A polite request form, more polite than ください, used to request from non-peers
Less formal request form roughly equivalent to ください, typically used with hosts
Used to express hope for something nice to happen for someone other than yourself
Used to express hope for something nice to happen regarding yourself
Used to describe when something happens or has happened
Present tense 時
When event B happens, event A is current, still in the future, or happening simultaneously
Past tense 時
When event B happens, event A is already in the past
Describes things you’ve done and want to apologize for
Describes wanting to apologize for failing to do something
Presents information as a hearsay report, ‘I hear that…’
Specifies the source of the information being given
Informal variant of そうです to quote what you’ve heard
Refers to conditional (if) dependence, where whatever happens in event B is realized if and when condition A is met
Used to describe the event before which something happens (B before A)
Used to describe the event after which something happens (after A then B)
Used to express that it is not necessary to do something
Used to express that something resembles something else or appears to be the case
Transitive verb + ている
Refers to actions in progress
Intransitive verb + ている
Refers to states that hold true after the change takes place
Indicates completing an action with dedication or an action occurring unexpectedly, often with regret
The forms of てしまう used in speech
Means 'whenever A occurs, B happens', expressing a cause and effect relationship
Connects two verbs being performed simultaneously
Expresses regret about a past action, meaning 'I wish I had done...’
Expresses regret about a past action, meaning ‘I wish I hadn’t done’
Casual form of ければよかったです