struggles of immigrants
lack of jobs (low-paying)
poor living conditions
reasons for im.
eco opp
escape persecution
hope of Am dream
chinese im struggles
lang barriers
uncertain work
racial discrimination
queue ordinance
outlawed wearing of long braids by chinese im
page act
federal law
blocked US entry for chinese, japanese, & other asian laborers
chinese exclusion act
federal law that banned us im
replaced by geary act
chinese-am had to obtain certificate of residency or be deported
italian im reasons
due to discrimination & hardships between north and south
religious differences + land shortages
italian im discr
fear of taking am jobs
lack of edu
birds of passage
those who came to US to work temporarily; never intended to make US home
irish im
many were protestant, others catholic
fear of pope + spreading catholicism
most were poor & competed with native Am for jobs
irish im struggles
taking US jobs
called lazy, drunkards, etc.
becoming part of another, more dominant society by adopting their culture
ellis island
new york
angel island
entryway for asian im
early labor unions
created to bring attention to unfair, unsafe, + discrimination practice
captain of industry
one who made major advancement that contributed to the success of economy
robber baron
business owner who cut costs, paid low wages, and accused of unethical business practices
one company controls the production of goods & services
andrew carnegie
steel (bessemer process)
JP morgan
banking (business owners)
john rockefeller
first refinery - cleveland, OH
90% of pipeline
cornelius vanderbilt
between chicago + NY
henry ford
gas powered car
assembly line manu
plessy vs ferguson
supreme court ruled “seperate but equal”
ida b wells
led anti-lynching crusade in US & england
wrote several articles: southern horror + a red wrecker
booker t washington
former slave and educator
founded tuskegee institute (edu institute of AA)
WEB dubois
believed edu should be equal
helped found the NAACP