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What means "alone, single, or solitary and undivided man"?

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A practice of monks involving self-discipline, prayer, fasting, sacrifice, and piety is called

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St. Lawrence during his "gridiron martyrdom" saying, "I'm done on this side" is an example of

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Worshiping pagan Gods and receiving a "Libellum"

Christian apostates in the Roman Empire avoided persecution by

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Martyr of Charity

A Christian who dies for their faith while doing good works is called a

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St. Francis of Assisi

"Observe the Holy Gospel and obey poverty, chastity, and obedience" is the beginning of whose "Rule"

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Work and Prayer

Praying the Psalter and baking bread to support the monastery is an example of _____ in monasticism

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St. Francis of Assisi

_____ said to "Preach the Gospel at all times, use words when necessary"

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Apostolic Service

St. Ignatius of Loyola said, "love ought to be shown in deeds more than words" to show the meaning of _____

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St. Ignatius had mystical visions in all of the following places except

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Monastic life given that he was a former monk

Pope Gregory I who called himself "servant of the servants of God," was known for promoting ______

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  1. Franciscans - 2) The Dominicans

Who are the preaching, teaching, traveling, beggars that the mendicants called (1) Friars Minor and (2) Preachers are

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St. Ignatius Loyola was repeatedly called to trial by the _____, but was never charged with heresy

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Summa Theologica

The Dominican Friar known as the "Dumb Ox" wrote the ______, a great theological work of the Church

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1552, China, on the island of Sancian of an "acute illness"

When & where did St. Francis Xavier die?

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The Examen and The first Principle and Foundation

What are the first two parts of St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises?

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Hundreds of thousands of Christian Martyrs died under the Roman Empire (think back to the Edict of Milan)

Which statement about the Age of the Martyrs is FALSE

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He was the only Jesuit available to go on the mission

Why was St. Francis Xavier the first Jesuit selected to go on a missionary trip to India?

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The Contemplation to Attain Love

What is the final meditation of the Spiritual Exercises calling one to generosity and service?

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Freedom from disordered desires that lead you away from God

"Indifference" in the spiritual exercises refers to ______

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Apostolic Succession

The Church's teaching authority and leadership passed down from Jesus to the Apostles, to Peter, Popes, Bishops, etc. is ______

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  • Who wants to live in peace and seek reconciliation with enemies

  • Called as stewards of God's creating to care for the wolf

  • Who are made in God's image and likeness (All of the above)

St. Francis criticized the Wolf of Gubbio for attacking other creatures of God and people...

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Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

The modern Church Teaching on human dignity, the preferential option for the poor, etc. outlined in 7 key principles is ______

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Prayed at the cross and heard a voice say "rebuild my church"

At the Church of San Damiano, St. Francis ______

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St. Jerome

The 4th century monk who lived as a hermit and translated the bible into Latin is ______

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  • Letting go of your false self and responding to God's call

  • Finding God in kinship with others and acceptance of yourself

  • Finding your true self while growing closer to God. (All of the above)

The "double journey" involves ______

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St. Augustine of Hippo

The author of The Confessions who was converted by St. Ambrose and is the son of St. Monica is ______

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Fr. Oscar Romero (1917-1980)

A priest, Bishop, and modern-day martyr who was killed while saying mass in El Salvador during the civil war in 1980

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Thomas Merton, SJ

"For me to be a saint means to be myself." Who said this?

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  1. James Martin, SJ

  2. To be a saint means to be yourself

"Everyone's true self is a unique creation of God's"

  1. Who said this?

  2. What does it mean?

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Ignatius of Antioch

The saint who saw his martyrdom as becoming "eucharistic bread" within the "body of Christ" is ______

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St. Ignatius of Loyola

At La Storta God told ______ that he will find favor in Rome asking the pope to start an order

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Going to the desert to live a solitary, isolated life of prayer

In the 4th century, desert monastics resisted the "soft Christianity" of the Empire by ______

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Monastic Rules and Monasteries

Extreme ascetic practices by monks led to creating structures of monastic accountability in ______ and ______

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St. Francis of Assisi and St. Francis of Xavier

Which two saints were known for their rich, egotistical, party-hard styles of life before turning to God?

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  • A key to Ignatian Spirituality

  • Part of Finding God in All Things

  • Essential to the method of discernment (All of the above)

Praying with desires and experiences to make decisions leading to God's will and "true self" is ______

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  • Established and maintained orthodoxy (right belief)

  • Created the canon of scripture and challenged heresy (false teaching)

  • Incorporated greek philosophy to better translate the gospel message (All of above)

The Patristics (church fathers) did which of the following?

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Indifference and Discernment

Ignatius lived the 1st principle of "praise, reverence, and service" to God alone, practicing ______

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  • Having a personal relationship with Jesus/Accepting the call to conversion

  • Being committed to living his message and continuing his mission

  • Being part of a community with other disciples (All of the above)

Which of the following are elements or characteristics of Christian Discipleship?

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Ignatius's term for more faith, hope, and love; deciding with ease, like water drops on a sponge

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Council of Trent (1545-1563)

The Council convened by Pope Paul III that responded to the Protestant reformation and established a renewal of the Church

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Studied for priesthood at University of Paris and sent as a Jesuit missionary to India

Both of the following happened in the Life of St. Francis Xavier

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Liberation Theology

The religious theory founded by Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez in the 1970's that focuses on the Preferential Option For The Poor is called ______

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John XXIII (23rd)

Which pope convened Vatican II to bring an "aggiornamento" or an update to the Church so it could related to the modern world?

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Henri Nouwen

Priest who taught at Harvard, served as a missionary, lived in a monastery, and wrote about being "The Beloved of God"

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The First Principle and Foundation

Mission statement of The Spiritual Exercises that says the goal of our life is to love + serve God and live with Him forever

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Apostolic Succession

What is the term used to describe the continuity of the Church's teaching authority and leadership that is passed on from Jesus and can be traced back to the early Church/Jesus Movement?

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The Council of Jerusalem

In 49 AD the leaders of the early Church gathered to debate the question: "Must Gentile converts follow the Law of Moses by being circumcised, following Jewish dietary laws, and Jewish regulations on cleansing?" This meeting was called:

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Before becoming the Bishop of Hippo in 395 AD, _____ was converted by the preaching of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, and the prayers of his mother, St. Monica. He is known for challenging the heresy of Manichaeism, a religious teaching which claimed the existence of a "Good God" versus a "Bad God" and that all spiritual things were perfect, and all material things were corrupt.

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Ignatius of Antioch

St. _____ was a 2nd century Bishop who was martyred in Rome and wrote numerous letters to the early Christian communities he visited on the journey to his execution, such as the Epistle to the Romans. In this letter he famously wrote: "I am the wheat of God, and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of Christ."

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The First Principle & Foundation

The Spiritual Exercises begins with an idea or "mission statement" which says: "We are created to praise, reverence, and serve God and the goal of our life is to live with God forever." This statement is called:

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Who were the church leaders who took the Jesus movement and turned it into an organized Church?

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Who were the church leaders who took the Jesus movement and turned it into an organized Church?

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Spiritual Exercises

Ignatius of Loyola wrote a manual called ______

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Human Dignity

The Christian view of the human person as made in God's image is the foundation for which important catholic social teaching principle?

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Liberation Theology

Movement emerged from Latin America amidst the time of Oscar Romero and post-Vatican II council

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Vatican II (1962-1965)

______ was a council in which Church leaders discussed the relationship between Roman Catholicism and the modern world. It was unique in that it did not offer any new dogmas or decrees only placed Roman Catholicism in a modern perspective.

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Evangelical Poverty

The charism of the Fransiscans is mainly about ______

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Edict of Milan

313 CE Constantine makes Christianity the primary religion of the Roman Empire and halts official persecution against Christians

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The technique Jesus used to teach; Short stories that use everyday images to communicate religious messages.

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Who was the most prominent voice arguing in the Church's history that Gentiles did not need to become Jewish to become part of the movement?

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Which of Avery Dulles' 6 Models of the Church emphasizes the Church as a visible sign of the Church in the world, both visibly (human) and invisibly (Divine)

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Thomas Merton, SJ

Who pioneered the idea of a True Self & a False Self?

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All of the following are steps of the Ignatian Examen EXCEPT: A. Resist feelings of consolation and remain focused on desolation B. Recall the things you are grateful for C. Review the events of the day by looking back over the past 24 hrs. D. Resolve or commit yourself to positive change or better decisions the next day

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Which of the following statements about the Age of the Martyrs is FALSE? A. Hundreds of thousands of Christians were killed for their faith. B. Christians who denied their faith and sacrificed to the Roman Emperor and the gods became "Apostates." C. Millions of Christians were inspired by the stories of the Martyrs to live a Christian way of life. D. Christians who defended their faith by speaking or writing were called "Apologists."

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The Benedictine charism as it is outlined in the Rule of St. Benedict entails all of the following EXCEPT: A. Ora et Labora (Prayer & Work) B. Obedience to the Abbott or head of the monastery C. Seeking solitude by living alone as a hermit D. Hospitality shown by welcoming the stranger "as Christ"

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Who is the Christian monk who gave up his inheritance and all his possessions to live as a hermit and an ascetic in the desert after hearing the Gospel story of Jesus' command to the rich young man: "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven" (Mt. 19:21)? A. St. Anthony of Egypt B. St. Benedict of Nursia C. St. Pachomius the Great D. St. Gregory the Great

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The word "mendicant" means: A. One who lives as a solitary or alone B. One who lives by begging C. One who lives in stability or a single place D. One who lives a "life in common" with others or in community

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