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What is Counseling?
Counseling is a conversation where one party with questions, problems, and trouble seeks assistance from someone they believe has answers, solutions, and help.
- A form of evangelical Protestant pastoral counseling based upon conservative evangelical interpretation of the Bible. It refuses to accept mainstream psychology and psychiatry as humanistic.
- Greek words: noutheteo: to admonish
- Movement renamed Biblical counseling around 1993 to emphasize its central focus on the Bible.
The Aim of biblical counseling
To effect change in the counselee by encouraging greater conformity to the truth of scripture.
The Bible is
our guidebook in the counseling process.
The counselor should be
a believer in Jesus Christ
Our counseling should lead to
change for the counselee
Psychology should not be
synthesized with our methods of help
Admonishing with the knowledge
of hope should be presented
What Biblical counseling is not
- Secular Counseling
- Integrated Christian Counseling
- 12 step Counseling
Point to Ponder
- We can’t more like Jesus if we are trying to be like each other.
- Be like Christ (John 17:11)
Bible verses on correct source of Counsel
- Hebrews 4:12
- 2 Timothy 3:16
- John 8:31-36
Goal in Our Counseling is
a heart transformation and relational restoration (2 Corinthians 5:12-21)
Put off
Confess and forsake (Proverbs 28:13, 1 John 1:8)
Forgiveness asked/ removal (Matthew 5:28-30)
Read/ Study/ Memorize/ Meditate/ Apply God’s word (1 John 3:1-3)
Put on
- Accountability (Ecc 4:9-12)
- Replacement (Romans 12:21)
The method is truth in the context of grace (John 1:14)
- Ephesians 2:8-9
- You can’t do anything to make God love you more and you can’t do anything to make God love you any less.
The focus is the mind, will, and emotions
- A renewed mind (Romans 12:1-2)
- A submitted will
- Emotions controlled by the spirit
The target is beyond some type of
behavioral change but rather a motivational to strengthen the inner man of the individual
The tools are
the word of God, the spirit of God and the community of God.
“If only I made a different decision.”
I can trust God with past, present and future.
“If, I don’t contact my circumstances no one will.”
Only God has the power to bring all things under his control.
“If I don’t worry about someone/something I most not care enough.”
God care’s for my love ones and life more than I can.
“Forgiveness is something I do for the people who hurt me.”
Forgiveness is the process from which I am set free.
“The person does not deserve to be forgiveness.”
Only God decides who can be forgiven.
“I forgive because I have to.”
I forgive only when I forgive willingly
“Even if I don’t get even I am doing what God wants me to do.”
Return good for evil.
“Forgiveness lets the other guy of the hook.”
Forgiveness protects and strengthens me
“I can’t forgive myself, what I did was too awful.”
Calvary covers it all.
Hope is a confident expectation and desire of something good.
- Psalm 42:5,11
- Psalm 71: 5
- Psalm 119:114
- Jeremiah 17:7
- Romans 5:1-9
- Romans 12:12
Lament Psalms: Lead to hope
1. He addresses God in prayer
2. He makes a complaint or lamentation concerning his troubles—admission of pain
3. He makes supplication or prayers for deliverance—request
4. He makes a statement of confident in the Lord—trust
5. He makes a vow of praise in response to God’s answer—hope.
Other thoughts on hope
1. Hope moves us forwards
2. Hope energizes the present
3. Hope lightens our darkness
4. Hope increases our faith
5. Hope is infectious
6. Hope is healing
7. Hope is practical
8. Hope purifies
9. Hope stabilizes in the storm
10. Hope defends
Counseling should be an important part of
the local church
Why is the local church so important?
1. The church needs to be a culture of care
2. The church should be training spiritual counselor (Galatians 6:1)
3. The church is the pillar and the ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15)
The Bible must be opened
Biblical counselors believe in the sufficiency of scripture
Biblical Counseling View Issues
what does the text say?
what does text man within context?
how can I illustrate what I’m trying to teach?
how can you help someone live the text
how can you encourage people to change (Psalm 32:8)
Our Counseling Must be Biblical
- Colossians 1:27-28, 2 Corinthians 3
1. Because not all counseling that process to be Biblical actually is
2. Because all of us need to be growing as Biblical counselors
3. Because all of us need counseling in many arears of life
4. Our counseling must be grounded in scripture
The Bible will Accomplish 4 things
1. It will teach us the standard for faith and life
2. It will convict us
3. It will correct the individual
4. It will begin to train us to do right (1 Tim 4:7-8)
A Biblical View of Suffering (purposes)
- We may never know the purpose of suffering some cases (Job)
- We suffer in a general way because of the curse upon sin (Gen 3, Romans 8)
- We may suffer because of the sin of someone else (Joseph, David)
- We may suffer because of specific sin in our own life. Suffering is corrective (Jonah)
- We reconginize that suffering will make us more Christ like
- We admit that suffering prepares us for ministry toward others (2 Cor 1)
- We understand that suffering gives God opportunity to display his glory (John 7:3, 11:4)
Characteristics of Scripture
Our supreme standard for what we should believe and how we should behave
without error or fault because it came from God.
Holy Spirit makes the Bible understandable to all who read it seeking to be submissive to what it says.
It is impossible to live Christian life without the Bible.
God has miraculously preserved word. So the Bible is an accurate rendering of Scripture
Bible contains all we need to know to live pleasing life to him.
Scripture Teaches
1. Doctrine and salvation
2. What to know about God, themselves, salvation
3. Supported by Bible’s own testimony
4. Needs nothing else to teach everything necessary for right belief about God and Salvation
Sufficient to do Something
1. Provides everything to know and receive God
2. When God speaks in the Bible He does something
3. Supported by Bible testimony of itself
Theological Pyramid
· Canon
· Hermeneutics
· Exegesis
· Biblical Theology
· Systematic Theology
· Historical Theology
· Counseling Model
Foundation is canon. The process begins here founded on God's word.
Utilize Principles of hermeneutics (study the Bible)
Exegesis to create biblical statements about God and His Word.
Biblical Theology
These statements become one's biblical theology.
Systematic Theology
·Organize these new biblical statements systematically to produce an organized approach to all that God has revealed to us in His Word.
Historical Theology
Then turn to the filter of historic theology to glean what godly men and women before us have done.
Counseling Model
These statements become one's counseling model.
Nature: Medical Data
The Biblical counselor is always looking for advances in our understanding of the human body
Nature: Background Data and Psychological Observation
- What kind of background data or psychological observation can be seen
- All of these are placed through the lens of Scripture to determine what God's Word indicates needs to take place at the level of the hearer.
Theology Proper—God the Father
- God is active and personal
- God is external and unchanging
- God is loving, just , faithful
- God is all knowing
- Attributes of God are critical
Christology—God the Son
- Christ saves/redeems
- Christ hope/peace
- Christ shows us how to live
- He assures us life
Pneumatology—God the Holy Spirit
- We must be controlled by the Spirit
- We must produce fruit of the spirit
- We should pray for filing of Spirit
Bibliology—the study of God’s Word’s
- Sufficient
- Word of God
- Authority over life
- Man is created by God
- God created two genders
- Man has a fallen nature and needs redemption
Hamartiology—Doctrine of sin
- All are sinners
- Man is born a sinner
- Christ can forgive us of our sins
Soteriology—Doctrine of Salvation
- Man’s only hope is the gospel
- Redemption is possible through Christ
- Salvation offers new hope and life for us
Eschatology—Doctrine of end times
- We have hope of eternity
- We are promised an eternal home
- Our pain and suffering will cease
a. The definition: the study of Salvation
b. Soteriology is the heart of counseling
c. Soteriology is the foundation of counseling
d. Soteriology is the authority of counseling
e. Soteriology is the goal of counseling
Lost Man
a. Man is born depraved
b. Man is the enemy of God
c. Man is enslaved to sin (desire to exalt self)
d. Man is dead and unresponsive to God
Saved from sin to the full measure (Matt 1:21)
1. God gives the believer a new record (1 Cor 6:9-11, Col 2:14)
2. God gives the believer a new master (Col 1:13; Rom 6:22) and new heart (Ez 36:26; Titus 3:5)
3. God gives the believer a new future (1 Cor 2:9)
Saved through God’s work of Grace (Eph 2:8-9)
Salvation is Christ-centered
1. In Christ you are righteous before the father (Gal 2:16; Acts 13:39; Romans 8:1)
2. In Christ you have received an inseparable fellowship with God as Father (Romans 5:1; Gal 4:6, Heb 4:16)
3. In Christ, you have a new life and unmet potential for inner and outer transformation (Eph 2:5; Romans 6:2-4; Gal 2:20)
4. In Christ, you have received the dynamic indwelling of the holy spirit (John 14:16-18, Rom 8:9, 11; Titus 3:5-6)
Saved Man-Union with Christ Illustrating our union with Christ
1. A building and its foundation (Eph 2:21-22)
2. The husband and wife relationship (Eph 5: 31-32)
3. The vine and branches (John 15:1-5; Romans 6:5)
4. The head and the body (1 Cor 2:12; Eph 1:22-23)
Saved Man-Union with Christ Describing
1. Christ is with us
2. Christ is in us
3. We are in Christ
4. We are like Christ
Christ in my place, Christ lives in me
Saved Man—Life transformation
A. As the believer studies Christ’s example and combines it with faith in his union in Christ biblical instruction meets powerful motivation leading to spirit given transformation into the glory of Christ.
B. Beholding his glorious example
- (1 Peter 1:21, Heb 12:3, Pil 2:5, Rom 6)
Progressive Sanctification
1. Progressive sanctification is not incestuous
2. Progressive sanctification is not a single event
3. Progressive sanctification is the gradual spiritual life long spirt empowered process to be more like Christ
Seven Core Elements of Biblical Counseling
1. God must be at the center of our Counseling
2. Our commitment to God has epistemological consequences
3. Sin in all its dimensions is the primary problem counselors must deal with
4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer
5. The change process counseling must aim t is progressive sanctification
6. The situational difficulties people face are not the random cause of problems in living.
7. Counseling is fundamentally a pastoral activity and must be church based.
God must be at the center of our Counseling
- The word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit are foundational to all significant and lasting life change
- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom—and wisdom is the only worthy goal of counseling.
Our commitment to God has epistemological consequences
- Other sources of knowledge must be submitted to the authority of scripture
- Epistemological—the study of knowledge; how you know things
Sin in all its dimensions is the primary problem counselors must deal with
- The problem in believers is remnant sin (leaves effects)
- The problem in unbelievers is reigning sin
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer
- Forgiveness for sin and the power to change into Christ’s image are the greatest needs of mankind
- Your and I can change—But only by the power of Jesus Christ
The change process counseling must aim t is progressive sanctification
While there are many ways of changing people. Biblical counseling aims for nothing less than transformation into the image of Christ
The situational difficulties people face are not the random cause of problems in living.
Influential aspects of one’s life do not cause sin. This would include the environment we grow up in.
Counseling is fundamentally a pastoral activity and must be church based.
Counseling is connected to the pastoral task; teaching, preaching, prayer; church discipline, use of gifts, missions, worship, and so forth.
Counseling on Assurance of Salvation
Step 1: Pray
Step 2: Gather Data
Step 3: Remind of the Character of God
Step 4: Review the plan of salvation
Step 5: Next Step
For Wonderful Counselor to get to the heart of the problem
Gather Data
- Proverbs 18:13
- Tell me about your salvation experience.
- Did you notice any change in your life after you were saved?
- Where you ever baptized? When? What led you to decide to be baptized?
- When did you start doubting your salvation?
- What do you think God is like? What do you think are his thoughts toward you?
- Is there any known sin in your life that you have not been willing to give up?
- Since that initial salvation experience, have you ever prayed again for salvation?
- Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt closer to the Lord than you do now?
- Has there ever been a time in your life when you had consistent daily devotions? How about now?
- Where do you go to church? Are you faithful in attendance?
- (Romans 12:1-2): Calls for believers to surrender their lives to living for God instead of for self. Has there ever been a time when you have given complete control of your life to God? Is that something you want for your life right now?
- How does a person get to heaven? Do you have any Bible verse you can base that on?
Consider what could be causing the doubts?
- False profession—she knows she did not have a genuine conversion experience
- Can’t remember salvation experience, basing it one what others have said
- Sin breaking her fellowship with God/ not walking with God (2 Peter 1:1-10)
- Holy Spirit is prompting to surrender his/her life to God
- Doctrinal confusion (doesn’t believe in eternal security; been taught lordship salvation; believe she may not be chosen for salvation)
- Perfectionistic/ spiritual OCD
Heart of God
- 2 Peter 3:9
- John 12: 32
- Romans 5:7-8
- John 6:37
- Luke 15:10
Romans Road
1. Are you a sinner? (Romans 3:23)
2. What do we all deserve because of our sin? (Romans 6:23a)
3. What did Jesus accomplish for us so that we could be saved (Romans 5:8)
4. How does Jesus provide salvation for us? (Romans 6:23b)
5. What must we do to be saved (Romans 10:9-10)
6. Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and that he is the only way to heaven that you can’t earn your salvation? (John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-9)
7. Have you called upon Jesus to save you? (Note salvation is a heat decision, not based upon a specific prayer.)
8. Then according to Romans 10:13
Next Step
- If he doesn’t know of a time that they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, invite them to pray nor for salvation
- If he knows is saved, deal with the issue that caused the doubts
- Talk about surrender and walking in the Spirit.
All Christians should counsel
- Note: but not all can (Gal 6:1)
1. We must be word filled Christians we read this in Col 3:16 (pg 13)
2. We must all restore brothers and sisters in Christ (pg 14)
3. Remember our restoring is for usefulness in the Body of Christ (pg 14)
4. God has not called us to a ministry of searching out potential counseling cases. If we are looking for cases to counsel—we become a busybody (2 Thessalonians 3:11)
5. Our task is to do good in the area of counseling as the opportunity arises (Gal 6:10) (pg 15)
6. Counseling is neither easy nor simple (pg 19)
7. The key is how counseling is done—this is vital the ultimate goal of our counseling should be00to glorify God (Col 3:23)
- To glorify God means to make him none
Counseling involves
1. Change—this is our aim
2. Confrontation—implies verbal, face to face contact to help that induvial change with love and concern
Concern—This element must always be in place
The early church was not perfect
- You and I don’t have to be perfect to counsel
- If your pastor cannot help you then go somewhere someone can help
- Remember that not all Christian counselors do Christian counseling
The Christian cannot counsel alone. They must have the help from the Holy Spirit
- Reference: John 14:16-17
- His presence in the consoler if absolutely essential to all God pleasing counseling, and it is that presence alone which makes Biblical counseling possible.
Always tell the truth to those you counsel
- Ask your counselee to pray that God will help you find your answer, if you are unsure what it may be
- Your task as the counselor is to minister God’s word
How do you deal with the unsaved
- You cannot counsel the lost
- Precounseling is. Word that should be used for the unbeliever
- Precounseling is the task of presenting Christ to the unbeliever
The Counseling Process (8 Steps)
1. Your counselee should fill out a PDI
2. Go over your PDI shortly after you begin the meeting
3. Ask the question “What is your problem?”
4. Hope should be generated through this counseling session-Romans 15:4, 13
5. Your first session is to gather info about the problems you need to address
6. Give homework for the counselee to work on for the next session
7. Call for a commitment from the counselee
8. Direct counselee to put Christ in his right place