apush 15-16 battles, legal jargon, terms

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ex parte merryman

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ex parte merryman

1861 supreme court case where justice taney claims that lincoln should'nt've suspended habeas corpus in MD; lincoln okayed the arrest of southern sympathizers without specific charges

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bull run/manassas

first battle of the civil war, McDowell is on the union side , people try to watch it while picnicking and that doesn't work, arguably the first modern war

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battle of antietam

lee goes on the offense in maryland and it's the victory for the north that caused lincoln to pass the emancipation proclamation, bloodiest battle of the civil war

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emancipation proclamation

abolished slavery in rebel states

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legal tender act

1862 act that authorized the issuing of $150 million worth of greenbacks

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national bank act

republican-backed, revolutionized the north's private finance system by establishing standards for a bank to obtain a federal charter and issue national bank notes, also encouraging the purchase of war bonds

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freedmen's bureau

first welfare program, it was a federal relief program for the education, medical care, employment etc. of former slaves

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crop lien system

merchants would put liens on farming equipment and landowners would pay the merchant that lien before paying anyone else upon gaining a profit

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battle of vicksburg

grant gets the mississippi during this 1863 battle

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homestead act

republican-driven act granted 160 acres of public land to settlers after living on the land for five years, leading to further western expansion

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morrill land grant act

republican- granted public lands to states to start up universities, resulted in unis in the midwest and west like purdue, iowa state, and michigan state

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pacific railroad act of 1862

republican- transcontinental railroad

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ex parte milligan, 1866

civilians can't be tried by military courts when civil courts are open

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thirteenth amendment

abolished slavery

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fourteenth amendment

made all people born in american us citizens, nullfies dred scott, first time "male" is put in the constitution

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fifteenth amendment

gave black men suffrage

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proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction

lincoln's reconstruction plan that said southern states could rejoin the union if 10% of voters from the 1860 election would take an oath of allegiance and accept emancipation- radical republicans didn't like it. confederate officials and military officers would have to apply for presidential pardons. did not support black suffrage.

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wade-davis bill

reconstruction plan proposed by radical republicans which was passed by congress in 1864 only to be pocket vetoed by lincoln. a military governer would rule each confederate state, there would be a state convention to repeal secession and abolish slavery, and 50% of voters from 1860 had to agree. did not support black suffrage.

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presidential reconstruction

johnson's plan for reconstruction- seven states readmitted w/o reconstruction governments and just took an oath of allegiance to receive pardon and amnesty. states had to elect delegates to conventions that would ratify the 13th and make secession illegal. johnson would give out pardons extremely liberally to diqualified southerners (confed civil and military officers). southerners refused to pay back their debts and republicans were horrified overall

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black codes

slavery-type loopholes- laws passed by southern states that restricted the rights of freedmen

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thaddeus stevens

radical republican congressman big on distributing land previously owned by confederates to freedmen; his land-reform bill didn't get very far, however

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civil rights act of 1866

the first major law to ever pass over a presidential veto and made black people us citizens

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reconstruction act of 1867

invalidated johnson and lincoln's state governments, was vetoed by johnson but passed anyway. it divided the south into 5 military districts that were each run by a union general. it didn't prosecute confederate leaders for treason, but it did ensure that state constitutions had to pass the 14th

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tenure of office act

the president can't fire cabinet members without senate consent, the cabinet members have the term of the president they were appointed under; this was after johnson tried to fire stanton. after, johnson fired stanton anyway while congress wasn't in session and his defense is that he was testing the law's constitutionality. led to his impeachment

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american women's suffrage association; julia ward howe and lucy stone

less radical of the women's rights associations, remained allied with male abolitionists while campaigning for women's suffrage in the states. name two women a part of it.

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national women's suffrage association; elizabeth cady stanton and susan b. anthony

more radical of the women's association, it criticized former male allies and promoted federal women's suffrage

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wyoming and utah

two territories that enfranchised women

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minor v happersett

supreme court case that concluded that women could be denied the right to vote

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enforcement acts; ku klux klan act

1870-1871 laws passed to try and protect black voters; the second one provided federal supervision of southern elections; third (known as what?) made punishments more severe for those who prevented blacks from voting. they were effectively dead letters by 1872

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civil rights act of 1875; civil rights cases

sumner's posthumous called for the desegregation of public transportation, juries, and accommodations; invalidated by the supreme court in the what?

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landowners would rent out sections of their land to freedmen who would work the field and get 50% of the cut (but it usually wasn't 50%)

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  1. vp cofax was caught with credit mobilier, which stole some profits from the union pacific railroad

  2. private secretary babock took money from whisky ring distillers who also bribed federal agents to get out of taxes

  3. secretary of war belknap took bribes from oklahoma indian trading posts

three examples of grantism

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liberal republicans

republicans who mainly cared about getting rid of corrupt grantism; largely abandoned black equality causes

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greenback party

paper money; farmers and mfgs love inflation and bankers love deflation

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slaughterhouse cases

a series of supreme court cases that effectively shut down the 14th amendment

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compromise of 1877

republican hayes is president, but republicans have to remove troops from the south--> the end of reconstruction

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