Two false approaches to poetry
Looking for a lesson or moral instruction. 2) poetry is always beautiful
4 Dimensions of poetry
1) Intellectual 2) Senses 3)Emotion 4) Imagination
Examples of figurative language resources in poetry
Connotation, Imagery, Metaphor, Symbol, Paradox, Irony, Allusion, Sound Repetition, Rhythm, Pattern
How to properly read a poem
1: Read it more than once 2: Use a dictionary 3: Hear words in your mind 4: Pay attention to detail/what the poem is saying 5: Practice reading poems aloud with emotion (don’t force it). 6: don’t read in a specific pattern (ta-DUM-ta-DUM)
Dictionary meaning of a ward
The meaning a word invokes in a reader, not necessarily its literal meaning
4 Questions to ask yourself while reading a poem
1. Who is the speaker? 2. What is the occasion? 3. What is the central purpose of the poem? 4. By what means is that purpose achieved?
An error by readers is to assume
The speaker using first person pronouns is the poet.
Tennis, Poetry Analogy
You must always stay focused on the text just like how you should stay focused on the ball. You should always be mentally alert.
Comparison without using like or as. Often uses “is”
Comparison with using like or as
Giving a nonhuman entity human properties
“Downplaying” Making something seem less than what it really is
An exaggeration
The opposite of what you expect happens
Repetition of words or phrases
self-contradictory statement
The use of descriptive words to create images in the reader’s mind
Word choice
What are the main coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS)?
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What are the main subordinating conjunctions (AAAWWUBBIS)?
After, although, as, when, while, until, because, before, if, since
What does a simple sentence contain?
One independent clause
What does a complex sentence contain?
One independent and one dependent clause
What does a compound sentence contain?
Two independent clauses
What does a compound-complex sentence contain?
At least two independent clauses and one dependent clause
What are the four ways to connect independent clauses?
Semicolon, semicolon + conjugative adverb, comma + FANBOYS, period + a space.
What are the three uses for language?
Informational, persuasive, to convey an experience