________ es una ciudad de monasterios del siglo XII que se salvó de ser destruida en la Segunda Guerra Mundial porque Adolph Hitler quería convertirla en la capital británica si ganaba la guerra y había ordenado a su fuerza aérea que no la bombardeara.
________: UN ESCÉPTICO DEL TECNOOPTIMISMO Lo primero que me llamó la atención cuando llegué a Oxford, una ciudad universitaria a una hora en tren de Londres, fue la disparidad entre ________ y las investigaciones futuristas de Osborne, y el entorno medieval en el que las llevaban a cabo.
These purchases were "the biggest indication yet that Google is trying to create a new class of autonomous systems [robots] that could do everything from loading work to package delivery and care for the elderly," said the news from The New York Times.1 And, within weeks of each other, global consulting firm McKinsey published an extensive report entitled Technological Disruption, in which it warned that new technologies would leave not only millions of manufacturing workers out of work, but also between 110 and 140 million office workers and professionals by 2025.2 Suddenly, many began to wonder
are we going towards a world of unemployed
A SKEPTIC OF TECHNOOPTIMISM The first thing that struck me when I arrived in Oxford, a university city an hour's train ride from London, was the disparity between Frey and Osborne's futuristic investigations, and the medieval environment in which they were conducting them