Carried power of oil, gas, coal, and falling water into homes and factories, through the usage of electrical cables
Democratic administration
________ sold war factories and other government installations to private businesses, cheaply.
________ passed the Taft- Hartley Act which outlawed "closed "shops and made unions liable for damages that were results of jurisdictional disputes.
Aided a rebel movement in Iraq in 1946
In ________, the communist forces overthrew nationalist forces.
General MacArthur
________ headed reconstruction in Japan.
Soviet Union
The ________ agreed to attack Japan 3 months after the Fall of Germany with it being granted control of Manchurian railroad.
________ outlined the "Fair Deal "program which called for improved housing, full employment, higher minimum wage, etc.
General MacAruthur
________ drove North Koreans back across the 38th parallel towards China and Yalu River.
________ was divided into 4 occupational zones.
Was the president after WWII
________ implemented the Marshall Plan.
Shot up and labor strikes began common
Postwar Prosperity
Was fueled greatly by the war and projects such as the appropriations for the Korean War, defense spending, and industries such as aerospace, electronics, and such contributed to prosperity
Soviet Union
Agreed to attack Japan 3 months after the Fall of Germany with it being granted control of Manchurian railroad
United Nations
Kept the peace in Kashmir and such which created the new Jewish state, Israel
Implemented the Marshall Plan which helped form the European community
United States
Exploded hydrogen bomb in 1952
North Korea
Invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950 and effectively pushed them towards Pusan
Wanted to blockade China and bomb Manchuria but Truman didn’t want to enlarge the war beyond necessity