Natural selection
heritable variation in population and non-random survival and reproduction consistent differences in fitness among individuals
lifetime reproductive fitness (R)
the extent to which an individual contributes genes to the next generation individual fitness
Relative fitness (W)
0 to 1 relative to a reference genotype (typically fittest with highest R) W = 1 for fittest W < 1 for others
Selection coefficient (S)
amount by which a genotype's relative fitness differs from the fittest genotype S = 1 - W S = 0 = fittest S = 1 = no fitness
directional selection
example: AA increases AB no change BB decreases = shift to the left
heterozygote advantage/balancing selection
example: AA and BB decrease AB increases
heterozygote disadvantage
example: AB decreases AA and BB increases
Directional with multiple loci
change in population mean value, decreased variation, increase in mean, curve gets narrower
no change in mean, reduced variation, selection against extremes
no change in mean, increased variance, move towards the extremes
frequency-dependent selection
the fitness of a genotype depends on its frequency
positive frequency-dependent selection
the more common a genotype is, the higher its fitness ex. butterfly color morphs (safety in numbers)
Inverse (negative) frequency-dependent selection
the less common a genotype is the higher its fitness ex. salamander polymorph for the presence of stripes (goes back and forth for stripes being beneficial or harmful)
dominant beneficial alleles
always causes fast evolution at first, then much slower as it approaches fixation
recessive beneficial alleles
depends on initial frequency of allele if uncommon, the very slow at start if common, then selection is very fast and efficient
recessive deleterious alleles
able to hide in heterozygotes causing them to be "invisible" to natural selection leaving them to be persist at low frequencies
mutation-selection balance
conditions under which the mutation rate at a give locus = the strength of selection against deleterious alleles at that locus
gene flow and natural selection
gene flow disrupts natural adaptation high gene flow can lead to maladaption
genetic drift and natural selection
genetic drift can override selection in some cases when genetic drift is stronger, alleles are lost or fixed regardless of their effect on fitness
costs to sex
meiosis (sexual) takes longer than mitosis (asexual) breaks up adaptive combinations of alleles at multilocus geneotypes time/energy spent competing for and looking for mates increased risk of predation and disease males don't do shit for the population
benefits of sex
better at combining beneficial mutations in one genome purging deleterious mutations (parents can produce offspring that have higher fitness than themselves) contributes to variation (speeds up adaptation) response to changing environment recombination/breaking linkage disequilibrium allows populations to stay one step ahead of their parasites
Muller's ratchet and genetic load
asexual genome cannot produce offspring better than itself but it can produce worse number of mutations carried by a genotype accumulates over time
mutational meltdown
too many bad mutations that accumulate in genome leading to the population dying off
antagonistic coevolution
host vs parasite/pathogen, perpetual cycle leads to a need for continual innovation
Red Queen hypothesis
sexual reproduction generates variation quickly, which ensures that some individuals will be resistant to parasites target of selection is constantly shifting as parasites evolve as well
secondary sexual characteristics
any phenotype involved in attracting a mate that is not directly necessary for sexual reproduction often detrimental to survival do not appear until adulthood
sexual selection
differential reproduction due to variation in the ability to obtain mates
small, motile, energetically inexpensive, produced in large quantities
large, sessile, energetically expensive, produced in small quantities
Bateman gradient
male reproductive success improves with additional matings female reproductive success less affect by additional matings
nearly infinite reproductive potential limited by ability to attract, inseminate, or monopolize females increase reproductive output = high variance in male reproductive success
finite reproductive potential limited by times and resources available to invest in each offspring need only mate once to achieve maximum reproduce success = low variance in female reproductive success
competition between males for access to females
females choice of courting males
contest competition
males fighting over females/territory
Scramble competition
everyone comes together for a short time, woever gets to the female first wins
parental males
build nest, guard eggs, court females
female mimics
pretend to be interested in mating then release sperm
small and release sperm when nobodies looking
post-copulatory sexual selection
competition between males continues after mating has taken place
sexual conflict
interests of males and females do not align
choice based on resources
direct benefits superior territories or nuptial gifts
sexy sons
genetic correlation between female preference and male traits
genetic benefits
preferred traits are "honest signal" of genetic quality
trade offs
allocation to one fitness component reduces the resources available to other fitness components
late-life decline in an individual's fertility and probability of survival caused by: failure to repair damage in genome; errors in replication, transcription, translation, and accumulation of toxic metabolic by-products
mutation accumulation theory
mutations causing senescence are only weakly selected against by the time some mutations appear, the individual has already reproduced meaning those mutations are not eliminated by natural selection
antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis
mutations that provide early reproduction benefit will be favored by selection even at a later cost there is always a chance of dying so reproducing early has a higher benefit genes that favor early reproduction also spread more quickly because they reproduce more often
Absolute fitness (R)
incorporates both survival and reproductive success R is sum of expected survival and reproduction per unit of time (x) over the lifespan R = (lx)(mx)
Grandmother hypothesis
menopause is a life-history adaptation associated with increased survival to help feed/care for grandchildren better to invest in grandchildren
reproduce in one big bout then die
Semelparous favored when:
big individuals produce exponentially more offspring than small individuals probability of survival increases with body size (store up resources to reproduce) risk: die before able to reproduce
reproduce throughout life
Iteroparous is favored when...
adults have high survival from one year to the next environment unstable (choose not to have offspring)
sequential hermaphrodites
change sex once they reach a certain body size favored if small individuals have higher fitness as one sex and large individuals are have higher fitness as the opposite sex
start as male and transition to female ex. small male cannot mate due to larger male so they change to female so they can at least reproduce
Start as female and transition to male ex. if largest male dies then the largest female can change to be male to hold the territory
Optimal clutch size
selection will favor clutch size that produces the most surviving offspring equilibrium point at which clutch size/probability of survival is maximized