A method where the solution to a problem depends on the solutions to smaller instances of the same problem. It calls itself.
Applications of Recursion
Not really used in practice. They are difficult for humans to follow in order to understand and maintain code
Only used when they can provide an elegant solution
Fibonacci given a number
Factorial or power of a given number
Print a binary tree
Reverse a string
Object Refrence
A reference to an object in memory
Used in java by the dot notation to access the fields and methods
Person p = new Person();
p = object reference
Features of the ADT List
A list is a data structure that can grow in size at runtime as memory is allocated dynamically
A list is a generic ADT (abstract data type) and usually has a few basic methods
They can be indexed to allow the program to add and remove elements from specified positions
Generic ADT Methods
First element added to the stack sits on the bottom
Last one added is the first one removed
The add method is a push and the remove a pop
Elements are added to the end of the queue and removed from the front
Add method is an enqueue and remove is dequeue
Methods and Algorithms for Manipulating Lists and Object References
add (to front and back)
insert (in order)
list (print)
When are stacks used in operating systems?
To keep track of instructions and which to execute next
Hence stackOverFlow error
Also used to keep track of events in the software so the undo button can be used
Binary trees
Ordered list of elements where elements of a lower number or letter are stored to the left of the node and elements of a higher number or letter are stored to the right of the node
Have a root at the top - search start point
Recursion used to print them
Can traverse in pre-order, post-order, and in-order
Code Naming Conventions
Start class names with a capital letter
Objects with a lowercase letter
Use meaningful names for the fields and variables
Indent the code
Inline annotaitons
Why are naming conventions important?
Code is read more often than written
If all code is written the same it is easy to read
Cuts down time on maintenance and reduces the chance of error through misinterpretation
Saves time, money, and effort
Makes it easy to read and update