The entire group of individuals about which we want information about
Contacting EVERY memeber of the population to gather information
Method of collecting information from the sample
The part of the population from which we actually collect information. We use this infomation to draw conclusions on the entire population.
If it is statically favors certain outcomes
Convenient Sampling
Choosing individuals who are easiest to reach
Voluntary Response
Call-in (radio/news station), write-ins, internet polls
When an individual in the sample refuses to anser or can’t be contatcted
Researcher chooses sample based off who they feel represent popultion
If people left out have different views than those sampled
Response bias
Wording of question
Simple Random Sample (SRS)
Everyone has an equal chance of people part of the sample
Stratified Random Sample
Classify the population into strata. Choose a seperate SRS in each stratum and combine these SRSs to form a full sample
Groups within the population of similiar individuals. Remember we want the stratas to be very different from one another and the individuals WITHIN the strata to be very similiar
Cluster Sample
Put population into clusters, randomly select a cluster, this is your sample
Groups that mirror the characteristics of the population. Remember we want the clusters to be very different from one another and the individuals WITHIN the cluster to be very similiar
Explanatory Variable
Helps explain or influence changes in a response variable
Response Variable
Measures an outcome of a study
Lurking Variables
A variable that is not among the explanatory or response variables in a study by may influence the response variable
Retrospective Study
Looking at past data and making assumptions (observational study)
Prospective Study
A study that follows a group of individuals over a period of time
A statistical study in which we actually do soemthing (treatment) to people, animals, or objects (experimental units) to observe the response
Random Assignment
The experimental units are assigned to treatments at random
Use enough experimental units in each group so that any differences in the effects of the treatments can be distinguished from chance differences between the groups
Completely Randomized Design
Experiment desgined in a way that the treatments are assigned to all the experimental untis completely by chance (random assignment)
Sham treatment desgined to create blinding
Double blind
Neither the subjects nor those who interact with them and measure the response variable know which treatment a subject received, reduces bias
Statistically Significant
An observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance
A group of experimental units that are known before the experiment to be similiar in some way that is expected to affect the response of the treatments, reduces variation
Randomized Block Design
The random assignment of experimental units to treatments is carried out seperately within each block.
Matched Pairs Design
A type of randomized block desgin that creates the block by pairing up similiar experimental units
Confounding Variables
Variables not controlled for that affect results