Osmosis and plant transport

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What is osmosis?

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What is osmosis?

Water molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration by osmosis

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This done through a..

Selectively permeable membrane

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What is a selectively permeable membrane

Allows small substances through but prevents large substances

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What does osmosis in cells depend on

Concentration of water around it

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What happens if water moves into an animal cell

Cell membrane stretches and gets bigger

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When water moves into a plant cell what gets bigger


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When the vacuole gets bigger what pushes against what

Cell membrane against the cell wall

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What is turgid

Enlargered /swollen with water

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What happens when plant cells are in dilute solutions

Plant cell increase in size and water moved into the plant

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What happens when plant cells are in a concentrated solution

Decrease in size vacuole gets smaller cell membrane peels away from cell wall . Cell looses water as water moves out cell becomes Flacid and plasmalised

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What happens if water moves I into an animal cell

Cell membrane stretches and gets bigger

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It a cell bursts what is it called


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When water moves into a plant cell what gets bigger


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What is transpiritation

A process by which water evaporates from spongy mesophyll cells and diffuses out through open stomata in plant leaves

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What do plants use water for

Photosynthesis, transporting minerals, support

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Factors that affect transpiritation

Temperature, wind, humidity, light intensity , surface area

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