early rennaissance and poetry

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what was the renaissance

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what was the renaissance

a time of rebirth

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what is humanism

belief that focuses on the individual

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what does utopia mean

means no place but represented the perfect place

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what was the reformation

led by martin luther; people were unhappy with the church corruption so they decided to break away

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define pun

play on words

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define sonnet

14 line poem

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define octave

8 line poem

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define sestet

6 line poem

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define quatrain

4 line poem

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define couplet

2 line poem

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define paradox

statement that contradicts itself

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define syntax

word order

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define conceit

extended metaphor with complex logic

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define hyperbole


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define understatement

making something sound less important

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define figurtive language

meaning is different from the literal meaning

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define rhyme scheme

end of the line pattern (ex AABB, ABCA)

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define scansion

act of analyzing a poem

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what is iamb

unstressed then stressed

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define image

words used to paint a picture (5 senses)

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define motif

helps theme; central/reoccuring image that assists the theme

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define meter

pattern of the stressed and unstressed

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define foot

basic unit of meter (iamb)

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define iambic pentameter

5 feet 10 syllables

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what was the spenseries poem sonnet 30 abt (my love is like ice and i to fire)

compares his love like ice to fire; doesnt understand love; wonders why science doesnt apply to dating; his love is fire and her heart is ice; his fire/passion doesnt melt her/make her fall in love

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what was the spenserian poem sonnet 75 abt (one day I wrote upon a strand)

one day i wrote her name upon the strand; his love for her and her as a person will love on forever in poetry; she wont live on in sand

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who did petrach write abt

laura (met on good friday)

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what was sonnet 90 by petrach abt (upon the breeze she spread her golden hair)

beginning of his fatuation with laura, first time he saw her was like out of a movie, love at first sight, knew she was a kind and gentle person just from looking at her, calls her an angel, says voice is heavenly

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What was sonnet 292 by petrach abt (the eyes I spoke of once in words that burn)

based on after laura has died, decides to stop writing because she was his muse so he no longer has inspiration, misses her

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how does petrach write (lines)

8 then 6 (octave then sestet)

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what was a valediction forbidding mourning by donne abt

compares his wife to a compass, calls her his home, he will always come back to her

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what was the poem death be not proud by donne abt

trash talking grim reaper, says that Death isnt special, death needs assistance of ill-fated occurences (poison, war, sickness), death isnt forever bc once u die u LIVE eternally in heaven, death dies (bc of divine life)

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who was donne (profession)

a priest who wrote his poems like sermons

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what are the two famous lines from meditation 17 by donne

“no man is an island” “from whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”

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what does ‘no man is an island’ mean

no one is fully independent and alone; we are all connected

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what does the line ‘for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” mean

we should care about our community and society

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who was plutarch as a person

not alive during the era, greek philosopher, OG humanist, inspired humanism with his ideas

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who was gutenberg

invented printing press

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who was caxton

first english printer

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who was sir thomas more

humanist, alive during the era, came up with ‘utopia’

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who was erasmus

humanist, alive during era, led christian humanists, studied greek and hebrew so he could read bible

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who was martin luther

led the reformation of the church

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who was henrry VIII

1st major ruler of tudors, renaissance man, selfishness and pope disaproval led him to seek church separatin and form the church of england

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what was on my first son abt

god loaning jonson his son and god has taken him back, the fact he died early was actually a blessing bc he didnt have to experience suffer, his best creation was his child, an epigraph (writing to someone who is dead), son died at 7

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what was song to celia about

set to song; be loyal to me and i will love you, she makes his life so much better that he feels he could live forever, “drink to me with only thine eyes”

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what was to althea from prison abt

if you have a decent and positibe attitude you can overcome hardship, love for wife makes it feel like he’s not rlly in prison, he still has freedom bc he has the ability to love his wife, says how hes more free than a list of things

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what is the famous line from to althea from prison

“ stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage”

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what was the passionate shepard to his love about

how he wants to spend the rest of his life with this women, plans to prove his love with objects, all his love is transientory, wants her to live with him and be his love

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what was the nymphys replay to the shepard abt

women isnt moved by the shepards claim of love, objects and time are fleeting-> bad representation of love, not moved by his profession, all is physical, if the two of them were always young and it was always summer(good weather) then maybe she could love him

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what was to the virgins, to make much of time abt

tells women to hurry up and get married bc no one will want you when ur old and ugly

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what was to his coy mistress about

man says that if he had time he wouldve loved her since the beginning of time, but time is running out, he cant have her when shes dead, so dont waste ur time, lets get togther/hook up/sleep together

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what was sonnet 130 abt (my mistresses eyes)

even though shes ugly and not perfect i still love her bc im not perfect either, wants a realistic relationship over lies to “swoon

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what was sonnet 116 abt (let me not to the marriage of true minds)

list of reasons that tell you if you are truly in love, if your in love i wont stand in your way but your love better follow this checklist, coupleyt says that if you think im wrong than ive never written anything and no one has ever been in love -> talk abt how right he is

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what was shall i compare thee to a summers day abt sonnet 18

says that she is better than a summers day; summer is too hot, short, and the weather can be bipolar; says she is consistently lovely; says she is an eternal summer that will never fade bc she lives on in his poem

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what was sonnet 29 when in disgrace w fortune about

shakespeare feels alone and depressed/wishes he was rich and had more friends, but when he thinks about her and his love for here he feels like the luckiet man alive; wouldnt trade places w anyone bc of his love, not even a king;

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who was elizabeth 1

elizabethan era, lead peace and prosperity

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who was mary stuart, queen of scots

queen elizabeth’s cousin, eligible for england throne, beheaded by elizabeth bc people were saying she was the rightful heir to english crown

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who was king phillip of spain

led spansish armada in 1588 but we defeated by queen elizabeth esp with the aid of the bad weather -> made england the strongest naval force

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who was james 1

ruler of scotland, maintained status quo set by elizabeth (her ideas), kept peace, successful ruler

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What is the Shakespeare rhyme scheme

4 - ABAB 4- CDCD 4- EFEF 2- GG

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What is the spenserian rhyme scheme


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What is the petrachian rhyme scheme


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What was whoso list to hunt abt

talks abt his love for anne bolin, impossible to win her love, its not worth the hunt, cant quit her even though hes tries, wears crown jewels around her neck which symbolises “noli me tangere” (dont touch me) = im the king’s property, giant conceit

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What does en carpe diem mean

Live your life to the fullest; seize the moment

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