acquiescence (n)
the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
acrimonious (adj)
Typically a speech or a debate, angry and bitter
caliber (n)
The quality of someones character or the level of their ability
chiffarobe (n)
Combination of a wardrobe and chest of drawers
connived (v)
To secretly allow something considered immoral illegal wrong or harmful to occur
cynical (adj)
A person who thinks humans are selfish, or one person motivated by their own interests
elucidate (v)
To make something clear or to explain
florid (adj)
extremely complex
furtive (adj)
To avoid attention due to mostly guilt
habiliments (n)
The dress characteristic of an occupation or occasion
honed (v)
Reined or perfected over time
impedimenta (n)
equipment for an activity or expedition, especially when considered as bulky or an encumbrance.
impertinence (n)
lack of respect; rudeness.
indignant (adj
Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment
infallible (adj)
incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
infantile (adj)
Acting childish or annoying
iota (n)
An extremely small amount
irascible (adj)
Having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
lavation (n)
The act or instance of washing or cleansing
manacles (n)
Something that physically prevents free movement
a metal band, chain, or shackle
notoriety (n)
The state of having a bad reputation
privy (n)
A toilet or bathroom
repertoire (n)
All the special skills a person has
spurious (adj)
Not being what it purports to be
squalid (adj)
Extremely dirty or unpleasant especially as a result of poverty or neglect
sundry (adj)
A various kind or several
temerity (n)
excessive confidence or boldness.
tenet (n)
A belief honored by one person or a group of people
principle or belief
vehement (adj)
Showing strong feeling intense
veneer (n)
An attractive appearance that covers or disguises someone or somethings true nature or feelings
venerable (adj)
Given a great deal of respect especially because of age wisdom or character
wryly (adv)
In a way that expresses mocking humor or dry humor