cognitive restructuring
CBT goal - change the way you think
behavioural activation
CBT goal - start acting accordingly
DeRubeis et al (2005)
assigned MDD patients to 16 weeks medication, 16 weeks CBT, or 8 weeks placebo; found CBT can be as effective as medication
Fournier et al (2013)
looked at effects of CBT and medication on specific depressive symptoms, found CBT and medication target different clusters of symptoms
Hollon et al (2003)
concluded antidepressants prevent the return of symptoms but only if treatment continued
Goldapple et al (2004)
used PET scans to compare CBT to antidepressants, found CBT and antidepressants achieve similar effects in different ways
Hodges and Oei (2007)
explored compatibility of CBT and Chinese culture, found CBT shouldn’t be excessively directive
Toseland and Siporia (1986)
found group treatment was more effective than individual treatment
McRoberts, Burlingame, and Hoag (1998)
found overall no advantage between group and individual therapy