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Alger Hiss
State dept employee accused of being a communist sympathizer during the 2nd red scare, found guilty of perjury
McCarthyism/2nd Red Scare
Senator Joseph McCarthy led the search for communists in America during the early 1950s
people became scared about communism after it started growing
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
committee where McCarthy accused and questioned anyone who he believed held communist beliefs during 2nd red scare
Executive Order 9981
issued by Truman in 1948, officially ended segregation in American military
created by National Security Council, policy papare that said the US needed to heavily invest in military spending and a nuclear arenal--emphasized military force over security
Political party in the election of 1948, southern democrats that wanted segregation to stay--Strom Thurmond ran for election in 1948
Taft-Hartley Act
1948 act passed over Truman's veto, made it illegal for any workplace to be made up of just union workers
Servicemen's Readjustment Act
1944 law benefiting WWII veterans, gave low-interest loans that allowed veterans to pay for college and buy homes
Defense spending in 1950s
- military spending remained strong throughout the 1950s
provided jobs and industry for workers
strengthened by NSC-68 report
Douglas MacArthur and Japan
Supervised the rebuilding of Japan after WWII, was a success
Tehran Conference
1944 meeting between Russia, Britain, and US to talk about the Allied strategy in the war—planned invasion of France and agreed to divide Germany after the war
Yalta Conference
1945, meeting between the USSR, Britain, and US
Stalin promises that the Eastern European countries he took over would have free elections
Later broke promises and installs puppet governments in those countries
Potsdam Conference
conference with the USSR, US, and Britain in order to divide Germany out of the war—turned into East Germany (USSR's section, communist) and West Germany (France, US, and Britain's sections, democratic), with Berlin also divided
Division of Germany
Occured after the WW2 and the Potsdam conference, Germany was divided into four zones controlled by the USSR, France, US, and Britain that turned into East Germany (USSR) and West Germany (France, US, and Britain)
United Nations
An international peacekeeping organization created after WWII in 1945
Formation of Israel
Israel was formally recognized as a new country and Jewish homeland in 1948zio
Collective security
US belief that an aggressor to any one country was an aggressor to everyone, and everyone needed to work together to stop it
Iron Curtain speech
speech by Churchill, says an "iron curtain" has descended across Europe, keeping the Eastern European countries and the USSR hidden from the rest of Europe
US's strategy during the cold war for preventing further expansion of communism—because communism hurts American trade
Long Telegram
1949 telegram written by George Kennan, talked about the history of the USSR and that they were expanding ruthlessly—and that the US needed to do something
George Kennan
American who had been living in the USSR, wrote the long telegram
Truman Doctrine
1947 document by Truman, said US should support countries (Greece and Turkey) threatened by communist insurrection
The countries were struggling, which made them susceptible to turning communist
Gave money to the countries for them to improve economically, which worked
Marshall Plan
the US government response to Europe's unstable government after WWII, joint recovery plan that gave money to Europe to help them rebuild
Berlin Airlift
airlift in 1948 that supplied food and supplies citizens of west Berlin when the USSR blockaded West Berlin (wanted to take control of all of Berlin)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
military alliance of democracies formed to counter Soviet expansion in 1940s
world becomes more divided with polarization between NATO and Soviet union
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations, response to NATO
Chiang Kai-Shek
Leader of Nationalist China during the Chinese Civil War
Mao Tse-Tung
Leader of communist China during the Chinese Civil War
Sino-Soviet pact
1950 nonagression pact signed between Mao and Stalin, solidifies that they will work together to spread communism
a nation with a lot of military power
during Cold War, the two main powers were the US and USSR
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader during Cuban Missile crisis
Process to remove Stalin's effects from Soviet life after his death, including freeing gulag prisoners (which Kruschchev did)
The world's first space satellite, launched by the USSR--showed they were ahead of the US and had a missile powerful enough to reach the US
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US government agency responsible for the space program and space research
U-2 incident
1960 incident where the Soviet military used a guided missile to shoot down an American U-2 spy plane over Soviet territory
Interstate Highway System
created in the late 1950s to connect major American cities and allow fast travel
22nd Amendment
1947 amendment that limited presidents to a max of two terms
Successful CIA effort to remove Jacobo Arbenz, the Guatemalan president, from office
US was worried that Guatemala was susceptible to a communist takeover
Operation AJAX
a successful British-American effort to overthrow Mohammed Mosaddegh, a leader in Iran who was seen as a potential communist helper
Suez Crisis
crisis where Britain and France attempted to seize control of the Suez canal from Egypt
Assassination of Patrice Lumumba
US CIA and Belgium paid Lumumba's enemies to assassinate Congo's leader, Patrice Lumumba
Division of Korea
Divided after Japan was defeated in 1945
North Korea: under Soviet control
South Korea: under US control
Results + Effects of Korean war
- Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel
- ceasefire was signed, but no formal peace treaty--still remains in effect today
Truman used the war as a reason to expand the miltary
showed that containment worked
expands role of executive branch in US
ramps up cold war mentality and tensions towards the USSR
MacArthur and Korea
Led US forces in Korean war
wanted to be more agressive in order to wipe out communism, Truman said no and fired him
Massive Retaliation
Dulles' policy of treating communism, involved buildup of weapons so the US could retaliate if attacked
John Foster Dulles
Eisenhower's secretary of state, had ideas about treating communism harshly--massive retaliation
Military Industrial Complex
Phrase used by Eisenhower in his farewell speech to refer to the relationship between the military and business in the US, says that the arms race has gone out of control and is causing negative effects
Arms race
effect of massive retaliation
Cold war competition between the US and Soviet Union to build up collection of weapons
JFK becomes president
Wins in 1960, democrat
New Frontier
JFK's plan for domestic policies during his time as president
focuses on:
expansion of welfare programs
est Peace Corps
space program: increases funding for NASA
Peace Corps
organization created by JFK where people volunteered in underdeveloped countries to promote peace
Race to the Moon
race between the Soviets and the US to be the first to technologically advance to get to the moon
Air conditioning effect
The invention of air conditioning led to more people moving to the South/Southwest
Population shift in 1950s
Baby boom--more people being born
"The Affluent Society"/"The Other America"
"The Affluent Society": 1958 book that exposed the disparities of middle class vs lower class
"The Other America": 1962 book that revealed disparities in wealth and opportunity
National Defense Education Act
1958, invested in science and technology research and colleges—goal that was being highly educated would help to defeat the Soviets
fancy + affordable suburb in New York
Baby Boom
the larger than expected generation in United States born after World War II bc the war had just ended
Car culture of 1950s
Most people had cars--became a lot more popular
American Bandstand
TV program where live audiences danced to popular music, led to the rise in popularity of rock n roll--showed pop music's impact on young people
Television of 1950s
Became the most important vehicle of information, showed only programs portraying an ideal white, middle-class society
Movement of upper and middle-class people from urban areas to surrounding areas ("suburbs")
Bay of Pigs incident
Unsuccessful invasion of Cuba in 1961, where Cuban rebels trained by Eisenhower attacked the Bay of Pigs in Cuba in hopes of overthrowing dictator Fidel Castro--no one joined them and they were arrested, was an embarassment to the US
Berlin wall
Wall surrounding West Berlin created by Soviet Union, goal was to prevent West Berlin residents from fleeing to the rest of Berlin
Cuban Missile crisis
1962 crisis that arose between the United States and the Soviet Union after the US found missiles in Cuba pointed at the US (although the US had missiles in Turkey pointed at the USSR
Ended after the USSR took their missiles out of Cuba in exchange for the US to not attack and to remove their missiles from Turkey
Flexible response
Term for JFK's approach for conflict, the US thinking and trying to solve a conflict or compromise before immedietly jumping to fight
leads to a reduction in nuclear weapons production but an increase in conventional weapon production
Assasination of JFK
Was shot and killed in 1963 while riding through Dallas in a convertible
Reasons for animosity before Cold War (not ID)
USSR and US are very different (capitalist vs communist)
USSR breaking Yalta Conference promises (not installing puppet govs in Eastern European countries)
US beliefs of containment
Korean war (not ID)
Conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea, the United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea
brinkmanship (not ID)
the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the USSR back down, Dulles belief