years depending on the country

      • ex. world avg = 2.5

  • developing countries: TFR > 2.1

    • rapid population growth

      • ex. niger, congo, uganda

  • developed countries: TFR <= 2.1

    • stable/declining population growth

      • ex. united states, japan, united kingdom

Societal Factors

  • age of first pregnancy

  • educational opportunities for women

  • family planning resources

  • governmental regulations

  • access to healthcare resources

3.8 Human Population Dynamics

  • thomas malthus → all populations have a carrying capacity

  • humans are limited by density-independent & density-dependent factors

    • density-independent factors: affects population regardless of size or density

      • ex. storms, fire, heat waves, droughts

    • density-dependent factors: affects population based on size or density

    • arises during overshoot and dieback → decreasing overpopulation

      • ex. disease transmission, territory size, food availability, access to clean air and water

  • doubling time: the amount of time a population takes to double at a constant growth rate

    • calculated using rule of 70

      • rule of 70: 70/r = doubling time

      • r = growth rate of population (%)

Environmental Problems

  • density-independent factors

    • hurricanes → drop in population due to property damage, economic loss, and better opportunities elsewhere

  • more years a woman is in school = lower TFR

Societal Factors

  • birth rates:

    • high rate = rapid population growth

    • low rate = slow population growth

  • death rates:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • education of women:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • infant mortality:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • age of marriage:

    • early - rapid population growth

    • late - slow population growth

  • nutrition:

    • better = rapid population growth

    • worse = slow population growth

3.9 Demographic Transition

  • demographic transition: model that shows trends in CBR, CDR, and total population

    • derived from historical data

    • moving towards industrialization from agricultural-based economies

    • development shown in 4 stages

  • Stage 1: high infant mortality, child labor → low growth (preindustrial)

  • Stage 2: improved resources → very high growth (transitional)

    • the gap between birth and death rate widens

    • less developed countries (LDC)

  • Stage 3: high education amongst women, low infant mortality → slower growth (industrial)

    • less developed countries (LDC)

    • birth and death rate are almost equal

  • Stage 4: stage 3 + aging population + tax burdens for senior citizen care → zero or negative growth (post-industrial)

    • more developed countries (MDC)


Unit 3 - Population

3.1 Generalist & Specialist Species

  • some species (generalist feeders) adapt to environmental changes better than other species (specialist feeders)

  • generalist species: thrive in dynamic environments; can adapt well (broad niche)

    • can live in a variety of environments

    • broad range of ecological tolerance (no specific diet or habitat)

    • usually known for being invasive species

      • ex. raccoons, mule deers, rats, bald eagles

  • specialist species: thrive in stable environments; easily struggle or succumb to changes in habitat (narrow niche)

    • only live in specific conditions

    • narrow range of ecological tolerance (limited diet, conditions, and habitat)

      • ex. giant pandas, mountains gorillas, osprey

3.2 K-Selected & r-Selected Species

  • K-selected species: large, quality > quantity in offspring, long life spans, late maturation can reproduce multiple times, specialists, large body types, strong competition in their particular environments

    • high levels of competition for resources in the habitat

    • more prone to the colonization of invasive species

    • can maintain the population at carrying capacity (adjusting population to utilize resources efficiently)

      • ex. giant pandas, elephants

  • r-selected species: small, quantity > quality in offspring, early maturation, reproduce only once, generalists

    • low competition for resources in the habitat

    • prone to overpopulation by exceeding the carrying capacity

    • can experience population dieback due to overpopulation

      • ex. mosquitos, invasive species

  • biotic potential: max ideal reproductive rate of a population (measurement of growth capacity in populations)

    • ex. 1-2 cubs for giant pandas

  • many species have characteristics of both K-selected and r-selected species

    • ex. osprey, frogs, sea turtles

3.3 Survivorship Curves

  • survivorship curve: displays the relative survival rates of a group of same-age individuals in a population

    • x-axis: max lifespan of organisms from birth to death

    • y-axis: percent of surviving organisms in a population (logarithmically)

Types of Survivorship Curves

  • Type I: late loss

    • a large number of the population survives throughout their lifespan, reaching old age

    • dies at the end of their lifespan

    • adequate care → increasing chances of survival to maturation

    • represents many K-selected species

      • ex. mountain gorillas

  • Type II: constant loss

    • death rate constant from birth to death

    • organisms die throughout their lifespan

      • ex. birds, squirrels

  • Type III: early loss

    • surviving rate drops immediately after birth; few organisms survive to adulthood

    • little to no care → high infant mortality

    • represents many r-selected species

      • ex. monarch butterflies

3.4 Carrying Capacity

  • >= carrying capacity → resource depletion → famine, disease, and conflict

  • carrying capacity: max number of organisms the environment can support without resource degradation

    • represented as a horizontal dotted line at the top of the graph labeled K

  • population dieback: decrease in population as a result of resource degradation caused by overpopulation in species

    • exceeding carrying capacity → population dieback → within carrying capacity

      • ex. reindeer of st. matthew island

3.5 Population Growth and Resource Availability

  • environmental resistance: factors that limit population growth

    • emerges after the population goes over carrying capacity

  • exponential growth = unlimited resources

    • occurs in all populations below carrying capacity (competition does not greatly affect population growth)

  • logistic growth = limited resources

    • occurs in populations at or above carrying capacity when competition is a dependent variable

  • fecundity: ability to produce offspring

    • including factors such as maturation age, reproductive rate, biotic potential, and reproductive strategy

Types of Environmental Resistance Factors

  • density-dependent resistance factors: biotic, affects organisms when population density is high

    • ex. competition, predation, parasitism

  • density-independent resistance factors: abiotic, affects all populations regardless of size or density

    • ex. natural disasters or droughts

3.6 Age Structure Diagrams

  • another name for population pyramid

    • shows the distribution of ages in a population divided by males and females

    • shapes represent trends within the population

  • x-axis: # of individuals (left side male right side female)

  • y-axis: center of the diagram showing age groups

    • reproductive: 0-14 years

    • reproductive: 15-45 years

    • post-reproductive: 46-100+ years

  • higher proportion of young people = rapid population growth (bottom heavy)

    • wide base, pyramid shape

    • indicates developing nation

      • ex. india, brazil, nigeria, mexico

  • higher proportion of middle-aged people: stable population growth (middle heavy)

    • rectangular shape

    • similar percentages throughout all age groups

    • indicates more developed nations

      • ex. united states, sweden, canada, austrailia

  • higher proportion of elder people: declining population growth (top heavy)

    • inverted pyramid shape

    • many people in the post-reproductive stage

    • more economic and social development, higher education common

    • long-term impact on social services

      • ex. japan, germany, italy, russia

3.7 Total Fertility Rate

  • TFR: avg # of children a woman has during her childbearing years (15-49)

    • been lowering in recent years depending on the country

      • ex. world avg = 2.5

  • developing countries: TFR > 2.1

    • rapid population growth

      • ex. niger, congo, uganda

  • developed countries: TFR <= 2.1

    • stable/declining population growth

      • ex. united states, japan, united kingdom

Societal Factors

  • age of first pregnancy

  • educational opportunities for women

  • family planning resources

  • governmental regulations

  • access to healthcare resources

3.8 Human Population Dynamics

  • thomas malthus → all populations have a carrying capacity

  • humans are limited by density-independent & density-dependent factors

    • density-independent factors: affects population regardless of size or density

      • ex. storms, fire, heat waves, droughts

    • density-dependent factors: affects population based on size or density

    • arises during overshoot and dieback → decreasing overpopulation

      • ex. disease transmission, territory size, food availability, access to clean air and water

  • doubling time: the amount of time a population takes to double at a constant growth rate

    • calculated using rule of 70

      • rule of 70: 70/r = doubling time

      • r = growth rate of population (%)

Environmental Problems

  • density-independent factors

    • hurricanes → drop in population due to property damage, economic loss, and better opportunities elsewhere

  • more years a woman is in school = lower TFR

Societal Factors

  • birth rates:

    • high rate = rapid population growth

    • low rate = slow population growth

  • death rates:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • education of women:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • infant mortality:

    • high rate = slow population growth

    • low rate = rapid population growth

  • age of marriage:

    • early - rapid population growth

    • late - slow population growth

  • nutrition:

    • better = rapid population growth

    • worse = slow population growth

3.9 Demographic Transition

  • demographic transition: model that shows trends in CBR, CDR, and total population

    • derived from historical data

    • moving towards industrialization from agricultural-based economies

    • development shown in 4 stages

  • Stage 1: high infant mortality, child labor → low growth (preindustrial)

  • Stage 2: improved resources → very high growth (transitional)

    • the gap between birth and death rate widens

    • less developed countries (LDC)

  • Stage 3: high education amongst women, low infant mortality → slower growth (industrial)

    • less developed countries (LDC)

    • birth and death rate are almost equal

  • Stage 4: stage 3 + aging population + tax burdens for senior citizen care → zero or negative growth (post-industrial)

    • more developed countries (MDC)
