Why does odysseus not want to kill the cyclops?
They will be trapped in the cave if he dies
What does “entreat you” mean?
To beg
What two things does Odysseus lie about to the cyclops?
His ship and his name
How does Odysseus plan to blind the cyclops?
He has sharpened an olive tree trunk and will stab him in the eye when he falls asleep.
What does Odysseus offer Cyclops to get him to sleep?
Before he falls asleep, Cyclops asks Odysseus' name. What does he respond with?
What do we learn about Polyphemus towards the end of Book 9?
His father is Poseidon
How does Odysseus get his men out of the cave?
He ties them under Cyclops’ sheep
What character trait does Odysseus reveal to us when he mocks Polyphemus?
What is this quote an example of? "But Zeus disdained my offering; destruction for my ships he had in store"
"When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose touched the world" means what?
The sun is rising, it is morning
What is Odysseus’ father’s name?
What do they see in the Cyclops’ cave that makes them stick around?
Book 1 is an example of what?
Book 1 tells us that Odysseus' men were reckless. What did they do?
Ate the sun god’s cattle
What is Odysseus' wife's name?
Why is Athena asking Zeus to help Odysseus?
He has been trying to get home for ten years
Whose island has Odysseus been stuck on for 7 years?
Who is sent to the island to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go?
When Hermes is compared to a gull, what is this called?
Epic simile
"with cedar smoke and smoke of thyme" ... "singing high and low in her sweet voice" These are examples of what?
Where is Odysseus when Hermes enters Calypso's cave?
On the beach crying
\n Which evidence shows us that Odysseus doesn't wish to be unfaithful?
“Though he fought shy of her and her desire”
What is the only reason Calypso agrees to let Odysseus go?
Zeus has commanded it
Why is Odysseus referred to as a "strategist" when answering Calypso?
He lies to her so he can leave without upsetting her
How many days total does Odysseus travel to get to Scheria?
20 days
What happened in 6-8 (the books we skipped)?
The king of Scheria welcomed Odysseus and told him to tell his story
Who is Odysseus' father?
How many goddesses have detained Odysseus?
What effect does the Lotus flower have on people?
They never want to leave the island
Why doesn't Odysseus like Cyclopes?
They are uncivilized, disrespectful, and lawless
What character trait really bites Odysseus in the butt?