________ threatened to launch missiles at the U.S. if it attacked Cuba.
________ sought to improve black rights after hearing about the 1946 lynching of black soldiers.
________ engineered a coup in Iran to protect oil supplies in Middle East in 1953.
Fidel Castro
Overthrew U.S. supported Fulgencio in cuba in 1959
________ ran and won against Stevenson in 1956.
________ formed Warsaw Pact to counteract NATO in 1955.
The 1950s saw the first Diners club cards, opening of ________, the debut of Disneyland, and the explosion of TV stations.
Alaska and Hawaii
Became the 49th and 50th states to join the Union in 1959
Jim Crow
Blacks in South were boundy by ________ laws that segregated all aspects of society.
Betty Friedman
Was the godfather of the godfather of the feminist movement
Elvis Presley
________ redefined popular music.
Sweatt v Painter
________: supreme court ruled that separate professionals schools for blacks failed to meet the test of equality.
________ was invited to America by Ike, for talk.
________ was appreciated for ending a war and keeping the U.S. out of other wars.
________ came in angry at Paris conference due to U.S. flying spy planes over USSR.
________ was a war hero and well- liked.
Were shocked by Elvis’s open sexuality
Elvis Presley
Redefined popular music with him dying from drugs in 1977
Won the presidential election 442-89 electoral votes which kept promise of settling armistice with Korea
Sweatt v. Painter
Supreme Court ruled that separate professionals schools for blacks failed to meet the test of equality
Formed Warsaw Pact to counteract NATO in 1955
Space Race
Began in 1957
22nd Amendment
Limited presidents to two terms