US History MidTerms

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Native Americans; multi-storied, terraced buildings, irrigation systems; American Southwest; Created irrigation and 3-sister farming; northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico

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Canoe builders, navigators, traders, fishers; first peaceful encounter between Natives and newcomers

Northwest Coast; lived in what are now Washington and Oregon, from the mouth of the Columbia River to The Dalles

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Native Americans, Hiawatha (leader); lived around present day Ontario, upstate New York, and some sections of Pennsylvania; had good organization skills and were known for their longhouses

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Native American tribe; canoe builders; New York to California to Maine to S. Canada; created tribal councils and canoes

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Columbian Exchange

the transmission and interchange of plants, animals, diseases, cultures, human populations (including slaves), and technologies between the New World and the Old World

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a system that existed for people to work and fight for nobles to give them security and the use of some land in return

became a reason for governments to protect all citizens of all classes

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an economic system where a private owner of production creates an operation for profit

led to more innovation, industrialism, and more market goods in the Americas

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Joint Stock Companies

companies or corporations owned by shareholders

important because it allowed for companies to have investors

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a device that measures the space or distance between two objects using angles

important because we used it to measure a lot of things like longitude and latitude

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a tool of measurement used before the sextant used to make astronomical measurements

tell the time of day and night and times of sunrises and sunsets

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Christopher Columbus

an Italian navigator or explorer who “discovered” the New World

important because he was one of the first to start a revolution of finding the New World

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Juan Ponce de Leon

a Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the first exploration to Florida

important because of his settlement in Puerto Rico

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St. Augustine, 1565

the oldest continuous European settlement in the U.S.

important because it was the first permanent European settlement

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Walter Raleigh

an explorer, statesman, and soldier who played a role in the colonization of North Americans

important because he made a way for most of the colonization in North America

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Roanoke, 1586

an English colony that originally had 100 colonists and was settled for about a year until they disappeared

important because it was supposed to be the 1st permanent English North American settlement

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Encomienda System

a system of labor for Spanish conquistadors

important because it was a new supply of wealth for the Spanish conquistadoes

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Spanish soldiers who explored during the Age of Discovery

were important because they led most of, if not all the new Spanish influence in the New World

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widespread disease that was fatal and caused many deaths in Europe. Sometimes up to 400,000 deaths

important because of its major effect on the world’s population

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Spanish Mission System

a system of religious communities in North America from the 1500s-1800s

important because it contributed to some of the spread of Christianity and Catholism

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used in Latin America for a man of mixed race, especially from a Spanish descent

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used in the Spanish empire for a person of mixed native and African ancestry

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Juan de Sepulveda

a Spanish philosopher of Spanish Renaissance

important because he brought light to systemic rulings

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Bartolome de las Casas

a Spanish priest who is most famous for his historian work as well as being a social reformer

important to history because he argued for rights of property and labor rights that belonged to natives

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Juan de Onate

a former governor of a part of Mexico as well as an explorer and conquistador

important because he established the colony of Nuevo, Mexico

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African descendants who escaped slavery in the Americas and formed their own settlements

important to slavery resistances

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African American Religions

African inspired religions with inspirations of the Americas’ religions

important because it started a base for them to grow off of when it came to faith and beliefs

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Casta System

a system that organized people based on race

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a term used for people mixed of both white and black race

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a term used for people who were mixed race; indigenous and European

important because these people constituted the Metis nation

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Great Migration to Massachusetts in 1630-1640

when over 20,000 English citizens sailed to Massachusetts Bay Colony

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people who went on journeys for faith or moral purposes to foreign land

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Protestants in the 16th-17th centuries, who sought purity in the Church of England of Roman Catholicism. These people started the religious social and political order in the colonies

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Providence, Rhode Island in 1636

a place where colonists fled religious persecution in Massachusetts. The new settlement allowed for more religious freedoms

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Pennsylvania in 1682

created by William Penn sending a proprietor to Philadelphia

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people who were historically Protestant Christians known as the Religious Society of Friends and were devoted to peaceful principles

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an area that included the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia and Maryland settlements

important because of their profits and rapid growth of population

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Jamestown, 1607

the first permanent English settlement in North America

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John Rolfe

an English man who was a farmer, merchant, and explorer. Known for being the first settler to cultivate the tobacco crop for exporting and for being the husband of Pocahontas

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Indentured servitude

a practice where one could work to pay off a debt or loan over a course of a couple years or so

important to how the colonies economy worked

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Headright System

a grant system that granted land, usually 50 acres per person, to move to the colonies

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Georgia, 1732

when English King, King George, established a colony and created a governing board that would have control over the colony

marked the start of the 13 colonies to be created and founded

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a belief of earning profits through trade

important to the colonies as it allowed for new imports and exports

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Triangular trade

the trade between the colonies, England, and African countries

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Pequot War

fought between the colonists and the Pequot people

important because it determined who controlled most of trade; war was fought primarily for trade

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Beavers War

a war fought to control land for fur trade. Also fought for the control of the Hudson River Valley as well as the Great Lakes

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King Philip’s War in 1675-1676

a war fought for a desire to have more land, but started by a revolt after the execution of 3 of Metacom’s men. This war was a terrible feat to southern New England natives

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Pueblo Revolt in 1680

the revolt of the Pueblo indigenous people against Spanish conquistadors in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

this was important because it made sure the Pueblo culture wasn’t stamped out

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Chickasaw Wars in the 1700s

were raid wars fought between the French and Choctaw against the indigenous Chickasaw. This war ended in the Chickasaw’s favor and was a stepping stone of peace between the Chickasaw and Choctaw

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First Africans brought to America in 1619

were 20-30 men who arrived on the shore of Virginia; this was the start of slavery in America

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Chattel slavery

slavery that deemed slaves as property and allowed for the purchase and selling of slaves. This was the most common form of slavery in America

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The Middle Passage

a passage in water where slave ships sailed. This was a vital part of the Atlantic slave trade

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The Stono Rebellion of 1739

a revolt of slaves in the South Carolina colony. The rebellion was the largest slave revolt in the American colonies

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The New York Conspiracy of 1741

a plot by slaves and poor whites in the British Colony of New York, to revolt and level New York City with a series of fires

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The House of Burgesses of 1619

the first election of a democratic legislative body in the American colonies

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The Mayflower Compact of 1620

the first document to establish self-government in the New World. An agreement of a governing compact over the Plymouth colony that brought together the colonists

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The Maryland Toleration Act of 1649

ensured religious freedoms to Christians of different denominations who settled in Maryland

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The Establishment of the Dominion of New England in 1686

a plan to keep British authority in the colones. This banded all the colonies together and created one “mega colony” to defend against natives

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Established church

the official church of England and Scotland. The Established church helped lay a basis for civil rights and laws

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The Enlightenment/Age of Reason

a time period of scientific study and political discussion

important in history because it helped prove and disprove facts

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The Great Awakening

a time in history when religion and spiritual beliefs spiked in the American colonies

this was important because it helped encourage the American Revolution later on

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George Whitefield

an evangelist who founded the Methodist movement and was an important central leader of the Great Awakening

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Jonathan Edwards

an American philosopher and minister who was one of the leaders in the American Enlightenment

important to America’s theology in philosophy

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Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676

a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon. The reason for the rebellion was because of taxation, the lessening of representation in the government, and native troubles

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Leisler’s Rebellion in 1689

a revolt led by Jacob Leisler who was an English merchant. The rebellion began the collapse of the English royal government. Jacob was later tried and executed for treason

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Wool Act in 1699

an act that England put in place for the colonies. This act prohibited exports of wool, or any products consisting of wool, to be exported outside of its producing colony. One of the Acts passed that angered colonists and led to the American Revolution

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Molasses Act in 1733

an act passed by England onto the colonies that imposed taxes on molasses and sugar products. Passed to leech more money from the colonies, which angered the colonists

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the movement of goods illegally

became common in colonial days because of all the acts/taxes that England passed

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Navigation Acts in 1651-1696

the acts that were put in place to restrict colonial trade and ensure the economic status of England

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Salutary neglect

allowed the American colonies to keep up foreign trade agreements, which helped grow their economy

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Scotch-Irish Americans

are relative descendants of Scottish race who lived in Ireland for a portion of time, but maintained Scottish culture. These Americans made up 10% of Americans in the beginning of America

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The French and Indian War/7 Years War

a war of the colonies + native tribes against the French + other native tribes. This war united American colonists to eventually rebel against Great Britain

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British defeat of the French in 1763/Battle of Quebec

this battle was a vital turning point in the war and eventually led to the Treaty of Paris

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Pontiac’s Rebellion of 1763

a conflict against the British rule in native territory. The native groups involved were Siovan, Iroquoian, Muskogean, and Algonquian.

This rebellion of natives led to Britain’s Proclamation of 1763

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Proclamation Line of 1763

prohibited any colonist from settling on the West of the Appalachian Mountains or from any French gained land from the French and Indian War. This line was made to separate and defuse tension between natives/French and the colonistsT

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The Paxton Boys in 1764

57 supposedly drunk men who traveled from Paxton to Philadelphia and killed and attacked a small number of Conestoga natives as well as took more captive

these men set the precedent for future violence targeting Native Americans in Pennsylvania and the rest of the colonies

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The Sugar Act of 1764

an act imposed on colonists by Great Britain which enforced a tax on sugar and molasses imports from non-British sources in the Caribbean

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The Stamp Act of 1765

an act imposed on colonists by Great Britain that enforced a tax on every single page of paper that would use; included newspapers, playing cards, etc.

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The Sons of Liberty

a group of men who rebelled against British rule in the colonies

known for the role in the Boston Tea Party

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The Declaratory Act of 1766

an act passed that stated British rule can declare and state any new laws over American colonists

passed to assert more power over the colonies

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The Townshed Act of 1767

an act that imposed a tax on paper, glass, tea, paint, and lead

imposed by the British to gain revenue to support their defenses back overseas

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Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer by John Dickinson in 1767

a series of writings urging colonists to rise up and revolt against the oppressive Great Britain

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The Boston Massacre in 1770

the event where British guards were being “threatened” and shot into a growing mob of colonists outside of the Boston Customs House. 5 men were killed and others were injured

realllly pissed off the colonists and further encouraged a revolution

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The Boston Tea Party of 1773

when the Sons of Liberty snuck on a British ship and threw around 340 crates of tea into the water. This was done to make a protest against the British tax on tea and motivated the colonists to fight for independence

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First Continental Congress of 1774

a meeting of the colonies’ delegates where they discussed boycotting British goods. Met in Philadelphia; all 13 colonies were there except for Georgia

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Battle of Lexington & Concord in 1775

marked the start of the American war for independence

“shot heard ‘round the world'“

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Second Continental Congress of 1775

when all 13 colonies united together to fight for freedom in the Revolutionary War. Determined that George Washington was to be the leader/commander of the American army

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Benjamin Franklin

a Founding Father, scientist, and philosopher of politics. Important to the makings of the Treaty of Paris, U.S. Constitution, and helped write the Declaration of Independence

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John Locke

an English Enlightenment philosopher; known for being a founder of British empiricism. Important to the defense of political liberalism

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The Enlightenment

a period of scientific and intellectual research movement

important to the legitimizing of core beliefs during this time

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A republican form of government

one where people have a say through elections on who they want to govern

important because it gave the people a freedom of speech as well as a way to move away from a monarchy

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Common Sense

a book written by Thomas Paine in 1776 that debated the power that the British government and monarchy held

helped strengthen the idea of independence from Britain

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Declaration of Independence in 1776

when American colonies split ways with Great Britain

start of the U.S. becoming their own country

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Adam Smith

a philosopher who was a leading figure in the Scottish Enlightenment

known for being the “father of modern economics” and writing his book, The Wealth of Nations

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George Washington

first president in the U.S., as well as a military general who led troops during the Revolutionary War

important in setting up the U.S.’s economy, military, and government

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Battle of Saratoga in 1777

a battle won by Americans over the British during the Revolutionary War

important to show that America could fight back and helped persuade the French to send help

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Treaty of Alliance in 1778

a treaty signed to unite France and the U.S. against Great Britain

important because it helped America grow and numbers and got the French’s support

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Battle of Yorktown in 1781

the last battle of the Revolutionary War, which ended in the British surrendering and led to the Treaty of Paris

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Treaty of Paris in 1783

a peace negotiation that ended the Revolutionary War

the treaty not only made America independent, but allowed them to move out west (cause who was gonna stop them?)

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Republican Motherhood

beliefs of the roles women held before, after, and during the American Revolution

these beliefs were of how women should be teachers of Republicanism to their sons and helped include women in civic matters

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Mercy Otis Warren

a female poet and play writer

known for her revolutionary ideas that helped promote early ideals of the U.S. during the American Revolution

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