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What is the definition of Active Voice?

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What is the definition of Active Voice?

The subject of the sentence is performing the action (verb).

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What is Alliteration?

The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in close proximity.

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What is an Allusion?

A reference, direct or indirect, to something the speaker expects the audience to know.

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What is an Analogy?

A comparison between two things based on similarities.

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What is Anaphora?

Repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of two or more clauses or sentences.

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What is an Anecdote?

Brief telling of an incident or event of relevance.

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What is Antithesis?

    1. direct opposite (followed by of or to); 2. placing a clause or part of it against another to form a contrast

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What is Asyndeton?

Intentional omission of conjunctions.

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What is an Audience?

The person/people the speaker is addressing.

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What is the relationship in Cause and Effect?

Relationship in which one event created a result.

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What is Classification and Division?

Putting terms into categories and breaking up a whole into parts.

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What is a Cliché?

An overused word, phrase, or clause that has lost meaning due to overuse.

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What is Compare and Contrast?

Identify similarities and/or differences between two or more things.

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What does it mean to Concede?

To acknowledge an opposition's validity.

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What is Connotation?

Emotional or cultural associations of a word.

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What is a Counterargument?

An argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory.

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What is the definition of diction?

Word choice.

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What is the definition of a fallacy?

A mistaken belief based on faulty logic.

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What is the definition of a hyperbole?

An obvious and often extreme exaggeration.

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What is the definition of an idiom?

An expression not meant to be taken literally.

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What is the definition of imagery?

Description that appeals to the senses.

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What is the definition of ethos?

Character and credibility.

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What is the definition of a eulogy?

A work that highly praises someone or something that has died.

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What is the definition of a euphemism?

A word or expression used in place of one that may be too harsh or blunt.

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What is the definition of an epigram?

A short, witty, insightful statement that can be sarcastic.

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What is the definition of a counterargument?

An opposing view to an argument.

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What is the definition of an ellipsis?

Three periods (…) used to show omission.

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What is the definition of a connotation?

Emotional or cultural associations of a word.

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What is the definition of a denotation?

The dictionary definition of a word.

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What is the definition of exemplification?

Using one or more examples to explain a point that may be abstract.

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What is the definition of deductive reasoning?

Reasoning from a generalization to specific examples that support it.

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What is the definition of an exigence?

That which causes or prompts someone to write or speak on a topic.

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What is the definition of description?

Identifies the physical characteristics of a noun.

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What is the definition of concede?

To acknowledge an opposition's validity.

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What is the definition of idiom?

An expression not meant to be taken literally.

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What is the definition of imagery?

A description that appeals to any or all of the audience's 5 senses.

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What is the definition of inductive reasoning?

Reasoning from specific examples to a generalization supported by those examples.

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What is the definition of irony?

Contrast between expectation and reality.

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What is the definition of juxtaposition?

Placing two things close together to show a contrast.

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What is the definition of kairos?

The appropriate time and/or place to say or do something.

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What is the definition of logos?

Appeal to the audience's sense of logic and reasoning.

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What is the definition of message?

What the speaker wants the audience to accept.

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What is the definition of metaphor?

Comparison between two things that is not literally true to highlight a common feature via the use of a linking verb.

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What is the definition of narration?

Telling a story in a logical order.

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What is the definition of occasion?

The time in which a speaker relays a message to the audience.

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What is the definition of onomatopoeia?

Words that imitate the sounds they make.

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What is the definition of oxymoron?

Two words that seem to contradict one another.

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What is the definition of paradox?

Statement that seems to contradict itself.

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What is the definition of parallelism?

Repetition of a syntactical pattern utilizing repeated select diction.

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What is the definition of passive voice?

Subject of the sentence receives action instead of performing action.

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What is the definition of pathos?

Appeal to the audience's emotions to provide a persuasive argument.

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What is the definition of passive voice?

The subject of the sentence receives action instead of performing action.

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What is the definition of pathos?

Appeal to the audience's emotions to provoke an emotional reaction.

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What is the definition of personification?

Applying human characteristics to nonhuman things.

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What is the definition of polysyndeton?

Use of multiple conjunctions in succession.

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What is the definition of premise?

A statement that is intended to justify a conclusion.

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What is the definition of problem and solution?

Method of organization in which the speaker identifies an issue and methods to control said issue.

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What is the definition of process?

The steps gone through in order to achieve a desired end.

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What is the definition of purpose?

Why the speaker is speaking

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What is the definition of rhetorical device?

Any tool a speaker uses when applying a rhetorical strategy.

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What is the definition of rhetorical strategy?

The plan or organization a speaker uses to convey a message and accomplish a purpose.

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What is the definition of rhetorical triangle?

Consists of the speaker, audience, and message to show how they connect to one another.

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What is the definition of satire?

Use of irony, hyperbole, or humor to criticize someone or something.

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What is the definition of simile?

Comparison between two things using like or as.

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What is the definition of speaker?

The one who is attempting to convey a message with a specific purpose.

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What is the definition of style?

How a speaker expresses a message through the use of syntactical patterns.

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What is the definition of symbolism?

The use of something concrete to represent something abstract.

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What is the definition of tone?

The speaker's attitude as expressed through the connotation of the speaker's diction.

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What is the definition of understatement?

Showing something to be smaller and less significant than it actually is.

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What is the definition of syntax?

The way words are organized to form a sentence or thought.

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What is the definition of theme?

A speaker's opinion expressed as the central idea in a work of literature.

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What is the definition of style?

How a speaker expresses a message through the use of syntactical patterns and specific diction.

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the dictionary definition of a word

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